Do Something Crazy
I preached at a church this past weekend for a youth service and I challenged the congregation to do something non-traditional or crazy in order to reach this present generation. The text that I used in the illustration was from the Gospel according to John, chapter 9, where a man was born blind from birth and the disciples wanted to point blame at either the blind man or his parents. Isn't that just like church folk, to find someone to point a finger at? Well, after the disciples asked Jesus who sinned, Jesus responded by saying neither but that this had come to pass so that God could show Himself strong!
In the midst of a concise and precise piece of exegetical text, Jesus does something crazy and unusual. He spits on the ground. This didn't make sense to me when I read it, and still to this day, it sounds rather abstract and against the norm, but this is what it took to reach the masses, doing something unusual! How many of us are willing to do something unorthodox to reach this generation of young people who are hurting and abandoned? How many are uninhibited with their own personal drama to the point where they can handle the burdens of our youth? Most young people that I talk to on a daily basis across the country look at church as irrelevant because most of what goes on inside the four walls has nothing to do with Monday through Saturday living.
From our choice of music to the style of preaching, our youth are hungry, looking and waiting for people to shed the hype and the drama and the fluff and give them real sincere ministry. The type of ministry that they're looking for is that one-on-one relationship that you only get when you're able to be real and transparent and show them the wounds from your own past and tell how God brought you out. I challenged the congregation to NOT hold the youth to what was done "back in the day" but to encourage them to serve and give God praise in their own way.
In the book of I Samuel, we see where Saul (representing the old school) tried to put his armor on David (representing the new school) so that David could fight Goliath. Well, most of us know the story and David was unable to use King Saul's armor because it was too heavy and it didn't fit him. He had to fight Goliath with his sling shot and with 3 rocks. In other words, he had to fight using what he had because that was what was more comfortable for him. What am I saying? Let young people be themselves and begin understanding where they are coming from before placing judgment.
God said that He is the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. He's the God of the generations, not just in the good times, but in the bad as well. So, this day I challenge you to do something crazy to reach this present generation. Do something that might have the old establishment question your motives or may even get you kicked out of your church, hell, just the other day, one of my young people performed at a club and yours truly went to support. I didn't necessarily care for the joint but it was important to me that the young person saw that I was willing to go where he was in order to reach him. That's all I'm saying, DO SOMETHING THAT DOESN'T MAKE SENSE TO THE OLD SCHOOL because today is a new day and the message doesn't change but the methods have to if we are going to occupy!
Now that's real talk.
Your messages are way too timely.
I have to speak in Illinois on October 20th and 21st, and my presentation for both groups of students(pre-college, undergrad and graduate) are unorthodox. My premise for speaking, like most Morehouse men, is shock treatment. I try to say the things that most people are afraid to say and ask the questions most dare not ask. So what I'm saying is thank you doc. I especially appreciate the twist you put on this particular message. Keep uplifting youth. It's a tough job, but somebody's born to do it.
Peace and Power,
I see a trend in "Youth Ministry" to change the way we do church to reach the youth and I agree, the way we do church needs to change. But I'm not in favor of conforming to the world to reach the youth. It's not working for the older generation, why would it work for the youth.
I minister to high school and college age youth. They come in to our ministry at about an even percentage ( 50% unchurched, 50% from another ministry). And I find that for the majority they are both on about the same spiritual level. If that doesn't say something about our new "youth ministry" tactics, I don't know what does. This seeker sensitive aproach at reaching our youth is only producing carnal church goers.
You use the example of Saul trying to put his armour on David to represent the church trying to force their methods on our youth and it not fitting. I agree, but it is because the church today has lost it's first Love. If we send our young people out into the world to fight their Goliaths with swords and spears we will loose them. You can't fight the Devil on his terms, the very one that in the garden of Eden caused perfection to fail; the very one who's pipes and organs were so beautifully aranged in his body that he talked one third of the angles to rebel against God almighty. The picture of David not wearing Sauls armour is not that it didn't fit, it was about David knowing something that Saul and we missed. David couldn't beat Goliath especialy on his terms(1Sam17:47)But God could.
This new trend in youth ministry reminds me more of the story of the rich young ruler. "Luke 18:18 Good master, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?" Master means "teacher" that is exactally what we are doing trying to "TEACH" them how to get to heaven. While we are teaching them, the are still living in the world and we are camping out with them there all in the name of evangelism. They are not seeing Gods shining lights, his salt of the earth. All they are seeing are a few middle aged "adolecent wannna bees" trying to act like the world to win them to Christ. Sad!
Paul says to preach Christ crusified, not with wisdom of words unless the cross becomes of no effect. Standing in the vendors section at the NYWC a couple of years ago God spoke to me and said "this isn't my church they are building". Up until that time I would have agreed wth you 100% because I was trying in every way to be relevent to the world for the sake of our youth. And it wasn't working. Since that moment I through down every book telling how to do youth ministry and picked up the bible and got on my knees and asked God what he wanted of me. He said to preach the gospel and leave the church building up to me.
I see hope from this generation in our church now. No amount of words can express what God is doing with our youth now. Most of our youth have a deeper and more stable relationship with the lord than our adults do. We changed the way we did church, we picked up Gods word and became more fundemental, turning our back on the world (tempral) and started looking for the eternal. You are right when you say our youth are hungry. But it is not the world they want, they want the real truth, they want Jesus. So why are we trying to offer them what they done have.
I hope this word has helped in some way.
May the Lord forever bless you,
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