Keep Pushing
When my sister was in the hospital delivering her son, Isaiah, the closer she got to delivery the more pain she would have to endure because her body was enlarging so that the baby could pass through her womb. It was a painful experience for her, but as well for me because as her brother I didn't like seeing her look the way she did. Nothing personal but she didn't look like the gorgeous sister that I was used to seeing. But she had good reason to look the way she did because her body was going through so much torment and travail in giving birth that, to her, it wasn't a time to try to "save face" and look cute. Her main objective was to get what was inside of her OUT!
The doctor was there to only instruct because at that point, she couldn't do anything to alleviate the process. It was what it was, so I say to you today, it is what it is! This is a very uncomfortable place in your life because you have to completely rely on the Holy Spirit and not on your own psyche. The natural mind cannot comprehend the spiritual things so your discernment has got to be activated for where you are going. Keep pushing because you are close! You are very close to giving birth to Destiny!
The joy of the entire process is that once you are done pushing, the joy of holding what was on the inside takes over and the pain that you had to endure seems so minimal! So, I'll say to you one more time...KEEP PUSHING, YOU ARE ALMOST THERE!
There must be a real annointing in there somewhere. :) Thanks alot.
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