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Real LYFE: Let's Talk About Sex

Monday, May 09, 2005

Let's Talk About Sex

People tend to shy away from discussions about real life issues such as sex, but I, for one am always wanting to delve deeper because I know that young people are searching for answers…and if I don’t talk about it, they’ll just turn on the television and listen to some fool who decides to add their two cents to the issue.

It’s not easy in this world. Sex is a part of our makeup as people and if the truth be told, everybody wants as much as they can get!!! I don’t mean to offend anyone but it’s true. If there are three things that we want as much of as we can get, it’s power, money, and sex! I have to thank God each and every day because some days are better than others...sometimes it gets rough...and I'm referring to the sexual struggle on this journey called “life” that very few people talk about it. I’m not just talking about abstinence for single people because there are married people who still yet struggle. Just because someone is married doesn’t mean that his or her struggle in the mind has come to an end.

There are people all over this world, and I’m talking about leaders and laymen alike, hurting...craving to be loved...longing for their innermost desires to be met...and where can they turn for real help?

I need something more out of life than a make-believe three-point sermon. I need to be able to go somewhere and get a word that is going to penetrate the very recesses of my soul.

Enough of the's time to be real. Where do people go when they have an uncontrollable sexual craving that, if not met, well you know how the story goes...they'll find a way to meet that need themselves...I mean how do people hold on when they feel there is nothing else to hold on to!

Most people, like I used to, think that it's just sexual...think it's just about the instant gratification! But it goes deeper than that...and the horrible thing is that very few places in our community are really set up to deal with the person who struggles sexually, the drug addict has a place to go, but what about the sex addict?

The number of pregnancies out of wedlock and the statistics of persons infected with an STD or even HIV are steadily increasing. It’s time to get real and be real with ourselves about what’s going on in our urban communities. And you thought the Jewish holocaust was something? At the rate that people are getting infected with HIV today, you ain’t seen nothin’ yet!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

SEX along with every other subject that is plaguing our youth, young adults and adults alike are very necessary to be addressed in the very place that people come looking for a way out - CHURCH!!! If church stop being used for everything else but healing, deliverance and NEW LIFE then we could get somehwere. I don't know why it is so taboo in the "church" and that is where the most sex is going on!!! We (saints of God) must get to the point wehre we don't care what someone will say about us (they are going to say it anyway - if not now they will say it when you are gone) and pull off the mask and be REAL FOR GOD!!! We have the whole world watching us and can rightfully ridicule us on every hand because of our lack of power!! WE HAVE THE AUTHORITY TO TAKE BACK EVERYTHING SATAN HAS STOLEN - music, money and yes SEX!!!! Pastor Rich is so right with it being far deeper than just a moment of gratification. Becuase if you never deal with the sexual immorality that was passed on to you from previous generations plus your own stuff you will just be "maintaining". We are not mechanical we don't need maintenance - we are humans we need love, respect, protection, etc. Let me go further, we can talk about abstinence all day long becuase that only allows us to convince the world that if they see us with no one then we are abstinent - but if your only sexual partner is yourself then you are still feeding your sexual immorality and sinning as the day is long! Yes, it goes far deeper than staying away becuase all that has been deposited inside of you is still in there and you have to get to where you allow God himself to go in and remove ALL THAT IS NOT OF HIM - ESPECIALLY THOSE THINGS THAT YOU FEEL NO ONE ELSE KNOWS ABOUT! THE WORD OF GOD covers it all!!!! Yes there is even a way of escape from yourself - God knew that this day would come (whatever day it is for you at this point in your spiritual walk) I have learned that it takes the support of respectful, trusting saints, much prayer, consistently feeding your spiritual man and trusting God at His Word - both the promises and the curses! Remember that our does not set us up for failure - He knows the plans He has for us!!!

10:34 AM  

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