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Real LYFE: Uncovering the Mystery Within

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Uncovering the Mystery Within

When I’m alone, I’m at my point of greatest vulnerability. Why is that? Well, for one, because there is no one else to deal with or talk with, but me. The things that go thru my mind when I am left alone surprise me. I can really see who I am for real when I am alone. When I’m sitting in a house, apartment, or office and I hear the things that are going thru my head. WOW! Some things I know beyond a shadow of a doubt, I could get away with. But I reflect and ponder. I sit waiting for something to happen…what? I can’t say for sure.

Why do I do many of the things that I do? What am I really in search for? What is it? Affirmation? Acceptance? There are so many things that I could get myself involved in…and there are so many things from my past that I honestly would love to do if just for one more go around…but, yet I still hold out because that’s not what I really desire. Yes, the instant gratification is nice, but I still am left empty.

Have you ever sat down and asked yourself why you do the things you do? Have you ever really thought about that and realized that you have had the same experiences with the past few relationships? This is one of those questions that make you go Hmmmm? You can’t rush through this one. Everything hinges on what you discover right here.

I must warn you, you may not be ready for what you discover about yourself. For many it will be very painful, but you have to keep in mind that you’re attempting to discover the mysteries that lurk deep within the soul. This is un-chartered territory for many of you, but I challenge you to be bold and courageous and uncover the stuff that always gets you caught up in a snag. I have to be honest, at first, I was scared because I didn’t know what I was going to uncover about myself, but afterward, I found a redemptive freedom unlike anything I had experienced before in my life. What will you discover about yourself that you’ve been afraid of facing, if and only if, you’re brave enough to take the challenge?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't u wish church people taught us that Abstinence was painful? I agree with Pastor Rich in identifying the complete lack of capacity of many churches to deal with the sexual addict. Typically when this term is mentioned most of us think of the peeping Tom, Chester the Molester, pornography conosseiurs, or prostitutes or just plain old ho's.

The reality is that most saints who struggle with the issue of sex are none of these. They are just people with a healthy, but enhanced, sexual appetite or desire (as my sister "hisdaugter") stated in her comments yesterday

I've found that people who struggle with this issue aren't even real sex addicts, but would better classify as excitement or busy-ness addicts. Most of these people just need something to do that gives them the rush of good, eye-popping, toe-curling, endorphin-creating sex. And that's the problem.

Most things that create those overwhelming emotions and senses of ecstasy are things we should avoid. Namely, drugs, alcohol, gambling. Most saints substitute their real vice for a lesser one or take a somewhat benign activity to the extreme. For example, I put overeating or excessive excersing on the same coninuum with sex addiction, just on the opposite side.

Think about it...overeating and excessive exercising can lead to obsession or depression just like sex! What are we to do? This process of substitution or elimination is painful and still unfulfilling. Yet we continuously feed people this method in addressing their sexual desires.

It almost makes me angry.

I think church people/leaders need to keep it real and talk about the difficulty (prayer warrior and Bible studier or not) in practicing sexual purity/abstinence/chastity/and all the like. And help people develop their personal PURITY PLAN...almost like a weight watchers plan. :)

10:07 PM  

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