Man UP
It’s amazing when I look at the animals and how much sense they have…I always wonder why we, humans, the ones who God blew His breath in act so ignorant! I am amazed at the sense that the animals had over where the Tsunami hit months ago. Looking at the news and seeing all the corpses it’s a wonder that all of the animals were up in the hills and mountains. Just the humans were the ones who died. That day began as a wonderful day. That day was very peaceful and out of nowhere an earthquake took place on the ocean floor, SUDDENLY. It’s as if the animals knew that something wasn’t right, something was out of joint and they ran for cover, but, us, what were we doing? We were probably going on with the day as planned, shopping, drinking, getting high, sexin’ so on and so forth…dancin’ to the world’s wonderful music. In the book of Romans, chapter 8, the scripture reads that creation is groaning, waiting for the emergence of the sons and daughters of God! Well, my question is where are the real sons and daughters of God who can discern the times?
I’m perplexed and troubled because the animals had enough sense to get the hell out of dodge and run for cover, but man had no clue…God told us in His word that the earth is under our feet and He also gave us dominion over the animals but we refuse to operate in our God given authority. Well, the generations are coming up behind us waiting for us adults to get our act together and be who God ordained us to be. We were placed here to bring life to others, not get caught up with who likes us and who doesn’t. We are here to disturb the established man-made religious systems but we refuse to walk the walk. We’re more satisfied with positions but NO Influence! We’re satisfied with the façade of looking like we are religious, but we have no REAL RELATIONSHIP with the God, the Father. I don’t know about you, but I’m tired of the same ole’ sh__. Excuse me if I offend you for a minute, but too many of our young people are dying for us to be going on with business as usual.
It reminds me of the day of the 911 attacks, we were having a wonderful day. It was bout 9am in the morning for me, and I was on my way to vote in a primary election. Then, SUDDENLY, the nation came under attack. It was a sudden attack that led the United States Congress to pray on the steps of the nations capitol. It was cute, but the true reason for the prayer was that they were scurred as hell! If the truth be told and you were keepin’ it real, you were scared too! Time is out for the games that we’ve been playing and whether or not you like me, we all have a job to do but we find more consolation in going to the club to find a freak for the night. Why is that? In a season when AIDS is spreading at an alarming rate, why do we still insist on putting ourselves at risk? Why do we stay connected to those things that can kill us? Why? The question today is why do we continue to go down the same road of destruction when we know the result is death? Don’t our children deserve better?
We’ve got to bust through the walls that continue to divide us and come together. We’ve got to realize that it’s bigger than us. It’s about generations unborn. If we can’t deal with our own mess, how do you think the next generation is going to end up? Or will they even have a chance at living, period? I don’t know if you realize this but there is a war waging against our children and if we continue to avoid US, then the next generation will not only have to deal with their mess, but they’ll have to deal with ours as well. I was reading in the scripture where King Saul was given an order to kill the Amalekites in I Samuel 15, but didn’t. I don’t have time to get into the entire story, but because of his disobedience in not killing ALL of the Amalekites, in the first chapter of II Samuel, we find that an Amalekite killed him at Saul’s own request. Isn’t that amazing? Saul’s disobedience caught up with him all those years later.
And just like Saul, so it is with many of us. We refuse to deal with the sin in our own life and we stand judgmental at others for the sin in their life. Because it may be inconvenient to deal with our indiscretions, we tend to think that they’ll just go away, but unfortunately, the scripture tells us that the sins of the fathers (mothers too) are visited upon the children to the third and fourth generations! That’s a lot of people that have to pay for your sins don’t you think? The ills of society are directly related to the sins in our personal lives and the question is how long will go on as business as usual? There is work that has to be done. I know my role in the bigger picture, do you? Here’s a hint: What is the biggest challenge you face in life or that you are afraid to face? Can you answer this question? Did you get afraid just thinking about it? Some of you may have, I know I did when I first faced my biggest challenge. But what I feared more than anything was what would happen if I didn’t do what I was put on this earth to do? How would the next generation fare up if I didn’t address my struggle in dealing with men? How would the next generation end up if I didn’t level with them about HIV/AIDS? We’ve got some serious issues facing us as a community, no, as a nation. And we can’t have punks, those who are afraid of what people will say about them, leading us. That’s like the blind leading the blind!
It’s time to Man UP and lead for the next generation! They’re so desperate for leadership they’ll follow anybody that’s willing to go out on a limb!!!
I’m perplexed and troubled because the animals had enough sense to get the hell out of dodge and run for cover, but man had no clue…God told us in His word that the earth is under our feet and He also gave us dominion over the animals but we refuse to operate in our God given authority. Well, the generations are coming up behind us waiting for us adults to get our act together and be who God ordained us to be. We were placed here to bring life to others, not get caught up with who likes us and who doesn’t. We are here to disturb the established man-made religious systems but we refuse to walk the walk. We’re more satisfied with positions but NO Influence! We’re satisfied with the façade of looking like we are religious, but we have no REAL RELATIONSHIP with the God, the Father. I don’t know about you, but I’m tired of the same ole’ sh__. Excuse me if I offend you for a minute, but too many of our young people are dying for us to be going on with business as usual.
It reminds me of the day of the 911 attacks, we were having a wonderful day. It was bout 9am in the morning for me, and I was on my way to vote in a primary election. Then, SUDDENLY, the nation came under attack. It was a sudden attack that led the United States Congress to pray on the steps of the nations capitol. It was cute, but the true reason for the prayer was that they were scurred as hell! If the truth be told and you were keepin’ it real, you were scared too! Time is out for the games that we’ve been playing and whether or not you like me, we all have a job to do but we find more consolation in going to the club to find a freak for the night. Why is that? In a season when AIDS is spreading at an alarming rate, why do we still insist on putting ourselves at risk? Why do we stay connected to those things that can kill us? Why? The question today is why do we continue to go down the same road of destruction when we know the result is death? Don’t our children deserve better?
We’ve got to bust through the walls that continue to divide us and come together. We’ve got to realize that it’s bigger than us. It’s about generations unborn. If we can’t deal with our own mess, how do you think the next generation is going to end up? Or will they even have a chance at living, period? I don’t know if you realize this but there is a war waging against our children and if we continue to avoid US, then the next generation will not only have to deal with their mess, but they’ll have to deal with ours as well. I was reading in the scripture where King Saul was given an order to kill the Amalekites in I Samuel 15, but didn’t. I don’t have time to get into the entire story, but because of his disobedience in not killing ALL of the Amalekites, in the first chapter of II Samuel, we find that an Amalekite killed him at Saul’s own request. Isn’t that amazing? Saul’s disobedience caught up with him all those years later.
And just like Saul, so it is with many of us. We refuse to deal with the sin in our own life and we stand judgmental at others for the sin in their life. Because it may be inconvenient to deal with our indiscretions, we tend to think that they’ll just go away, but unfortunately, the scripture tells us that the sins of the fathers (mothers too) are visited upon the children to the third and fourth generations! That’s a lot of people that have to pay for your sins don’t you think? The ills of society are directly related to the sins in our personal lives and the question is how long will go on as business as usual? There is work that has to be done. I know my role in the bigger picture, do you? Here’s a hint: What is the biggest challenge you face in life or that you are afraid to face? Can you answer this question? Did you get afraid just thinking about it? Some of you may have, I know I did when I first faced my biggest challenge. But what I feared more than anything was what would happen if I didn’t do what I was put on this earth to do? How would the next generation fare up if I didn’t address my struggle in dealing with men? How would the next generation end up if I didn’t level with them about HIV/AIDS? We’ve got some serious issues facing us as a community, no, as a nation. And we can’t have punks, those who are afraid of what people will say about them, leading us. That’s like the blind leading the blind!
It’s time to Man UP and lead for the next generation! They’re so desperate for leadership they’ll follow anybody that’s willing to go out on a limb!!!
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