Headed for self-destruction!
THE QUESTION WAS ASKED BY AN ANONYMOUS WRITER: How can we relate when we don’t know how?
This is a great question that first has to be realized in the heart before you can get to the root of the problem. We are living in a world where the divorce rate is at an alarming rate. Single parent households are increasing and yet even more babies are being born to babies. Why is all this taking place? I’LL TELL YOU WHY: We have a relation problem. Let me explain.
Most of us don’t know how to relate to one another because we don’t know who we are. We have no clue as to what our purpose and destiny is. Don’t believe me? Let’s go a little deeper. In a man’s mind, they relate to a woman by having sex. This defines who they are…the number of “nutts” that they can get off…by how loud the woman gets while performing for her…and how many different names she can call him while he’s manipulating her body to make her feel good. Do you get that? For her to call him GOD, and you know that’s what a lot of women call their man when he’s doing them GOOD, he’s got to perform sexually. Now lets go a little deeper, why is it that men feel they are not a man if they aren’t sexin’ somebody? It’s a strange but true question.
Now lets see if we can uncover something right here, a man who doesn’t know who he is will stop at nothing to find someone, anyone, who will make him feel like a man…because it’s in his nature. Whereas, a man, who is confident in who he is, understands his purpose and destiny and knows that the enemy is hot on his track, he’ll be a little more reserved in his quest to get his rocks OFF! If you feel me…
When I look at this generation…and I’m really referring to 40 years of age on down, we see a generation of misfits, both men and women, trying to get in where they fit in. Sexin’ like it’s going out of business because they are so desperate for acceptance and affirmation, they’ll put their own life on the line just to feel loved for a MOMENT! And in the final analysis of things, that’s all it really is…A MOMENT. Once the thrill is gone, for men that is, we run the risk of losing our heart if we aren’t careful because there are a lot of women out here who will take our heart and then be out the door! Have you ever wondered why some of your friends (men) were confident before they met who they thought was Ms. Right all to see them become a stalker? Before they met the chick, they had their stuff together. Before they met who they thought was Ms. Right, they weren’t abusive, but after they made that soul tie, then you saw your friend self-destruct before your very eyes! Well, let me tell you why, Ms. Right took more than the orgasm…she took his self-esteem, she took his destiny and vision and because she had it, he was locked up and couldn’t move forward because she had his belongings in her soul. I’ve seen this happen on both sides of the track, with men and women, and the truth of the matter is we have to discover who we are BEFORE we hook up with the opposite sex because time and time again, we fall into the trap of defining ourselves through the affirmation of sex!
It amazes me as to how carefree we have become as a people! I don’t understand when the rates of infection are at an all-time high…it seems we should be more careful than we are. For instance, I was just talking to some friends in the ATL the other day and they were telling me that they banged the same chick in the same day…just a few hours apart! I mean, MY GOD! And the kicker is, neither of them used protection on the chick!!! What’s up with that?
This is our generation folks…the number of AIDS and HIV cases is on the rise, not to mention that STDs are being transmitted like there’s a sale going on at the mall…and still, with all of this, we still don’t prepare ourselves for war! We refuse to see the scheme of the enemy as it pertains to our destiny being robbed from us by someone we barely know! Have you ever thought about the number of visionaries who were snuffed out from AIDS over a piece of tail? If the grave could speak and tell us the doctors, lawyers, scientists, etc…and even more, the fathers, mothers and children who have been devoured because of our lack of self-control…all because of our need to be affirmed!
I don’t know about you, but this is REAL TALK for yo azz!!!!!! This is the stuff that we need to talk about when meet up for church on Sundays…cuz, FOR THE MOST PART, it seems as if everybody in the church seems to get off on passing partners around! It’s amazing, I can’t understand how I’d feel if I was in a church service and the lady sitting across the aisle from me was someone that I had just banged with the night before!!! I know some people don’t think about that, but don’t get off on that type of stuff…there’s got to be some decency and some order if we’re going to direct our children into a brighter day!
While there are scandalous women, men can be just as scandalous so it’s not one sided but what I do tell my kids is that it takes two to tango!!!! But the question is…is it worth it? With all the diseases that are being transferred on a daily basis like money from a bank account, is it worth it to sleep around, if you get up with something that takes more than a shampoo to get rid of??? If you can even get rid of it period!
I’m tired of us sugar coating sh!$ all the time when our children are at stake! Working with young people of all ages and even young adults, I see the seriousness of today and with all that I’ve been through, and with all the faith that I can muster…I’M SENDING OUT THE ALARM to tell you be careful cuz you may be the one that gets the BUSINESS on your next trip to the doctor’s office!!!
This is a great question that first has to be realized in the heart before you can get to the root of the problem. We are living in a world where the divorce rate is at an alarming rate. Single parent households are increasing and yet even more babies are being born to babies. Why is all this taking place? I’LL TELL YOU WHY: We have a relation problem. Let me explain.
Most of us don’t know how to relate to one another because we don’t know who we are. We have no clue as to what our purpose and destiny is. Don’t believe me? Let’s go a little deeper. In a man’s mind, they relate to a woman by having sex. This defines who they are…the number of “nutts” that they can get off…by how loud the woman gets while performing for her…and how many different names she can call him while he’s manipulating her body to make her feel good. Do you get that? For her to call him GOD, and you know that’s what a lot of women call their man when he’s doing them GOOD, he’s got to perform sexually. Now lets go a little deeper, why is it that men feel they are not a man if they aren’t sexin’ somebody? It’s a strange but true question.
Now lets see if we can uncover something right here, a man who doesn’t know who he is will stop at nothing to find someone, anyone, who will make him feel like a man…because it’s in his nature. Whereas, a man, who is confident in who he is, understands his purpose and destiny and knows that the enemy is hot on his track, he’ll be a little more reserved in his quest to get his rocks OFF! If you feel me…
When I look at this generation…and I’m really referring to 40 years of age on down, we see a generation of misfits, both men and women, trying to get in where they fit in. Sexin’ like it’s going out of business because they are so desperate for acceptance and affirmation, they’ll put their own life on the line just to feel loved for a MOMENT! And in the final analysis of things, that’s all it really is…A MOMENT. Once the thrill is gone, for men that is, we run the risk of losing our heart if we aren’t careful because there are a lot of women out here who will take our heart and then be out the door! Have you ever wondered why some of your friends (men) were confident before they met who they thought was Ms. Right all to see them become a stalker? Before they met the chick, they had their stuff together. Before they met who they thought was Ms. Right, they weren’t abusive, but after they made that soul tie, then you saw your friend self-destruct before your very eyes! Well, let me tell you why, Ms. Right took more than the orgasm…she took his self-esteem, she took his destiny and vision and because she had it, he was locked up and couldn’t move forward because she had his belongings in her soul. I’ve seen this happen on both sides of the track, with men and women, and the truth of the matter is we have to discover who we are BEFORE we hook up with the opposite sex because time and time again, we fall into the trap of defining ourselves through the affirmation of sex!
It amazes me as to how carefree we have become as a people! I don’t understand when the rates of infection are at an all-time high…it seems we should be more careful than we are. For instance, I was just talking to some friends in the ATL the other day and they were telling me that they banged the same chick in the same day…just a few hours apart! I mean, MY GOD! And the kicker is, neither of them used protection on the chick!!! What’s up with that?
This is our generation folks…the number of AIDS and HIV cases is on the rise, not to mention that STDs are being transmitted like there’s a sale going on at the mall…and still, with all of this, we still don’t prepare ourselves for war! We refuse to see the scheme of the enemy as it pertains to our destiny being robbed from us by someone we barely know! Have you ever thought about the number of visionaries who were snuffed out from AIDS over a piece of tail? If the grave could speak and tell us the doctors, lawyers, scientists, etc…and even more, the fathers, mothers and children who have been devoured because of our lack of self-control…all because of our need to be affirmed!
I don’t know about you, but this is REAL TALK for yo azz!!!!!! This is the stuff that we need to talk about when meet up for church on Sundays…cuz, FOR THE MOST PART, it seems as if everybody in the church seems to get off on passing partners around! It’s amazing, I can’t understand how I’d feel if I was in a church service and the lady sitting across the aisle from me was someone that I had just banged with the night before!!! I know some people don’t think about that, but don’t get off on that type of stuff…there’s got to be some decency and some order if we’re going to direct our children into a brighter day!
While there are scandalous women, men can be just as scandalous so it’s not one sided but what I do tell my kids is that it takes two to tango!!!! But the question is…is it worth it? With all the diseases that are being transferred on a daily basis like money from a bank account, is it worth it to sleep around, if you get up with something that takes more than a shampoo to get rid of??? If you can even get rid of it period!
I’m tired of us sugar coating sh!$ all the time when our children are at stake! Working with young people of all ages and even young adults, I see the seriousness of today and with all that I’ve been through, and with all the faith that I can muster…I’M SENDING OUT THE ALARM to tell you be careful cuz you may be the one that gets the BUSINESS on your next trip to the doctor’s office!!!
Wow, I never looked at it like that! TRUE DAT!
You hit on some TRUTH in your thoughts for today! I agree with you wholeheartedly, but my question is this: How can we as a generation teach the up and coming generation when we ourselves have not really gotten down to the CORE issues? I mean WHY is it that we are so easily mislead as it pertains to sex? Is it more than just not knowing who we are? What is really at the bottom of this?
Some of us have used the circumstances from the past to dictate our stupidy! Yeah we may have been raped, molested, abused and abandoned, but man we have got to move on! I to am tired of the excuses of why we do what we do. How long will we continue to pat, and cater to the OLD wounds? Why can't we just deal with it and move on. You are right about the statistics, there are too many people DYING from a avoidable cause. My cry is to STOP THE MADNESS, GET RID OF THE EXCUSES AND MOVE ON, BECAUSE WE ARE NOT ONLY HINDERING OURSELVES BUT THOSE WHO COME BEHIND US. Keep on the reality brother, we need it and personally I want it, get in my face, because it is the TRUTH THAT WILL MAKE US FREE! I want the truth, nothing but the truth and yeah I can handle it!
Keep up the blogs Pastor Rich...keep it real! I appreciate your consistency in addressing what alot of people are scared to talk about!
I remember how I used to have sex unprotected with no regard and I can only thank God that I didn't catch anything that I couldn't get rid of!
You raise some serious issues! I'm going to have my pastor check out your blog site!
You don't offend me!!! I like the use of the language!!! I want it uncensored!!! I think you're more effective this way...
I don't know what you've encountered in your personal life in the past few weeks, but your blogs have gotten alot better! Not to say they weren't good before because they were, but in the past, maybe, two weeks, they have been straight up OFF DA HOOK! THIS IS THAT REAL DEAL SHIT!!!!
Pastor Rich!!! How do you do this??? You are reading my mind! This is my passion right here...dealing with real life situations and stuff! Wow, do you take speaking engagements? I'd love for my kids to hear you! Hell, not just my kids...the parents too!
Pastor Rich,
I've been longing for someone...anyone to address real life topics and situations! I haven't even been going to church because I got tired of the jumping and dancing and no internal changes in the lives of those around me. My pastor never deals with the situations that I'm dealing with on a day-to-day basis. Thank you for being who God ordained you to be. I especially appreciate your ability to put IT out there raw! I'm like the other anonymous writer, i can handle it...just keep it coming! Please let us know when God elevates you to being a Senior Pastor...I'll have to move wherever you are! Shoot, I'll say good bye to Houston, Texas in a heartbeat! God Bless you and do keep the commentary coming!
Mary T
Pastor Rich I agree wholeheartedly with you. I too am sick and tired of the nonchalant attitude that most people come to the church with when it comes to sex. Ho's and sluts come in and leave the same way they come...it's a trip. NO CONVICTION! Don't get me wrong, I think that the responsibility is on the leadership. It's in the presentation. Most people look at the church as a medical clinic...when, in actuality, it should be boot camp...a place to prepare for the war that looms out in the world! But then again, if the leadership in the church doesn't see the need to purify the church of the sex, then who are we?
I'm not saying that sluts and ho's are the only ones that are messing up the church, I believe in deliverance...and redemption, and hope but it's the attitude that people bring in the church and then use the excuse of "God knows my heart!" That's what pisses me off. Pastor Rich, we all struggle, don't get me wrong because you share your struggle with whoever reads this blog site, but you're transparent with your issues, which helps us see the Christ in you! I'm tired of seeing preachers act like they're perfect while they have a choir stand full of pimps, prostitutes, sluts, pedofiles, etc. And everybody is crying, jumping, flipping, and foaming at the mouth. When does TRANSFORMATION take place?
Atlanta, GA
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