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Real LYFE: Who are you fooling?

Monday, July 11, 2005

Who are you fooling?

Each and every one of us, if we'd really be honest is dealing or struggling with an issue that has kept you from walking in what God had ordained for you to walk in years ago! The scripture tells us in Hebrews 12: 1, "to lay aside every weight and sin which does so easily beset us..." and in Galatians 5, we are told, "You ran well, who interrupted you that you ended up not finishing your course..." Time and time again...we've gone down to the altar to be delivered from the same thing! I don't know about you, but I'm tired of that. I need ”shonuff” deliverance. I need to know that I'm in the will of God and I need to make sure the enemy knows that he has no victory in my life. It is him, the enemy that has had me going around day after day, faking the funk for people...making them believe that I was something that I know I'm not! What is it going to take for us to get real with the Lord about where we are on this journey? I don't know about you...but knowing that my children are at stake provokes me to get up out of my slumber...knowing that my grandchildren are waiting on me to get to my destination provokes me to get up...knowing that the lives of those that I've been pouring into are of no effect because of the hindrances in my life...cuz all I've done was transfer the same mediocre spirit into the next generation. We often wonder why our children are the way they are.... well most of the time...they got the same spirit from us! We have to check our crowds and rid ourselves of people who are bringing us down! We've got to rid ourselves of the spirit of infirmity, the spirit of greed, the spirit of entitlement, these spirits have been deceiving us into believing that we were okay and that somebody owed us something...
The enemy in-a-me has played me for the last time...I'm going to get up...and submit to the voice of God! Submit until it hurts...until I'm dead to me...then and only then will my labor not be in vain!!! I don't want to do all that I'm doing...and see no transformation in the lives of our youth...they're worth it to me...I don’t' know about you...but they're well worth the sacrifice! It's time to tell the devil that he will no longer have a stronghold on us and get us twisted up and cause us to grow weary and faint!

It's time to arise and take dominion and lay aside what we've been covering up! Because in the final analysis, you ain't foolin' anyone but yoself!



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