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Real LYFE: The questions of life - Why? What? Where? How? Who?

Thursday, July 07, 2005

The questions of life - Why? What? Where? How? Who?

This is a question that many people ask themselves…but more so, they ask God! Why did _______ happen to me the way it did? Why was I the one that grew up without a father? Why was I molested? Why was I raped? Why did my mommy abuse me? What did I do so wrong? Why did I have to pay my own way through school, but my friend had a trust fund that paid their complete tuition? Why was my family the one with all the illegitimate children running around? Why did my grandmother end up having to raise me? Why is my daddy not around to cheer me on at my softball games? Why is it that I walk into the mall and I’m looked at as if I’ve committed a crime? Who am I? What am I doing here? How did I get to this stage of life? What is the meaning of all this tragedy in the world? Why all the child murders? Who could hurt an innocent child? Why would anybody want to hurt an innocent child? How did my daddy end up on death row? Will I ever see him other than behind bars? Will I ever be able to ask my mom about her childhood, because I’ve never even met her? What did I do that made her give me up to strangers for adoption? Who? What? When? Where? Why?

The questions of life…so many of us spend an entire life searching for answers. It’s amazing thinking about how much time is spent throughout the day wondering the who’s, what’s, etc. of life. I could have allowed myself to get so encumbered and wrapped up in the whirlwind of discovery that I could have wound up missing out on life! Let me explain, we have all been sent to this earth for purpose and destiny. Everyone’s life is going to be different, so don’t let yourself get caught up looking at the hand that someone is dealt. Most times we complain because our life isn’t the way we want it to go…in our eyes, everything that could go wrong, does go wrong! In our eyes, life’s a drag! In our eyes, the world is out to get us! In our eyes, it seems as if God has forsaken us…and the truth of the matter is, if that’s your perception, unfortunately that becomes your reality.

I used to complain and wonder why my dad had to die when he did. At the age of 25, I was just beginning to stand on my own…and all of a sudden TRAGEDY! One phone call altered my entire life! The frame that I had built of my world came crashing down and, to me; I had to start all over from scratch! I could have let that one situation, be the end of all life, but I had something inside of me that said that there was more!!!! There was more to life than just my dad…I couldn’t throw in the towel…I asked myself, if my dad were here, what would he do? Would he want me to be complaining or would he tell me to get up and LIVE? Hmmm…Makes you wonder why all of the extra shenanigans of life? Why all the drama? Why couldn’t life be a little bit simpler…why does it feel like I go from one extreme to another? I can’t tell you how many times I jump when the phone rings now, knowing that it could be a call about another tragic misfortune…I can’t tell you the number of times I get up in the middle of the night to check and make sure my sister and mother are still breathing…you’ll never really know or be able to understand the days on end that I wonder about my own health. My theme for living has become the question, “When I die, will it matter that I was even born?” Any day could be my last and at this point of my life, I’m not so enamored with the questions of life - who, what, when, where, why, and how any longer. If I allow the questions to take my attention, I’ll never go any further than yesterday, for fear of the unknown. Hell, that’s why – that’s why all the stuff can happen in the world…murders, crime, abuse, abandonment, etc. It all happens because people allow themselves to get frozen in a stagnant state of stolidity and would rather reach back to yesterday and MAKE things happen, rather than ride the waves of life to wherever or whomever it may bring them!

In the midst of everything I’ve been through, I’m even more determined today to reach forward into the unknown parts of my destiny and purpose because I know that what’s coming for me is greater than what’s been!

Until next time...See ya!


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