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Real LYFE: Get Ready to Come Forth

Monday, August 22, 2005

Get Ready to Come Forth

In spite of everything that is still not exactly right in your life, prepare to COME FORTH! I know that seems foreign or far-fetched, knowing the thoughts that forever loom in your mind. I know that you are quick to think that you’re not worthy of a greater vision because of the sin that may still creep back into your life, but even with all the drama. Prepare to come forth. What do I mean by come forth?

There are some dreams that you haven’t mentioned to anyone that you had just about given up on. Well, don’t give up and most definitely don’t throw in the towel because it’s going to happen for you. It’s going to come to pass. It’s going to manifest itself but it’s going to happen outside of your own parameters. The problem is and continues to be that you think too small. Your vision is larger than you have imagined it to be so you need to knock the walls down in your own mind and allow yourself to dream a bigger dream. I’m not saying that you just need to continue on with business as usual. NO, that is not what I’m saying because there are some counterfeit people who are tagging along in your life who are contributing to your small mindset. Get rid of them. Don’t worry about being alone because with God you’re never alone. I know that you’re probably wondering who will fill your excess time if you get rid of the dead weight (called friends), but I wouldn’t worry about that at this stage of the journey. When you think about it, what do you have to lose? They aren’t helping you as it is, so what are you really losing? NOTHING! These imposters have been filling up the space in your life passing the time away. So, get up and make preparations for a change to take place. Think bigger, tear down the walls in your own mind and enlarge your vision. Can you comprehend that God wants greater for you? He has His own agenda for you and it doesn’t involve your “mom and pop” mentality.
It’s amazing that most people hinder their own growth, because they allow people to weight them down. Don’t do it to yourself any longer. If you don’t know how to do it, pray and ask God to remove the “dead” weight from your life! I had to pray the same prayer just recently because I too had those around me who were hindering my capacity to grow. I couldn’t afford any longer to be held back all because of my fear of being alone. It’s not worth it, is it? Is the person or persons that good that you’d rather forsake the promise that God has for your life? It may not be a person; it could be a place or an issue that you’ve allowed to hinder your growth. Think about it and ask yourself if you’re willing to give up the blessing for a curse? I don’t know about you, but no person, place, or thing is that good that I’d rather forsake my destiny. Get ready to break out of the box because, if you’re willing to be uncomfortable and venture out in un-chartered waters, you are going to COME FORTH like never before!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whoa!!! Hold on I just asked myself this question this morning. All I can say is thank you for being obedient to God's voice.

1:25 PM  

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