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Real LYFE: Imprisoned? Break Out!

Monday, August 15, 2005

Imprisoned? Break Out!

Why Keep Silent? I received a great amount of feedback from that question and it has catapulted me to come to the conclusion that as long as I keep silent, I DON’T HAVE TO DEAL WITH MY OWN MESS. It’s rather easy to stay on the sidelines in what people call the “cheap seats” because there is no level of accountability there. I remind myself often of the times when I kept my mouth shut because of fear of what would happen if I opened my mouth and GOT REAL. I allowed my own mind to talk me into staying silent; therefore, I didn’t have to deal with the enemy inside of ME. That’s why most of us tend to go along this journey with little to say because we think that as long as we don’t say anything, then we won’t be held accountable. THAT’S A LIE! I want to let you know, because I discovered it personally, you are deceiving yourself into thinking that the mess in your life is just for you. It’s not all about you. There are lives connected to you who are hoping and praying for you to make the right decisions on this journey. There are children who are still in the womb who are connected to you and me and they’re prayer is that we DO THE RIGHT THING and deal with our mess NOW. I know it’s rough and inconvenient. I know first hand how hard it is because it took me years before I was able to open my mouth and confess to being molested. It took me years to talk about the scars that I kept covered up in my life. But the flip side of that is by confessing the events that took place, by opening my mouth and calling an ace an ace and spade a spade, it rendered the enemy powerless against me. It also brought me to a level of boldness that I, otherwise, would have never reached.

I’m happy to say that TODAY I ain’t scarred of anything! I’m not walking around wondering who is saying what behind my back. I’ve figured one thing out along this journey; people are going to talk about you whether you like it or not. People are going to either make something up OR take the truth and twist it for their own pleasure. It doesn’t matter to me because the lives of the youth and the unborn mean more to me than people who gossip. And to be honest, THOSE WHO GOSSIP ONLY DO SO TO COVER THEIR OWN MESS!

It’s a constant struggle on this journey because just when you think you’ve gotten one issue under control, HERE COMES ANOTHER ONE! I didn’t know I had so much wrong with me when I started confessing my issues but what do I do? Stop? No, I have to keep trudging through the dirt because somewhere deep within there is some treasure. Plus there are others who are looking at me that need desperately to see how to get out of the dirt in their own lives. That’s how I go through this journey, keeping forever in my mind that there is a greater glory on the other side of my dirt. Knowing that someone that I may not even know will be helped tremendously by me dealing with my mess is exactly what keeps me on this journey called Life! I stayed silent for years because I wanted people to stop talking about me! AND THEY TALKED ANYWAY! So now, I figure that I will just give them something to talk about! ME! If they don’t like it, OH WELL it’s too bad because I’m not going anywhere any time soon! I don’t mind the gossip now, I see it as free publicity to what God’s manifesting in my life!

Are you still imprisoned by what others think of you? If you are you need to be freed from public opinion! Break out of the chains that are holding you hostage today! It’s not easy and it takes time but if you purpose in your heart to be genuine and authentic, then at least you’re in the beginning of the pursuit of a lifetime. Pursuit of what you might ask…the pursuit of discovering who you really are and what you were created for.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks Pastor Rich, right now in my life I know that God is calling me to a level of accountability. I'm in between and I'm comfortable right where I am, that is, until I hear God's beckoning call of Purpose. I mean, the sidelines is where I would rather stay, so I don't know what to do. I'm scared of the possibilities if I were to step up my walk with Christ. I don't know if I want to stop doing the stuff I do on the down low. It's fun, exciting, but keepin' it real as you do all the time, there is this loneliness and I don't really know or trust God enough to fill the void. It's not that my partner fills the void either. It's just that my partner is tangible, where as with God, it takes faith and I don't know if I'm strong enough to believe past the tangible.


12:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree,and furthermore I really feel that this is why some of us may slip into the tendency to explain ourselves. I know thats exactly what we were talkin about just a few weeks ago.It's been within the past week that I've been actually begining to learn to say to Hell with what people have to say or think about me,I know who I am and I know what I mean.Oh, and ya let the devil hears this :Old habbits don't say what you are either!(I just thaught I'd through that in),lol. Okay, I just got stirred in my spirit and thaught I'd share that with ya!

Yours in Christ,

10:06 AM  

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