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Real LYFE: God Gave Me What I Asked For

Thursday, September 22, 2005

God Gave Me What I Asked For

The Lord told me a while ago that we were coming into a dimension where we would pray for something and it would be manifested…almost overnight! And it came to pass…I have found that there is something special about hitting the floor in prayer. When I say “hit” the floor, I’m not referring to striking the floor with one’s hand…I’m referring to laying prostrate (face down). I felt the weight of ministry in a way that I have never felt before…I couldn’t take it any longer and I began to weep. Weep uncontrollably because I got sick and tired of business as usual. What would it take for people to think twice about coming into the church? Not my church, individually, I’m referring to people in Christendom just coming to church with no regard for the Glory of God or any regard for His authentic presence…no regard period for the things of God. I was sick and tired of the mundane stuff that is going on throughout the body of Christ. If we are His representatives…then why do we walk around so defeated? If we are his representatives then why do we have one good day, then 16 bad days to follow? If we are apart of the piece of the body of Christ…then why don’t we use the authority that He gave us that we are supposed to walk in? Do people at our places of employment really know that we are believers walking in the Kingdom? Do they really? Do you have a testimony about yourself that distinguishes you from the norm?

Well, as I stated, I went to the ground…it was just me and God…and I prayed for the glory of the Lord to fall…I asked the Lord to “show me His glory”…not for my benefit, but, so that our young people would know that He is the Lord. I don’t know about you, but I don’t want the emotional hype that is played on throughout the body of Christ. I don’t want the usual…I want the unusual as it pertains to His glory. While I’m living in this body of flesh…I want to see the scriptures come to life. I want to see someone that is dead raised to life. I want to see with my own eyes…someone born blind receive their sight. I want to see with my own eyes someone who is terminally ill healed by the power of the Lord. I want to see people walk into the church building and fall to the ground because they walked in and the glory of the Lord was so thick…that even the unbelievers have to repent! I want to see real revival. Not the revival where a prophet (which really is just a preacher from out of town) comes in for 3 days and preaches and then 4 get saved, 10 get delivered and have to be “worked” on in the back, and 16 come back into the fellowship of believers. NO…real revival is when God’s glory hits in such a way…that someone at the "club" downtown begins to cry and then finds their way to the church…and falls down at the altar. Real revival is when someone is at work and begins to weep and gets saved on the spot…real revival is when folks come off the street corner simply feel God so tough that they HAVE to get it right with the Lord, there are no if's and's or but's about it…there is such a compelling pull on their spirit…that they won’t rest until they HAVE gotten in right standing with the Lord! I told the Lord that I want to see the days where the latter glory is greater than the former that I’ve heard so much about but never experienced.

God manifested Himself in such a way to me…He told me, “I heard your prayer…and I granted your request!”

So I say to all…GET READY, GET READY, GET READY! WATCH THIS…WATCH THIS…WATCH THIS! What is about to take place…it is going to be exceeding abundantly above all that anyone of us could ask or think!



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