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Real LYFE: The Refiner's Fire

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

The Refiner's Fire

It’s tight right now! I know this, but hear me when I tell you, DON’T MISS WHAT’S HAPPENING! Yes, the past few days could have gone a little better or maybe even the past few weeks, but still, don’t give up the fight. Remember what I told you a little while back, God will not change His mind...He doesn't have to change His mind...because who knows better than Him just what He placed inside of you? Trust in Him and know that He is God!

This has been a weeding out process because of the crowd that we’ve kept ourselves around. It’s been tough for me, because the ones that I wanted to continue to hang around are the very ones that I had to let go of. And I’m not talking about because I was sleeping around or anything like that. Because that couldn’t be further from the truth. I had to let go of me and grab hold to God. It’s a lot easier said than done…
Right now, in my life, I feel as if I'm in a fire of sorts. You see, in a tears away burns away riff-raff from what it's been attached too. When you look at fire that's on a stove and you see the pots and pans that are placed on top of the stove after it's been lit. You can tell the difference from a pot or pan that's been used a number of times...because the bottom of it is scorched. It's been placed on the fire and the fire heats up to such a degree that whatever is on the other side of the metal, it either melts or tenderizes to a state where it is edible for use.
So, I'm not crazy! I understand what's happening, but that doesn't dull the pain. It's tight because of what God is taking me into.
The fire is hot right now so that it will get all of the impurities out. We all have them, and any time you're being trained, prepared, mentored for a great purpose, you have to go through a season of testing. Well, here it is, front and center! Your ability to go through the challenges and controversies with your head up will determine how long you stay in this "fire!" I have to admit that I hate where I am right now but I know it's good for me. Just like when your mother or father would give you caster oil when you weren't feeling well, although the taste was horrible, it made you feel better.
The refiner's fire is not here to kill but to purify you and I from "dead" weight!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pastor Rich,

Strange how it seems like you always seem to hit the nail one the head man. I just happen to be going through some things right now, and you are right. Things are difficult only to make you purer, stronger, more resiliant, etc. Thanx for the words of encouragement. ONE

9:34 PM  

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