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Real LYFE: It’s Tight Right Now!

Monday, September 19, 2005

It’s Tight Right Now!

Things are real tight around here and all I want to know is, will you be around when the dust settles? I see us on a minefield…and there are plans that God has given each and everyone of us to get to the other side. However, as usual, many of us feel the need to take our friend, Ray Ray or Jackie, or __________(you fill in the name). For those of you who are familiar with mine fields, a minefield is set to go off with the slightest touch…and it’s something that you really need to go through alone. This is the way God chooses to get our attention. We can’t give God our undivided attention because we won’t let go of the person or persons we’re trying to take with us on the journey. So, we in turn, are cursing them as well as ourselves. When the mines on the field begin to erupt and people begin to fall by the wayside…my question is…how will that make you feel? They may have had a chance if you could have released them from the death grip you had them in. The bottom line is, God wants you all by yourself on this journey. Otherwise you’ll never be able to know who He is…COMPLETELY. The problem is you have a trust issue because you didn’t have a daddy or your mama was always at work and you had to fend for yourself. I understand the excuses, I really do BUT it doesn’t change what God is calling for, or does it?

As I’ve said before…it’s going to cost you EVERYTHING you have. Nothing will be left unturned…that’s why you must be rooted and grounded in Him. If you aren’t…we’ll be able to tell, because you’ll be the one that stops coming to church, bible study, choir practice, business meetings, Sunday school, and anything else that you’re apart of…why? Because you’ve got blown off your feet! Oh, and this goes for the person who doesn’t go to church as well. You know, the community minded person who is turned off from church so they pore themselves into any and everything that’s going on in the community. You’re in every organization and you’re at every club, but when God shakes…not even you can stand after being touched by God!

Your aim and focus for this next phase has got to be to be like the palm tree. The palm tree, for those who don’t know…the roots are just as deep in the ground as it is tall above the ground. A palm tree won’t go anywhere in the event of a tragic disaster…and in that, if it’s cut or it breaks…nothing happens to the foundation. It’s rooted and grounded and cannot be shaken…it may lose a few limbs and it may lose its leaves…but it won’t be moved!!! With all of the stuff that is taking place in the world right now you need to check yourself before you wreck yourself! I remember when I saw the Lord…wow! It wasn’t pretty and I still have my scars…but I love Him like never before…I love Him more today…then I loved Him yesterday…that’s the thing about God…He won’t come face to face with you and leave you the same way you came. You may not like what happens to you at first…but when you look back on the situation you realize that had it not been for Him violently interrupting your life…and violently breaking you away and snatching you out of your crowd…you’ll see that you should be 6 feet under!!!

Just keeping it real with you today! I hope to see you when the dust settles…hold on…it’s tight right now and it’s about to get even tighter!


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