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Real LYFE: Endure the Test!

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Endure the Test!

You have to remember that it’s only a test. No matter what the situation is no matter who has walked out on you…remember that it’s a test! I had to speak last night and the word is still in my spirit today. Sometimes we allow circumstances to overwhelm us and get the best of us and then we end up reacting negatively when God was trying to see if we were ready for the “next level.” You know the next level that I’m talking about. It’s what everybody keeps saying, “I’m ready to go to the next level!” Well, what’s the next level? What does the next level entail? Can you handle the level you’re on now? If not, how do you think you’re going to survive the next phase of life?

Just some questions that you have to ask yourself. I know I had to ask myself just the other day when I allowed myself to get weighed down due to circumstances beyond my control. Don’t take the bait! Don’t allow yourself to fall victim to the circumstances as they appear. Remember, looks can be deceiving and most of the time, that’s all it really is, an appearance. The situation, no matter what it looks like, is just that, a situation and it’s temporary.

It’s what I call, TEMPORARY DISCOMFORT! You have to keep in mind that this isn’t your end, but only a hallway to what God has planned for you. So, don’t let those whom you are connected too weigh you down. Don’t allow your job, marriage, church, community groups, etc. to overwhelm you in such a way that you begin to curse what God is using to make you into who He wants you to be!

I’m not speaking from the “cheap seats” like I don’t know what I’m talking about. I know, first hand, how rough it can get and how circumstances can overwhelm you in such a way, you’d just rather throw your hands up in the air and cuss a _______ out! I feel you! Been there! Done That! But even after you’ve got your two cents out, the situation is still what it was before you cussed. God isn’t concerned with our temper tantrum! I know this personally because I am one who reacts sometimes before I think, but thanks to the Lord I am doing a lot better.

Someone asked me, “How are you able to let stuff roll off you so well?” My response was, “It isn’t that easy, but the more I do it, the easier it gets!” I’ve made the decision to remember daily the prophesy over my life! I’ve made the decision to get rid of the friends that still want to “tip and dip.” I’ve made the decision to stand firm and praise God in the midst of persecution because in the final analysis, WHAT I’M GOING THROUGH IS ONLY A TEST! ENDURE IT, IT’S JUST A TEMPORARY INCONVENIENCE!


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