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Real LYFE: Remembering Kevin

Monday, November 14, 2005

Remembering Kevin

As I said last week, things could be worse. For those who are interested, yes, my fraternity brother passed away on Saturday night after being in a coma for a week. I can't tell you the questions that were running through my head. Questions like, why? Why him and not me? He was married with a toddler so now who's going to look after his son? It's not like he was a deadbeat dad and he didn't take care of his responsibilities. He did, he was a loving husband and father who would be there for you if you needed him. I had questions for days pouring out of my spirit because I was trying, the best I could, too comprehend why God would allow this to happen to such a man with such promise in life? Why would God take Kevin and not one of the okie dokes out in the world.

You see, even though I'm mature in the Lord, I yet have questions that only God can answer. I just attended a funeral for a man in his 70's last week. And now I'm facing yet a funeral for a YOUNG man in his 30's. As I said in a previous blog, I've got real life issues that I'm facing so I no longer have time to pontificate about such a delicate situation. I'm hurting over the loss of my brother and yet, while I'm in pain, I have to yet push through the pain because I still have to live. Do I like the circumstances that I'm facing this week? My answer is a resounding NO. Do I wish there were a different outcome? HELL YES! But the reality and the final analysis is that I wasn't asked for my input, opinion, or permission by the Father.

That's something we forget when we're dealing with tragedy. God knows and feels what we're going through. He allowed himself to take on flesh and succumb to death so that He could feel our desperation for Him. He took on the form of a man so that He could put Himself in our shoes and have a sense of what it's like to endure the suffering of a death or even the sickness that leads to the death of a family member or friend. I thank Him for being able to help me through this because to me, personally, it's not fair. There are plenty other people that God could have taken, but He didn't. Now I've got to learn to cope with life from a different angle, because Kevin is gone. There's nothing that I can do about that now, but the peace is that I know that, because of my faith in Christ, I know I'll see him again.

It doesn't help in the "now" but it helps my outlook for the future as I move on and remember what Kevin stood for and represented. Kevin endured great challenge and tribulation in his life, but I can't recall ever seeing him complain. Every time I saw him, even the last time I saw him which was 2 weeks ago at a restaurant, he had the same smile on his face. I know his faith was tied up and tangled up in the Lord, and that's the peace that I have as I close one chapter of my life and dare to begin another.

What's to come in the days ahead??? I don't know, but what I do know is that I'm reaching for my destiny because I believe, in spite of what I'm feeling like or how things look, my best days are yet ahead of me! So, as I remember Kevin (aka "Tippy") for the rest of my life, I'll forever visualize a man who stood tall and strong during his most challenging and difficult days!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're not alone. I recently just lost my father and it hurts like hell! My brother passed a couple years ago and one thing you never get over is death. Death knows no age and no race or gender. I hate it, but what do we do? Continue to live and be the best we can be. Keep pushing through, these are real life issues that have to be resolved. Keep'em comin!

10:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rich, it was hard for me to read today's blog and even harder for me to comment without welling up. It is hard for us to realize that God mapped Kevin's life out before Kevin was Kevin. The same goes for us all. I spoke to a friend the other day who was having trouble dealing with the way God works, basically why bad things happen to good people. God tests our faith daily, but this is a much more difficult test for those of us that knew Tippy. Although Kevin is gone, our memories of him will last forever, especially the road trips to frat conventions, etc:-). I will truly miss him, but never forget him because we will see each other again in heaven. We love you Tip! - Bro. Page

11:11 AM  
Blogger Pastor Rich said...

I feel you Dre!

11:23 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is with great pleasure I respond to this letter to mourn the loss of our brother and congratulate him on his journey to Omega Chapter. Kevin touched each one of us in his own way just as God planned. He will be remembered forever in our earthly souls until we join him. God loves us all!! It's hard but not for us to figure out..Why???. Only his flesh is gone, his soul still lives in all of us...Thanks for the times we had, Tip! Bro. Willis

11:43 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


11:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The beauty during this tragic time is that we know that Kevin was saved. I have attended funerals for young people in the past and as I was viewing the body I could not say for certain whether that person was saved or not. When I think about Tip I know that he was saved and is basking in the glory of the Savior. God has a plan in all that he does. We may sit and worry about what is going to happen with his wife and son however if you believe in His Word then you know it is already done. If you are truly saved yourself and you have the faith of a mustard seed then you know that one day, when it is your turn to be called to GLORY! you will again see Kevin in that House of Alpha in the Sky. Kevin, I know you are watching me as I type this and you are probably saying, "get back to work", but please be reassured your family will not have to worry about anything. Yesterday we met at the UT student union and we asked God to use us as he sees fit in making sure that your family will be taken care of. Kevin, you used to have that trademark smile while you were here on earth, but right now I know your smile is even brighter as you have now seen your reward. 111119999999999990000000000000006!

Bro. Conley

12:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It warms my heart to see what joy Tippy brought into many peoples lives. It just continues to bring up that question in my mind that Rich always asks. "Will it matter that I had been here when I am gone?"

I remember that love that was shown to me when I first met Kevin, who barely knew me from Adam. He welcomed me with open arms. His smile lit up my heart and I always felt that he cared. Tears come to my eyes right now because I saw his heart and it was so beautiful. It was a relationship like the ones where you may not talk to someone for a while but when you see them again you just pick up the conversation right where you all left off. Kevin we will definitely miss you but we rejoice because you are now with the Father. We love you! To GOD be the Glory! - Bro. Langford

12:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is so much pain in this world. Yet I know that God IS God and that He has it all under His control. It may even be times like this that cause me to hold on even tighter to God because outside of the promises of God, what have we? Now if you want to see real madness and mayhem, imagine life or death in an existence where there is no loving Supreme presence.

In Christ I know that I will see those that I’ve loved again. Scripture tells us that in this life we will have tribulation and sorrows. But Sorrow without hope is not the intended experience of a Christian. We grieve but we still have hope in the midst of our pain. The peace we can have is in knowing that Christ has overcome the world.

If we take our personal pain and extrapolate it to the greater pains and problems of this world we begin to see a bigger view. A view where we can better see a God with a greater plan and purpose not only our lives, but for life.

We can begin to see past this brief life to a plan for life eternal where there is an absence of fears, tears, crying, sickness, pain and death. No more cheating, creeping, killing or greed. Where the “I” of our ego will be no more; and we will obtain gladness and joy – sorrow and mourning shall flee away – and everlasting joy will be upon our head!

Think on these things.

Minnie Lee

12:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When I started coaching at Robinson, you were one of the first people to volunteer to help with the team. That was priceless, but moreover it's a testament to the ministry that you were carrying out by working with young people. I just want to thank you again for being a "team player" in the role of a coach and being a team player in the frat and in the community. Your crown fits perfectly, but much better than all of your crispy baseball caps.

Words cannot express how much we'll all miss you Tip. Even though we didn't see each other often we would make sure we caught up when we did connect. I want to thank God for speaking through me by telling me to tell you to stay at Ralphie's until I got there. I hadn't seen you in a while and I just wanted to holla at you. When I saw you, it was like I had just seen you last week, always greeting bruhs with that child-like grin or that hilarious belly laugh of yours and a "watchoutdernow". I thought I caught up with you to say, "what's going on", but in reality I came to say goodbye. Thanks for waiting on me.

Rest well, Tip. We'll see each other again.



2:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear brothers,

I did not get to know Bro. Kevin well. I know this the love that I have been reading about on the blogs he (Tippy) is feeling from on high. These blogs have helped me through some dark days. I know that the healing has been gone for those of you who were close to Kevin. This serves as a notice to us all. WE SHOULD LOVE ONE ANOTHER WITH RECKLESS ABANDON. Reach out to a loved one and tell them how you feel it only takes a few seconds. The day we were born and the day we will die has already be commissioned but, if we live our dash to the fullest it's a job well done.To all who are saddenby this untimely death joy comes in the morning. My prayers are with you all in the time of need.

Rest In Peace Bro. Tippy

James A.Jackson

3:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I feel you bro. Kevin's death was hard to take. It was crazy that he passed on the same day he crossed. I can still hear voice saying "hey money" or his laugh. I will always remember Tip. I have never met a brother with so much fraternity gear. I realize that the scope of Alpha continues to grow. Kevin will always be an Bro, he just switched chapters. 06


8:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I may be hours away, but the news of Tippy passing still is hard to believe. He truly was a blessing as a brother, but more importantly as a positive black man. To me, he was the kind of person who embodied the true sense of our fraternity....BROTHERHOOD. I could go months without seeing or talking to him, but when we did talk or when we did see each other I always felt he was happy to see me. I don't know what others will remember about Tippy, but for me I will always remember his jokes and the big smile he always had on his face. He was always positive and he always wanted to make sure everyone was ok. GOD puts people in our lives for reason....some good, some bad.. but every person has a purpose in our lives I believe. Kevin Bishop was for me a positive role model who always thought about others above himself. He will truly be missed.


10:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We are God's Property.

"For none of us lives to himself alone and none of us dies to himself alone. If we live, we live to the Lord; and if we die, we die to the Lord. So, whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord. For this very reason, Christ died and returned to life so that he might be the Lord of both the dead and the living." (Romans 14:7-9)

It is with a heavy heart that I type this. It's times like these where I find myself asking the same questions as you, Sands. And at the end of the day two things always hold true. God is good and His will be done.

Tip, it is with great love, respect, and admiration that I thank you for allowing me the opportunity to experience your impact as a friend, a brother, and most importantly, as a man. To be a part of your "dash."

To a man that I've known since I was in diapers. To a man who was committed to living each new day better than the day before. To a man who truly served others and was committed to making a difference. To a man who absolutely epitomized "The Test of a Man." To a man who let go and Let God. To a man who was loved by many, and will be missed by many more. To a man whose flesh has passed away but whose spirit lives on. To a man that officially completed his earthly mission Saturday night and was called home by God the Father. To my brother Kevin...aka "Tippy." Rest well.

- Bro. Richard Coleman Jackson

10:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As always, it is very sad to learn of the passing of one of our brothers, and my prayers are extended to both Brother Bishop's family as well as our fraternal family. However, the passing of any brother is a reminder that those of us who are left, now have the honor as well as responsibility of ensuring his life is forever guarded in the peaceful chapter of the "Omega Rest" Long live Alpha Phi Alpha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Brother Sean Mack

1:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just wanna tell him thanx for everything during our "intake" process, and that he will be be missed to no limit by "R.O.T.K", EA, ET, Alpha Xi Lambda and anybody else that had the privilage to have known him. -06


2:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As always, it is very sad to learn of the passing of one of our brothers, and my prayers are extended to both Brother Bishop's family as well as our fraternal family. However, the passing of any brother is a reminder that those of us who are left, now have the honor as well as responsibility of ensuring his life is forever guarded in the peaceful chapter of the "Omega Rest" Long live Alpha Phi Alpha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Brother Sean Mack

2:48 PM  

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