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Real LYFE: It's Not Over

Thursday, October 20, 2005

It's Not Over

If you’re anything like me, you have moments when you feel as if you’re at a STAND STILL. A serious state of sordid stolidity that almost has you asking the question, “is it worth it all?” If it’s not you, then STOP, read no further. Check back next week for something a little more “saved by the bellish.” But for those who feel the same thing, we can’t allow ourselves to get caught up in the way things are appearing to manifest. You know why? Because looks are deceiving which mean that you cannot rely on what appears to be happening in your life as FACT. And then for some others, the facts may be just that, the facts. But I differ in that my perception refuses to accept a fact when it is in direct conflict to what my spirit is telling me.

Don’t allow your spirit to give in to the flesh when it tells you that trouble is going to stick around for a long time. Don’t do that to yourself. No matter how bad it looks, and yes, it does LOOK bad. You have to remember that it’s a look. It’s a feeling, and feelings come and go. Change your perspective TODAY! Don’t think about it. Just do it! Get out of your slumber and sleep. Stop complaining about the glass being half full; at least it’s not half empty! You know, we can find any and everything to complain about and when we do that, we allow the spirit of negativity to come in like a mighty flood and it consumes us. It consumes to the point to where we don’t even see that our whole outlook on life has changed.

Stop doing that to yourself. I know, on some occasions I’ve been guilty of having a pity party over something that really is a small thing. What a waste of time! I say that because, my pity party didn’t change the circumstances one bit. After I got finished complaining, I was still in the same condition I was in before, I just felt a lot worse. So, please take it from me. It’s not worth it. Life is too precious to let the day slip away moping about what could have been and what should have been. You still have breath in your body don’t you? Okay then…that means that there is still yet hope. As long as there is breath that tells me that you still have purpose and destiny. It may look like it’s over but it ain’t! It may feel like it’s over but it’s not! You may have been denied but I’m telling you, the last has not been told.

The darkest hour is just before the day! And you’re not dead yet which means that there is life still kicking around in your body. Put your mind to work and make that dream into a reality. Don’t let the present situation overwhelm you to the point to where you allow the enemy to steal your joy. Don’t let the enemy get away with that! He doesn’t have any power unless you give it to him. You may ask, “How do I give the enemy power?” You ignite his mission by speaking negativity into the atmosphere. I challenge you, in the midst of whatever it is that you are encountering to speak life! Say to yourself that it’s not over; it’s only just begun! You owe it to yourself and your children to fight until there is no breath in your body. Fight the fight of faith like never before because I guarantee you today, the victory is on the horizon!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The only one that can declare soemthing is over is the one who started it!!! In the beginning...
GOD, and only at the point of the most all time vitory there ever was, was it ever stated that "it is finished"!!!! Thank you for this blog - party cancelled!!!!

2:35 PM  

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