It’s time to address some stuff that has been going on in my mind that I’ve been ignoring. It’s a part of the inner healing that we need to allow ourselves to go through. So many of us are walking around with un-addressed issues that continually keep us going in circles. Sometimes there is so much junk inside that you didn't know of that it is now time to come to the reality that everything that is going on in my life isn’t as it really appears to be. In so doing, stuff that I thought was gone or dealt with has re-surfaced for me to contend with yet again.
This place that I’m in is what I call a place of “Blind faith.” I cannot see my way through this mess but I know God is here with me because I hear His voice gently, softly speaking to me bidding me to keep coming closer to Him. The closer I get the more repentant I become on how disobedient I have been just to “save face” in front of people. At this point on the journey, I truly can see that I’m being delivered from people by the refiner’s fire that is consuming a lot of “excess” from my life. He’s exposing those around me that do me no good and have been sent to destroy me and keep me from walking into my destiny. I’m discovering that I still have a plethora of issues that I need to deal with in order to be who God has called me to be! I’m going to remain in the “fight” and face each and every issue NO MATTER THE CONSEQUENCES.
This isn’t something that is going to be accomplished in a day or two, this is something that will take consistent and persistent effort. Issues are just that, issues and they come in all different shapes and sizes. Just when you think you’ve gotten one issue taken care of, BAMM, you discover that you’ve 8 or 9 more have pierced through the surface. So, it is going to take patience and focus to endure the conflict that is going on within the soul at this time, but I think it’s well worth the effort. I think that I’m going to be a lot better off facing my fears now than I would be acting like everything is “A-okay!”
Where I am on this journey, it’s not about looking good in front of people. It’s about helping others to reach their destiny. It’s about helping others take a good look at the man in the mirror to discover who they really are! It’s about being content with me when no one else is looking. It’s about discovering the essence of what I was created for.
More to come…
This place that I’m in is what I call a place of “Blind faith.” I cannot see my way through this mess but I know God is here with me because I hear His voice gently, softly speaking to me bidding me to keep coming closer to Him. The closer I get the more repentant I become on how disobedient I have been just to “save face” in front of people. At this point on the journey, I truly can see that I’m being delivered from people by the refiner’s fire that is consuming a lot of “excess” from my life. He’s exposing those around me that do me no good and have been sent to destroy me and keep me from walking into my destiny. I’m discovering that I still have a plethora of issues that I need to deal with in order to be who God has called me to be! I’m going to remain in the “fight” and face each and every issue NO MATTER THE CONSEQUENCES.
This isn’t something that is going to be accomplished in a day or two, this is something that will take consistent and persistent effort. Issues are just that, issues and they come in all different shapes and sizes. Just when you think you’ve gotten one issue taken care of, BAMM, you discover that you’ve 8 or 9 more have pierced through the surface. So, it is going to take patience and focus to endure the conflict that is going on within the soul at this time, but I think it’s well worth the effort. I think that I’m going to be a lot better off facing my fears now than I would be acting like everything is “A-okay!”
Where I am on this journey, it’s not about looking good in front of people. It’s about helping others to reach their destiny. It’s about helping others take a good look at the man in the mirror to discover who they really are! It’s about being content with me when no one else is looking. It’s about discovering the essence of what I was created for.
More to come…
Very thought provoking! I had to read this at least 4 times before I could even understand, reason being is that it cuts to the bone of my existence. I've been covering alot of my issues and didn't even realize it. If you had not written this, who knows how long I would have continued on not knowing how much trouble I could have gotten myself into. Now this one truly touched me. Your ability to switch up your writing topics is a true blessing. Thank you so very much. I now see what I must pray for regarding my life. I'm striving for wholeness from the inside out!
This has touched me as well. I can truly relate to believing that you have dealt with something and here comes 8 & 9 more things but just as you have mentioned, somehow in the midst of all of this mess, I can still hear God's voice saying daughter come closer and the more I do this the more I gain insight on the origins of these issues, God's purpose for these issues and understand the CONDUIT he has created me to be! Is it painful - how about "natural birth of a 15 pound baby with nobody in the room ; not even a doctor, no medicine to numb the pain". Mothers - you feel me!!!! And yes, it is all worth it. I have had killing fears all of my life and for God to gently deal with each and every one of them while I am in the safety of HIs arms is just like God. Thing of it is - I want my issues gone - but God has shown me that to me they're ISSUES but to Him they're I-nternal S-oul S-ecrets U-nveiled to E-xterminate S-atan. Because it is in these "issues" that satan tries to destroy me. Through this process then I can truly walk in liberty - others have got to see that ultimate work of Jesus - freedom!!!
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