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Real LYFE: Takin' It One Day At A Time

Monday, November 21, 2005

Takin' It One Day At A Time

I made it through the weekend, and I'm now at the beginning of a new week. What's going to take place this week? I said my goodbyes to "yesterday" but does that mean I go back to business as usual or what? What's next? The weather is changing and everyone that I'm close to is in a state of flux so how can I get things back to being normal? Or is normalcy even a possibility at this stage of the journey...I mean, having gone through loss after loss and disappointment after disappointment, how do I get back to the way things used to be when the people who used to be in place have been removed, either by death, or by the choices they've made?
I know I probably sound real "out there" right now but this is where I am today. The phone has been ringing off the hook all day and it's not even noon yet! Someone called and asked me about how I learned to trust the Lord. That's a very thought provoking question because it took me back to my days in the ATL when I was somewhat all by myself, meaning that I didn't have my close family. I didn't know how to trust in the Lord during those days because I had my father and I had a mentor. I didn't know how to trust in the Lord because, although I was real "out there" in many of the things that I was doing, I hadn't experienced any life-changing experiences as of yet! But, as the saints of old would always say, "keep on living" and you'll have some REAL LIFE experiences with God afterwhile!
Trusting God is an everyday journey now because I learned when I lost my father that He was my father. I learned when the doctors gave me a bad report that He was my physician. I learned when other tragic events took place that He was my peace. I mean, what was I going to do during these events? Cry? Kick and scream? Pout? Yeah, it all sounds good, but after I got finished doing all of the above, nothing changed! The circumstances were still what they were. I was still fatherless, I was still sick, I was still without, I was still all by myself. So, in the event of being all by myself and seeing no way out, I turned my attention to the only One who could help! GOD!
The message in church just a week ago was taken from Isaiah, chapter 6, "In the year that King Uzziah died I saw also the Lord sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up, and his train filled the temple." Isaiah looked to the king when God wanted the attention. After the king was removed, Isaiah was able to see clearly the One who wanted the attention to begin with. I said all that to say, in the midst of the struggles that I've been going through, my focus has had to be and will continue to be on the Lord! It's tight and it hurts but what else am I going to do? I can't look to men because they'll fail me on every hand, but my hope has got to be built on NOTHING LESS than the Lord! He is the only One that can get me through these trying times!
I'm taking it one day at a time...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

We are always careful to how we are perceived! You are right not to prove yourself to anyone. Why not prove yourself reconciled with your Father. Since he knows the plans he has made for you and us, you know they are good. How long must He wait? Your articles are raw and refreshing to the spirit. My prayful desire for you is not to let realness over shadow your HOLINESS! Some without a mature understanding of are faith may confuse sincerity with stradling. I believe this is not true pertaining to your person, but eyes are reading you. God has bless you with a tremendous resposibility "Bless & Win the Loss, do not be deceived, indeed there is a great Cost".
Love you man & stay encouraged,

5:36 PM  

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