Until then...I Wait
There are so many things that are going on at this present time that I feel kinda suspended in between what was and what is to come. I'm excited about what I sense taking place in the spiritual realm for my life, however, I'm exhausted because I feel as if I've been here before. I don't want to keep going around and around in circles. No, that's not me. I can't waste time or spend my time with the miniscule of life. There are big things in store and I want to make sure that I'm in the right posture to be a recipient.
I don't know how long the wait is, but what else do I do but continue doing what I do? Why give up now? I thought something would have happened a few years back but I'm still here. I thought I'd be doing more than I am now, but, still I wait. How much longer? Well, as long as it takes for my season of manifestation to come! I'm not about to walk away from my destiny now! There are a lot of people hanging in the balance that are watching my every move. The wrong move for me now COULD prove fatal for someone else. So, I am going to wait on the Lord and trust Him. Besides, who else can I trust? The word of the Lord told me not to put my trust in man, so there goes that!
God's got this under control no matter how impatient I am. I really want someone to come along who can help me publish the books that I feel in my spirit. I also want someone to truly help me with the mix CD's that I hear in the future. But, at the same time, I don't want to get ahead of schedule. So, I yet wait until my change MANIFESTS...and when it does, I won't have to ask anyone because they'll all be there to see God's hand!
But until then...I Wait!
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