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Real LYFE: Let It Go

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Let It Go

It's not easy to forgive some people. And I do know that I'm supposed to forgive and forget but there are some things that I struggle with when it comes to "letting go." I didn't realize this until I allowed myself to really hear what a close friend of mine was sharing with me regarding my feelings about a particular person that will remain anonymous. Previously, I thought I was doing a good job handling the drama that I encounter at church, work, home, etc. I'm usually one that is quick to forgive and forget and simply move on with LYFE. I've shared on various occasions the many obstacles that I've overcome this year regarding people but one issue that I'm yet struggling with manifested it's ugly head earlier today and now I'm at a stand still because I don't want to let it go!
I'm serious and even though I know what the bible says, I'm like, "Lord, this is going to take a minute!" Every time I think about the person or their name comes up in general conversation with people, my entire countenance changes. Wow, I didn't even realize that I had it that bad until one of my friends told me today that I really needed to let it go! I was like, "what? Let it go? Hell no, I need to hold on to this a little while longer!" Again, I'm being honest with you so that you can see that some things are a work in progress. It's a daily process in trying to "walk out" the word of the Lord. It's not as easy as it may seem, especially when that "something" on the inside of you doesn't want to "let go" but rather desires to "get even!"
I know deep within that I have to let it go, otherwise, I will hinder my own breakthrough but it's just hard! I mean, I don't even want to let it go right now so what do I do? I'm being quite frank with you in that I'm letting you know that although it's a struggle, I'm laying the issue at the foot of the cross and asking God to work on me. At this stage of the journey it really has nothing to do with the person but everything to do with me and how I respond. This is the reason why I'm putting this in writing. If I don't let this issue go, then I will run the risk of forfeiting what God has for me and this can't won't happen. I don't like what was done to me and if I could I would have probably hurt the person but I was reminded that I did ask to be like Christ.
I told the Lord that I wanted to be more like Him, and being like Him means being lied on. Being like Him means being criticized and it also means that so-called friends will walk away and leave you all by yourself. Being like Christ means being hung up for other people's hang-ups! Being like Christ means being misunderstood on countless occasions. So, after this reminder, it's vital that I process this correctly because how I go through this issue will determine my next level in God. If I refuse to forgive and continue to be deviant and plot the person's downfall, I'm no better than the one who provoked me. However, if I cease the moment and use this as an opportunity to get closer to God, I can look back and thank the person because their action got me a personal one-on-one with the Father!
So, the bottomline is I gotta' let it go so I can go onward and upward toward the Light!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Today's blog really hit home! I've been trying to move on for quite some time now and there is this ONE person that I really have a problem with. What they did hurt me so bad that I almost almost gave up! It wouldn't be so bad if they didn't go to the same church I attend. It is hard every Sunday seeing them. I just want to slap 'em but I know that would only satisfy me for the moment. I've been praying but it's hard. It's hard because there is a major part of me that doesn't want to forgive. Since you like to keep it real, and I do appreciate your candidness, I'll do the same. I can't stand em and as far as I'm concerned they could drop off the face of the earth but God doesn't get the glory in those feelings. So, I'm praying that I can go to the person soon and let them know exactly how I feel and I don't mean in a way that will provoke a fight. So, thank you for addressing this one because this has hit a nerve and I will put this entire situation before the Lord because I don't want to miss what God has for me and indirectly cause my children to miss out as well because I do believe the sins of the fathers are visited upon the children to the 3rd and the 4th generation.

10:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This one is deep! I really appreciate your blogs because they are always, in some way, speaking directly to some issue that I'm dealing with. I too need to forgive and I believe that my denial regarding my hatred has been the stumbling block that has led to a lot of unnecessary drama in my life.
Good word Pastor R real good one today! Yes, actions do speak louder than words so I'm going to work on my actions because saying I forgive and meaning it are two different things.


10:36 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay, hear what the people said in their comments but I'm one of those people who don't mind letting stuff go but what happens when you go to the person and they aren't receptive? Doesn't it just make the whole matter worse? That would really tick me off and then I know a fight would start! I guess I need to pray a little bit more about timing. But I feel what all of you have said so far!

10:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This was a real good one Rich. I must say that I enjoy the blogs. I try to make sure I don't fall behind. I appreciate your candidness and how you use your weaknesses to reach others. It helps me on this journey understand that the struggle never stops just because you are in ministry. Most preachers wouldn't dare come out with half the stuff you do. I applaud you bruh for your tireless efforts to reach others. I too have had a bitter hatred for someone in particular and when I say I was going to get him, I mean I was comin' for him. And soon!!!! I didn't know exactly what I was going to do but I wanted to see blood, if I can be real with you. However, after reading your blog the Holy Spirit convicted me because this revenge that I was seeking was distracting me from God's intention for my life. I see the error of my ways now thanks to your obedience. You may feel like you're all by yourself, but you're not. There are alot of us out here in the wilderness who are keeping you in prayer and maturing from your ability to connect to so many people, many whom you will never meet! Thanks

4:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing this, Let it go! Don't let people have that much power over you! Most of the time, it comes down to realizing that they're not worth it! For real!

9:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow! You don't know how much this message spoke to me this morning! Geesh...that's a big problem that I've been going through and your words really helped me take my first step toward Letting it go! Thank You.


11:06 AM  

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