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Real LYFE: It Is What It Is

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

It Is What It Is

It is what it is...It's a spiritual thing! We aren't fighting against flesh along this journey called LYFE. The fight is fixed and is only in place to get my discernment to a place where I can see the snakes who are camouflaged in sheep clothing. You think that everybody that smiles at you is your friend? Don't fool yourself! If you haven't experienced the pain of being backstabbed by those close to you, well, as the saying goes, "keep on living!"
It's a spiritual thing so don't allow yourself to get caught up with what you see with your natural eye because it's a lot deeper than it looks. People come to you, just like they do me for everything and what do we get in return? Lies, rumors and innuendos, finger pointing, and the list goes on and on. It is what it is...And with that said, stay focused on your purpose and destiny in God. I know that there are times when you feel like giving up. You feel like throwing in the towel and saying, "to hell with all of them." But I admonish you today to remember the promise that God gave you!
It is what it is...So don't let the lies, rumors, finger pointing, etc. stop you! Keep on keepin' on!


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