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Real LYFE: Get Busy

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Get Busy

It's time to wake up and get busy! After reflecting and taking time to remember, it's time to get active about pursuing that "thing" inside of you that keeps you going. You are probably reading this saying to yourself, "What is he talking about?" Thank you for asking but I'm talking about the reason why God created you. Do you know that you were sent to this earth to do more than eat, drink, have sex, make babies, and then die? You have a greater purpose that you have yet to "wake up" to and today is the day that I'm challenging every one of you to seek it out.
Why else would you have gone through all the mess that you've gone through? Why would you have to endure the lies and innuendos? It wasn't because God had nothing better to do! It's because God has been preparing you for such a time as this!
There is no time greater or riper than now to get busy! There are lives waiting for you and only you! I can't do what God has called you to do and you can't do what God has called me to do. But if we ever woke up and realized that there is strength in unity we'd be a force to be reckoned with. You probably don't understand what I'm talking about but I'll make it a little more simple for you to comprehend. Many of you think that this is a walk in the park journey. Many think that it's no problem to exercise your faith, it's as easy as 1, 2, and 3, right? Wrong! Life is difficult in and of itself because of all the distractions that are set up to keep you from reaching your destiny. But the enemy doesn't really mess with you until you wake up and discover that there is an abundant life waiting on you to show up! Many of you thought that you had endured hell until you decided to enlist in God's army! That's when the real hell broke loose. As my kids say, "it got all the way REAL!" You see, as long as you are "living it up," having a good time doing any and everything, you are "self-checked!" The kingdom of darkness doesn't have to pay any attention to you because you are still asleep regarding your purpose in life. But as soon as you wake up and see what God has ALREADY prepared for you, then you become a threat to the enemy and he puts you on his priority list!
I make no apologies about the change up in my writing but I felt compelled to help those of you who are feeling the "heat" right now in your personal lives. I want to let you know, you are okay! You are right where God wants you to be! Stop trying to escape the suffering, just know that God's got yo back! You've got a destiny and a charge to keep, get busy!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I really needed this today . I have so much on my mind but I always try toplace God first .Sometimes it hard when going through certain situations but I know he is the king of Kings

11:46 AM  

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