Just Remember
Sometimes it's good to remember just how far you've come. Remembering helps to keep you humble. Oftentimes it's easy to think that you've always had it together or that you've never had some struggles, but when you take a moment to reflect on what you were like last year, or even ten years ago, it helps you understand that if it had not been for the Lord, you wouldn't be where you are today! I challenge you during this season in your life to humble yourself and give God thanks for the things He's done. Many of you have come over many obstacles to get where you are, however, you made it! Roadblocks were set up to cause you to stumble but even with the odds being stacked up against you, YOU SURVIVED!
Don't you remember when? I do and I can't be arrogant about where I am today because it's God and only God that has brought me this far. Seasons come and go and transition is a constant but one thing remains the same from generation to generation and that is GOD IS GOOD! Even when I think of the times when I tripped out! I mean got plain stupid and had no excuse at all for acting the way I did, God's grace and mercy kept me! Get this, EVEN WHEN I DIDN'T WANT TO BE KEPT! Wow!
I'm humbled today because of the goodness of the Lord. Yes, I still encounter trials and tribulations. I still encounter sickness and grief and I also still have to endure life in a fallen world, but through it all God is God! He's been God and He's going to continue to be God. But the question I can't help but ask you today is, is God the true Lord of your life? Hmmm just something to make you think because we often put many things in front of Him and our lord ends up being our job or our family or even the different organizations we are apart of. The God we serve is a jealous God and He doesn't like for anything to come between the time that we are supposed to spend with Him, so take a look back and ask yourself, "Is He really the LORD of my life or have I allowed other things to usurp the true order of God?"
Now that's something to really think about! I've never looked at it like that! Thank you.
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