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Real LYFE: Going for the Gold

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Going for the Gold

I know I was looking forward to a year of NO LIMITS but today I'm feeling very vulnerable! This, I'm finding out, is a part of the process. Yesterday is gone! It'll never come back! Things will never be the way they were yesterday, so now it's vital for me to reach forward to what lies ahead! There are a lot of prayers that have been answered in 2006 already, but at first to a lot of us, we think that we've done something so wrong because things are looking like they are against us. Push through the feelings and see what you cannot see with the natural eye. Understand that seasons of transition bring about dexterity! Seasons of transition bring forth refreshing and newness that we would never have experienced if nothing changed. Change, as I said a few days ago, is good! It can hurt sometimes even if you're prepared for the change.
We get so accustomed to business as usual sometimes, we tend to think when things change course that something is wrong! God doesn't remain the same even though He said in His word that He's the same God yesterday, today and forevermore. God is moving constantly and it takes change for us to see Him! We tend to think that same ole way is the best way! That's not necessarily true! God is a movement, not a museum and sometimes it takes Him violently offending us in order for us to clearly see what He's manifesting in our presence.
Yes, I prayed for 2006 to come into play! I prayed and looked earnestly for this day and time to arrive but yet I feel so naked! This is because I'm not in control. When we're in control, we tend to think that we're running the show, but when God manifests Himself, He completely blows our ideas out of the water. He sets forth His own agenda and it's for me to submit my way to the will of God! There is no time greater and riper than now! This is the season of no limits and no boundaries! I'm not fearing anything or anyone! This is the greatest time to advance, the season of no limits and no boundaries! During this season I'm setting my sights on what's ahead of me! It's all or nothing! I'm going for the gold!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yo pop thats whats up i feel where your coming from when you say you feel vulnerable personally as i have matured in spirit ive come to realize that if i feel vulnerable then the lord is keeping his word and im doing something right


12:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pastor Rich,

It is in the nature of man to be in control. Since the fall of man, he has had a desire to not only be in control of himself, but also his surroundings. I was taught as a young boy that the first rule of human nature is self-preservation. However, this desire for control is in direct opposition to the Will of God. Where man is always seeking his independence, God's will is the direct dependence. This is where the conflict within arises. Everything involving the God/man relationship encompasses this process of becoming totally dependent on Him. This is why the Psalmist has said, I will look unto the hill from whence cometh my help, my help cometh from the Lord.... The problem is that many times, we fail to keep looking.

2:23 PM  

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