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Real LYFE: Proceed Forward

Monday, January 30, 2006

Proceed Forward

This is the year of no boundaries and no limits! Go forth and do what is in your heart to do! You've been waiting a long time to break out and it seemed as if it was impossible but God is saying that the time is now. Change your crowd and center yourself around people who can help push you into a new dimension. It's worth it because there is so much promise and potential that awaits once you go ahead and just do it! For some it's the book that you've written that you've been ashamed about. For another it's sharing what you've been through, and the things you've learned from your mistakes. To another it's the opportunity of a lifetime that naysayers said would never happen. A year ago, this day seemed so far away but now it's finally hear and there's nothing more to say! Break forth and do it! Start that business, change your crowd, shift to a new position...Yes, go ahead and apply even though the odds look like they're stacked against you. Don't worry about people, they're going to talk either which way so why not give them someting real good to talk about!
Remember, this is the year of no boundaries and no limits! Go ahead and step out there and let God be God...Completely!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sometimes it's hard to proceed forward because you have so much working against you. Please keep me in prayer because I hear God saying to proceed as planned but I'm scared at what I see. Thank you for helping me face this reality. Now God can do something because I've acknowledged my weakness! God Bless

1:21 AM  

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