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Real LYFE: It's Time to Move Forward...MARCH

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

It's Time to Move Forward...MARCH

I don’t know about you but I’m done with the ways of old! God has enlarged my territory and I’m going somewhere with my life. I can’t allow myself to be confined to the ways of an old system…or an old way of doing something. I learned something about people who don’t understand you…some never will and others who do begin to understand will be intimidated because they think you’re going to take their “whatever” away from them.
I challenge you today to break the boundaries of the impossible and make sure that you go forth into what your purpose is here on the earth. You’ll find that many from the old guard will try to stop you! Many from the old guard will try to hinder you and stifle what God has placed inside of you. Many from the old guard will be threatened by what your purpose and destiny is in life because you will render many of them ineffective from this day forth. However, God will send you fathers and mothers to nurture you and to cover you until your season for unveiling!
I don’t know about you but I won’t spend my time in the shadows waiting for someone who isn’t coming…sometimes you have to show others that you know what God has done in your life. Sometimes it takes busting through the paradigms that others have set for you and other times there is a call for you to radically take dominion over your present circumstance!
The church has been a hospital for far too long! Not saying that there is something wrong with that because it isn’t, but we’ve majored in the minors instead of majoring in raising up the army so that the Kingdom can be advanced! Boot camp is over and it’s time to move! The next generation isn’t coming to church, ON THEIR OWN, like in the days of old, because most of what the church does is archaic! I didn’t say all, I said most! So it’s going to be important as we go further into 2006 to radically shift our mindset from being on defense to offense.
Appreciate the old guard, don’t be disrespectful, and learn as much as you can because they have a lot of wisdom. They’ve been through a lot so there is a wealth of knowledge to be gained from them…but be careful because there is also great manipulation and control that comes from MANY of them as well…
Now that’s straight up talk!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

B.Real, you've done it again. As a pastor of 18 years, you've caused me to take a serious look within myself. I'm on a fast right now and I prayed this very thing because I realized that I have created a lot of rules to protect myself because of some issues that I, as a leader, didnt want to deal with. I put my church on a fast but the Lord told me it's a waste of time if I don't deal with me first! Man, if anyone is offended at this blog today I am and that's because you stepped all over my feet! But I can't be mad because this has been divinely orchestrated by God because true transformation takes place in the leader first! As much as I wanted to get upset at what you wrote, you exposed this issue of insecurities and how we hide behind our title and call it God's order. Now everybody doesn't, so hear me when I say thank you! Thank you because I know I have to deal with me. My wife and I are on the verge of divorce and my church doesn't even know it. I hate being married and I haven't even confessed that before! Oh my God, I can't express how free you caused me to be this morning. I have to repent before my church because I've created all this crap in order to hide myself and who is suffering? Not only me but the sheep as well, especially, as you always hit home, the next generation. Forgive me for being so long winded it's just a freedom in being real, as you already know. Thank you and my church thanks you. My marriage thanks family thanks you for being who God ordained you to be. Like I said, anyone who takes offense, does so because you have snatched the pacifier out of their mouth!
Thank I need to go back and pray for real!

8:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, say it brother...say it! That's exactly the problem we have leaders who refuse to look within themselves. That's where most of the problem resides, then they use the tricks of manipulation and control to keep others "in their place!" Expose the enemy because we'll all be the better for it!
I appreciate your candidness and I cover you, my brother, because I know that there are those who seek harm on your life. I pray that God would hold you and keep all of satan's imps away from you! Keep on talking to the nations doc. We're listening!

9:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks B.Real, but be careful as you step on toes! You know the church killed Jesus because he came against their traditions! Be prayerful.

9:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This was real true! Wow, thanks! I never saw it like that! You've made me see some things from an entire different perspective! Thanks

9:54 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm right behind you...moving forth to move out in order to advance the Kingdom!
The old guard does have a lot to share they really do its just that most don't want to for fear that the young guns are going to push them out of a job or somethin!

10:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pastor Rich or B.Real...thank you for being so blatant with this blog today! I know it's not easy and I'm sure you're being talked about in certain circles but please know that God's hand of protection is covering you! Those who are against you will not make it because you are truly a prophet sent from God to expose the wickedness in high places! Youth are being drawn to you from all over and that's why God is enlarging your territory! There are people all over this world who are reading these messages and appreciate you for being transparent with your own life. I know I appreciate it way up here in Wisconsin. One day I pray are paths cross but until then...Be strong my brother because you are a serious threat to the enemy. The spirit of religiosity, manipulation, power, and control are all in disarray because you are IN THE BUILDING! Keep on doing what you are doing!

4:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The command has been given!!!! I thank God for you as a person, a friend and yes. a thorn!!!!! To see now and to even look back you were created to be different, you were created to be radical and that is why you are drawn to the youth becuase they are the only ones willing to be radical!!!! You never stop talking about destiny, purpose and "R U Moving"! lol! I thank you for what you share with the world, your strength in being the icon that you are and your abitlity to take a stand. I thank God that I broke free from the very "religiousity" that you are speaking of becuase I care not to imagine where I would be, or my sons! Enslaved to someone whose sins and secrets are worse than mine but "don't look at that"! Exposure - disclosure - reality!! Whatever it takes, conitnue to allow God to show you how to do this thing!! Alot of people need direction in even how to get where they nurture their own relationship with God and still attend, participate and belong to a church! but WHERE'S THE ARMY! if the Kingdom of God suffers violence and the violent TAKETH BY FORCE - WHERE ARE THE VIOLENT!!!! And it is not physical - its spiritual!! The command is given, but who is going to...MARCH!! Those that are radical, have stamina, on the most part fearless (ain't neva scared), want to get bout it, etc. hummmmm sounds like the Youth of today to me!!!! So who will lead them to battle? Step Up - or Step Off!!!!!

11:19 AM  

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