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Real LYFE: The Law of Recognition

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

The Law of Recognition

This book just fell into my life. Out of nowhere my spiritual father blessed me with this book written by Mike Murdock, titled, The Law of Recognition. Those of you who know me, know that I love reading. Reading keeps me alive especially during rough, desolate times and seasons in my life when I feel like giving up! So, needless to say, I was at a point where I was needing something, what, I couldn't actually put into words but I was hungry for something more. I go through these moments where I need a little more than the ordinary because of the mandate that is on my life to serve this present generation.

In the midst of a rather dry season in my life when I was hungering for the love that only a father could give, I was blessed with this book. I have begun reading it and it has peaked my interest already. It's interesting because the first thing that stuck out to me in this book was the statement that "everything you need in your life is already in your life merely awaiting your recognition of it." It's amazing to think, and I've been hearing it for a while now, that God has been waiting on me to SEE what He has already placed before me and in me instead of the other way around.

So many times I have been waiting on God to do "something" what, I'm not sure but to even read something like this even peaks my interest the more because with all the stuff I've been going through, I have to ask the question, WHY? Why are things like they are because if everything I need is already here, then do the trials and tribulations qualify as well? Are they ordained by God to manifest something inside me that has been lying dormant? Hmmm, I'm not sure but I will continue to read and find out.

The quest begins...


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