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Thursday, June 23, 2005


Some days it gets rough...and I'm referring to “the struggle” (take your pick- sexual, drugs, self-esteem, etc) on this journey called LYFE (LIVING TO YOUR FULL EXPECTATIONS) that very few people talk about it...but there are people who are out there who wonder what in the hell am I going through this SH__ for? There are people from all walks of life, especially those in leadership positions in church, the workplace, and in the community, who are hurting, craving to be loved...longing for their innermost desires to be met...and what do they usually get from a sermon? Nothing! They get more from Oprah than we get from church.

I'm tired of the drama...and I'm tired of pimps in the pulpit acting as if their sheep aren't wounded and hurting...willing to go to any lengths to have their innermost desires met!

We have to take a holistic approach in attempting to address this dismal condition. Are we going to continue as business as usual and act as if everything is okay, even with our own selves or are we going to begin to collaborate with one another about ways to help people deal with REAL LYFE issues? I’m not talking about rhetoric; I’m talking about something tangible that gives people life-sustaining power to LIVE. For instance, where do people go when they have an uncontrollable sexual craving that if not met, well you know how the story goes...they'll find a way to meet that need themselves, either through rape or you know how it goes? Don’t act like you don’t know what I’m talkin’ bout! That’s what I’m talking bout, many of you are squirming in your seat as you’re reading this…but it’s an issue that has to be addressed, if not now, when?

Most people, like I used to, think that it's just sexual...think it's just about the instant gratification! But it goes deeper than that...and the horrible thing is that very few churches in our community are really set up to deal with the person who struggles sexually, whether it be in regular or like/as relationships...they just leave the person alone and defenseless to continue in the fight all by themselves. And that’s why our suicide rate is so high…because many just give up and say fu#$ it!!!!

Looking at the number of pregnancies out of wedlock, the statistics of persons who are constantly contracting an STD or even HIV, when does the drama stop? When does someone rise to the occasion and address this delicate issue that really isn't so delicate at all? These are serious times and if we don't wake up and rid ourselves of our own insecurities...there will be countless more lives put at risk...and you thought the Jewish holocaust was something? Well, you ain't seen nothing yet! THIS IS REAL TALK 4 YO ___!


Blogger WalkerGirl919 said...

Let the church say amen.

2:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

nuff said!!! what's next????? It is not enought to point o9ut all the hurt and pain that everyday people are enduring in the church without supplying the means for a solution!!! Now that the wound is exposed - wht are the steps to healing!!! Especially if the wound started in early childhood - we cannot keep dragging our feet or just admitting that people have these issues - DO SOMETHING!!! rap sessions and support groups are a very big start!! the world offers them everyday all day and for every "ism" - where's the church? We must offer more reasons to connect to the house of God that will bring the feeling of it being a safe haven, our Fathers covering, etc. Connections and growth in relationship happens does include having somewhere to feel protected, safe, free and secure....HOME!!!!! lET'S GET IT STARTED YOU WILL BE SURPRISED AT WHO WILL SHOW UP! SHARING IS CARING!!!!

1:08 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm way ahead of you anonymous...way way ahead of you, I'm in the process of setting up something whereby people can come and discuss thought provocative issues and not worry about being attacked and talked about. People need to know that they're not alone on the journey. The journey is just as important as the destination. Although we are on different walks of life...once we get to our destination, we can't forget where we've come from. We can't forget to turn around and help our brother and sister reach that place in their soul. The place of peace, the place of security to where they're comfortable with themselves. If you can't get what's inside of you out, then true healing will never be able to take place and many will, therefore, find themselves reacting to situations instead of understanding the bigger picture of LYFE. Understanding that it's vitally important that we understand that LIVING TO YOUR FULLEST EXPECTATIONS begins with our ability to open up and discuss our yesterday. Once we can begin this dialogue, the healing process begins and therefore, people can begin to LIVE.
Pastor Rich

11:43 AM  

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