In case you're not aware, things are changing at a very fast pace. I'm looking back over the course of the year and I can see a lot of growth in my personal life. With this being the end of a year, it's time to prepare myself for what's coming. I'm not the same person as I exit 2005 that I was when I entered. A lot has changed and as I reflect, it's all been for my good. The trials that I encountered matured me for now. The tribulations that I had to go through made me stronger. The things that came my way weren't comfortable or as I say all the time "cute!" but the change that I'm looking at has made me into a better person.
I learned a valuable lesson this year. I learned not to depend on people as much as I did, because people, while they mean well, don't always have your best interests at heart. Some love you, but they may not understand you or what you need. So, they allow their love for you to get in the way of being able to detect what you really need for the moment. That was hard to accept, but it was important for me to go where I know God wants me to go.
Wow! It's almost as if I was just in Atlanta, Georgia, hearing that this was the year of manifestation, that was January and now it's December and I'm getting ready for 2006. I thank God for his goodness and wonderful works because I made it! I could fight the changes that are taking place, but I fail to see what fighting change would do to me? Change is just that, CHANGE! And from what I've experienced know about change, Change is good!
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