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Real LYFE: Change Your Crowd

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Change Your Crowd

The season has changed and it's time to get busy! In doing this, we have to check our crowd and those we spend the most time with. Let me ask you, are they an asset? Or are they a liability? By asset I mean, do they bring value to you and make you a better person? And by liability I mean do they bring you down to their level? Just something to think about and ponder on.
I tell my sons all the time, "Show me your crowd and I'll show you your future!" It sounds rough but it's quite factual. Just take a moment and think about some people who you used to hang with that haven't changed one bit! I don't know about you but I don't have the luxury of playing games with my life just because SUZY Q is a good friend. You can't allow Bo Bo or Ray Ray to keep you from walking into your purpose. This is the reason why we were sent to earth...PURPOSE!
It's easy to get sidetracked and miss the mark, no one is perfect, but when you continue to make the same mistakes over and over again, then you've got a problem and you put yourself in jeopardy of becoming stagnant and aborting what God's placed on the inside of you! Today I challenge you to analyze each and every relationship that you're joined up with. Your bloodline is depending on you to make good decisions. It's time to get busy but as long as you're with the wrong crowd, you'll hold up the promises of God!
Everything we do affects the next three to four generations, so please take a look around you and CHANGE YOUR CROWD. Until you do you will be unable to get busy and proceed with the plans of God!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This needs to be said more often because we can't ascend to higher heights with riff raff hanging on! Good Word!


1:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As always...good food!

2:35 PM  

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