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Real LYFE: In Spite Of...

Monday, February 06, 2006

In Spite Of...

In spite of...Push through the pain and anger and tell the Lord thank you for the trials and tribulations. I've come to find out that I wouldn't be where I am today had I not had some drama and hell to enter my life. Now, at the time, I didn't want it. At the time, it was VERY inconvenient to endure through, but on the other side of the pain I see that I'm stronger than ever. It's amazing, the thing that you thought you couldn't make it through is the very thing that serves as your plateau to "GREATNESS!" It's not customary to look towards tribulations with excitement, but that's what I've come to do in this stage of my journey. I remember how I used to be a few years back and to see me now, I'm more humble, I'm more prayerful, I see the good in people rather than seeing the shortcomings. I could go on and on but hopefully you get my point.
He's been so good and so kind to us, we owe it to the Lord to say, "thank you!" We could have been dead (as the saints would say) sleeping in our graves, but the Lord saw fit to call our names for yet another day! So, while we have the chance we can offer up a thank you! For many of us, we didn't need any assistance getting out of the bed! Some of us take the small things for granted, like for instance, brushing our teeth. So, today, just be thankful that the circumstances that you're facing aren't worse!
A close friend of my family lost his life this past week in an alleged robbery. I couldn't help but think at how senseless the entire situation was and how this has now affected the lives of everyone that loved my friend and the ones who even committed the crime (because their lives will never be the same either). We have to be careful because the things we do affect the lives of EVERYONE that we're connected to. Today, remember that the circumstances are not here to kill you but to make you stronger than ever! I know, you don't know all the answers to why things are going the way they are, but be confident in this one thing...HE that has begun a good work (and no matter what you think, IT was a good work) is faithful to complete what HE started!
So the bottomline is, in spite of...say thank you!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is oh so true and very vital at this point in time in my life as well. God himself has realigned my focus and as you stated, the little things don't seem so minimal. I find myself thanking Him continually becuase He is infultrating every part of my being. so it matters that in spite of what my body is going through that I must still thank Him because of what I am still able to do. Or maybe this, despite what disappointment my son has given me I thank God for his destiny, which I now see that they too have to have trails and tribulations to rpocess them. Don't get me wrong I will remain the tough loving mother that I am, but I now focus on his destiny, not on all the silly, crafty tricks of satan that trip him up becuase we all were there. It is what forces you to "spiritually mature". So in spite of, thank you Lord. I have grown to look for HIM in everything no matter how tragic it is - Omnipresent means just that! Desides, He is the one in conrol of it all anyway.

10:29 AM  

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