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Real LYFE: Stay in the PRESS

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Stay in the PRESS

You have to realize is that only you really know what you have to do from day-to-day! So, stop allowing people's actions or lack of action to discourage you. As long as you know that God put a desire in your spirit, trust and believe that He'll bring people around you to help bring the dream/vision to pass. It's easy to give up when after you've shared your dreams and visions with others and they sign up for the journey with you, to get disgruntled when you can't seem to find them when the going gets tough! I know personally that life can be a TRIP! And people who say they are for you have a strange way of showing it, but as I say time and time again, CHANGE YOUR PERSPECTIVE of the situation!
By that I mean, look at this as a part of the process. Many great people have the same story you do so don't feel as if it's personal or don't feel as if you're all by yourself. The word of God says that the race isn't given to the swift or to the strong but it's given to the one who ENDURES to the end! Rejoice because you're not finished with your journey and in the words of the poem, "you have miles to go before you rest..." Those who came before you went through worse and still never gave up! As a matter of fact, you have to remember that you have greatness coursing through your veins and it's going to take some time for the dream to manifest but keep on keeping on!
Stay in the PRESS---You're closer today than you were yesterday so don't quit! Stay in the Press---many that came before you died but you survived! Stay in the Press---Work your dream until there is nothing else to work! Believe in your vision until others around you believe it as their own and by all means KEEP HOPE ALIVE! As long as it's alive there is still yet the ability for the dream to MANIFEST! So, stay in the PRESS!
P-Prayer; Believe it or not, prayer changes you and allows you to see differently the people around you.
R-Rejoice in Advance; Although the situation may not change immediately, Keep your spirit up because your spirit can change the atmosphere around you.
E-Expect Anything; At this point, believe and know that anything can happen at anytime. It's all about expectation. If you put it out there you may hook up to your hook up at ANY GIVEN MOMENT!
S-Share the dream/vision with others; If you don't speak it you won't give others an opportunity to be apart of the blessing that God is getting ready to manifest in your life!
S-Stay Strong; The race is given to those who Endure even in difficult times!
Now that's straight up talk...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I needed to hear this today!

11:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I read this right before I went into a meeting. Your words gave me the confidence that I needed even when I thought that I was going to get denied! I had to keep reminding myself that I'm a winner already because I'm so used to walking around with a defeated attitude. Well, my request got approved!!!! Thanks Pastor Rich for the encouraging words! You had no idea but I needed to hear this today! Thank you Lord!

12:31 PM  

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