Never Give UP
Never give up! No matter how awful things look because the darkest hour is just before the day! I received yet another phone call from one of the mother’s whom I have been working with for the past few years regarding her son…my son for that matter. She called to inform me that he had been arrested AGAIN and was going to be gone for a period of time! Initially, I was a little distressed because after putting so much time and energy into helping others I was beginning to think that my labor was in vain! But what I had to do was change my perspective of the entire situation. After doing this I began to see completely different!
Sometimes in life situations that we are in tend to get worse before they get better and during the process we lose heart because of all the dismay and upheaval that is caused! But be encouraged and know that God is at work and is manifesting Himself even in the midst of dire circumstances! Yes, it's rough and tough to keep a good face in the midst of constant turbulence but understand that God is the pilot in charge and the plane isn't going to crash because you have been called for destiny and purpose! Even I wanted to throw in the towel for a brief minute because I was tired of feeling like I wasn't getting a return on my investment. After all that I have done for so many others, it just seemed as if it would be best for me to give up and say "I QUIT!" But what I first had to do is PRAY! After praying, I changed my posture so that I could make sure that I found God in the circumstance...After doing the rest is what it is! I can't give up because I know this generation is special to God!
God never said that the road would be easy did He? No, He said that "in this world you will have tribulations but be of good cheer because I have overcome the world." Now He said this before he went to the cross so if He overcame before He was brutalized then what did He do? He changed His perspective! It's all about how you see a thing that determines your outcome. How do you see the present trials that face you? If you see them as little things, then they are what you say they are!
You see; I’ve learned that you can never give up on the children. Although they do things that disappoint, you can never ever give up! The day you give up might as well be their last day to live because they rely on the hope in knowing that their parent(s)/teachers, advisors/counselors will be there for them, in the good and yes, even in the bad. So, I’m encouraging you and speaking to myself at the same time to keep hope alive! The brighter days are still ahead! The Lord has been faithful to me for this long, why would I think it would stop now? If I’ve learned anything from working with youth over the past 10+ years, it’s been the importance of PRAYER! On days when I have wanted to give up, prayer has been the thing in my life to bring me back to an equilibrium by which I’m able to see what I couldn’t see with the natural eye!
So I leave you with these words…never give up, even when all hope is lost and it seems that it’s getting worse instead of better.
I needed to hear this today! I was at my wits end and didn't know what to do. I can't tell you how much this helped me to know that I'm not alone and someone else really does feel my pain as a single parent, TRYING to do the right thing.
I know excatly how you feel. Being a single parent I know what it means to want to throw in the towel (I say this almost everyday) but I know if I do that I will be giving up on my children and if I am not there for them who will be? So, every morning that I get up I MUST pray and ask the Lord to give me the strength and guide me along my journey with my children. You are doing a wonderful job and I pray that the Lord gives you the strength to continue on your journey in working with the youth until someone who has your same mindset comes along to replace you:)
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