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Real LYFE: January 2007

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

A New Year and Alot Going On

With the new year off to a very fast start, it's become evident that I need to take a couple of weeks off from the weekly regimen and get some things in order before I get back to the routine of blogging okay?
I've been getting all sorts of emails and I do appreciate knowing that so many keep up with my writings! It's good to know that someone out there is paying attention! Remember, even while on this brief sabbatical, it's still about the children. 2007 is about stepping out into some uncomfortable territory to make the lives of the next generation better than today!
Take care and God speed!
So give me a couple weeks to get my life together and I'll be back to my routine! Hey, nobody told me that running a campaign was so time consuming! :)

Monday, January 08, 2007

A New Year

This year won't be like last year in that last year I spent a lot of time second guessing myself. I've decided that in 2007, I'm going to be more focused on achieving many of the goals that have been set before me. This is a year where the "rubber meets the road!" People who are not assets will be deleted from the equation of life in my book. The reason why I've decided to do this is because of the old adage that says, "guilt by association." I don't have any time to be with the wrong crowd because there are a lot of things on my plate that have to be addressed and confronted this year to better the purposes of the next generation.
I live to help others and realize and understand that I am where I am because of my service and devotion to my young people. I want nothing more than for them to be exposed to the greatness of this world and for that to take place, I have to make sure that I am the best "ME" that I can be. Having liabilities connected to me rather than assets will eventually hinder me from walking into the potential that is before me. So, in this new year that is full of opportunities, I am making every attempt to keep myself focused on maximizing my potential because great things are in store!

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Greater Than Now

The trouble that you go through on a daily basis should be worth it IF and only IF you're working towards a prize that is greater than yourself!

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Stronger for the Change

For far too long many people sit and complain about the situation (whatever it may be) and give the situation far too much power than they should. If you were to take a moment and realize that as this new year has already begun, you are a lot more stronger than you were this time last year. Stop bickering and complaining about the shoulda, coulda, woulda's of life and be thankful for the obstacles because they gave you the platform upon which you stand today!
If you were to be honest and, as many of the youth say all the time, REAL, you would have to admit that you are a lot stronger this year than you were last year! 2006 was a time of great adversity and realignment and now that 2007 is IN PLAY, understand and know that you are stronger for the change! You had to encounter the difficult things in order to be who you are today! So rest in the assurance of knowing that the next generation will be better off because of 2006.
Real talk...

Monday, January 01, 2007

2007: In It To Win It!

A new year brings with it new opportunities! In this new year, I'm expecting exceeding and abundance from every direction. All of the obstacles that were placed in front of me were sent purposefully in order to mature me and prepare me for my destiny! The situation, as it is now, as it pertains to our youth is too important to bring anything from yesterday into 2007! This is a new year! This is a new day and it shouldn't be encumbered with the mess from yesterday. I'm going to let 2006 rest on its own and move forward for the sake of those coming behind me! I believe they deserve better...
2007 is going to be a year where huge issues have to be addressed in order for the community that I live in to move forward. I'm preparing to run for a seat on the Toledo Public School Board of Education because there will be two open seats and I believe that I'm the perfect fit for the dysfunction that has tired everybody! 2007 is going to be a year of no nonsense where the kids come first! We've spent too much time bickering and complaining over the minutia and little has been accomplished. I'm in it for the kids!
This is real talk because I'm tired of the status quo. 2007 is a year that I'm in it to win it!
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