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Real LYFE: Bad Connection

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Bad Connection

Galatians 6:7 says, “…whatever a man sows, that shall he also reap.”

I received an email yesterday from one of my close friends. In the email, this young man had typed a letter to a close friend informing her that he had to cut her off and couldn’t any longer talk to her anymore. They had started out being friends and then it developed into being lovers. The amazing thing about this is that this is the same young lady that he told me about a few months earlier that he knew he had to cut off. Wow, he had talked himself into believing, as we all do, that if he changed “this” or “that” he could still keep her around and just be “friends.” Whatever that means…

Bad soul ties are deadly and deceptive…because they lead you to believe that you need this person in your life…this person will distort your view of God and drive you further and further away from Him. Although he didn’t want to, my friend realized that God wasn’t going to change His mind regarding this situation. So, needless to say, with much apprehension, he broke the tie yesterday evening and realized that this was something so painful that only God could get him out of. You see, when you continue to sow into the flesh after God has provided the way of escape, the scripture tells us that you reap what you sow. So, only God can ease the pain that we have brought on ourselves through our disobedience. It doesn't break can take months.

The word on the street now is she’s pregnant…go figure. Is it really that serious? A possible lifetime commitment? I ask you to ponder this thought, what example is being set for the next generation?


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