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Real LYFE: Stay the Course

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Stay the Course

No matter what happens in life, everything you go through is for a reason. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve wanted to give up. I’ve wanted to throw in the towel just because something that was planned didn’t go my way. This is NOT THE TIME TO GIVE UP! You’ve invested too much time and talent to just walk away. If you’re willing to stick it out, I can guarantee you that you will reap a profit. It may not be what you were expecting, but it’ll be more than what you put into it…that’s a guarantee! Take the time and embrace the struggle that you are going through. The sleepless nights and the long hours throughout the day will be much worth the effort when others begin to take “note!”

Remember, for many of you, that you’re still in hiding. People really don’t know what you are about to walk into! They have no clue that you’re the best-kept secret so STAY FOCUSED and make haste! Get all you can out of this experience. Rest now because it will be hard to rest when the masses finally discover you. Yes, push through this temporary discomfort because it is well worth the wait. You appreciate something much more when you’ve had to work for it. When things are just given to you, sometimes you won’t look with regard to the particular “thing.” So, remember this the next time you want to walk away. Remember that your efforts will pay off soon and very soon but you have to remain in the place of provision in order to reap the harvest!

The scripture says not to give up while doing well because when the time comes you will get what’s coming to you. Remember this because the circumstances may not change overnight and you still may have some trials and tribulations that continue to visit you. But if you can endure and keep standing, trust me when I tell you, YOU WILL REAP A BOUNTIFUL HARVEST! And the real thing about it is, not only you will benefit but the others that you’re connected too will benefit as well.

I keep telling you and I’ll continue so that you can get it in your spirit. The things you do affect the next three to four generations. I say that because we keep forgetting that our “quick” fixes aren’t really quick at all because our great-grandchildren are benefactors of our every action. So, stay the course! Be consistently consistent and with persistence and perseverance you will come through on top!
Don't think that I'm just talking to you. Today's blog is for me as well. Things have been so tight for the past few weeks that I've literally entertained thoughts of walking away from my destiny. Don't be tricked! It gets rough sometime which is why it's important to center yourself around people who understand who you are and know where you're headed. Because they will hold you accountable even when you don't want to be accountable. They will remind you when you want to forget about the promise over your life. I thank God for covenant relationships because I'm sure I would have messed up royally without them.
You owe it to yourself to stay the course so you can reap your reward!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well said, Thanks! I needed that today!

10:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just finished reading your articles - Don't Self-Destruct and Push Through, ...both were EXCELLENT and so very transparent. Thank you for your honesty..

I am currently walking through a seemingly looooooong challenge myself with my health (due to an auto accident) and it has been very difficult.. along with many days when I think this is too hard....but I know that God is going to MANIFEST my healing so I keep it movin' (some days faster than others - LOL!)

Be Encouraged, STAND and Know that Others are also Carrying Seeds of Deliverance!

10:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This was very encouraging at a time of despair and exhaustation. Yet I am determined to continue. Covenant relationships are a must and I pray that the lord establish some in my life becuase at this moment it is as if he has cleared my entire inner circle - yet will I trust Him - actually I have no choice. What you said was very well said and I do hope you are taking your own advice. Thanks for your inspiration, it really does help and heal. With all that is going on within me and around me, God seems to know how to give my tossed and driven sailboat a little blow of wind to keep it moving.

4:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Over the last couple of days ALL of your titles have been hitting me right where I am. My friend also reads your blogs and we are both laughing at the accuracy of your writings as they pertain to my life right now. You may be clueless as to what I am going through but your spirit is right on point. Keep it up!!!!

1:21 PM  

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