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Real LYFE: It's Worth the Effort

Monday, October 17, 2005

It's Worth the Effort

If you endure the test, push through the trials and tribulations that are sure to come, you'll reap a harvest. I know, that's easier said than done. However, think about the children. Not just the children but YOUR children. Don't you want your children to be better off than you? You don't want them to have to deal with the same exact issues you've been dealing with throughout your lifetime, do you?

I don't want my children to deal with low self-esteem. I don't want them to have to contend with the spirit of intimidation. If your grandparents had your parents illegitimate, and your parents had you illegitimate then maybe you should strive to make sure the generational curse STOPS with you? Just something for you to think about.

This is why it's important to push through! Push through the spirit of poverty, push through the lust, push through the incestuous past, push past the economic hardship, push past your fears of loneliness, push past your feelings of being inadequate, for some of you, you need to push past your fatherless childhood and realize that only YOU can hold you back! No more excuses. Lay it on the table and rise to the occasion. There's a brighter day on the horizon, destiny and purpose is within your grasp. Reach out and grab hold because you've paid the price to walk in this dimension. You might as well enjoy it! Don't you think?

If not you, think of the next generation...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is just what I needed today! You just don't know! Thanks

1:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have been struggling with alot of insecurities and this truly is an ON TIME WORD! I receive it and thanks for the excellent content in your blogs. You stay away from alot of hype and speak directly to what I'm going through. And you help me focus on the bigger picture of life!
Thanks Pastor Rich.


1:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not only is it necessary to push but it is detrimental! I have received that "second wind" and have come to realize I have no other recourse but to push through all this s--t because the devil cannot have not one thing that the Lord has impregnated me with. I declared when my children were very young that satan would not have one of them and I declared that so many generational curses that have surfaced in my lifetime would cease with my children. I refuse to take those words back and because My Father confirmed it it has already been established in heaven therefore it must be done on earth as well!! So I reamin PUSHING NOT TO PULL OUT!! I agree IT'S WORTH THE EFFORT and on top of that it is worth seeing the finished products - I show ain't pushing for nothing!!@!!

4:24 PM  

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