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Real LYFE: Make the Process

Monday, October 03, 2005

Make the Process

To grow, you have to allow yourself to go through the pains of life properly. You can't get to the next level in comfort. It takes pain. It takes affliction. It takes criticism. It takes controversy. It takes persecution. It takes envy. It takes jealousy. It takes all of this and a whole lot more.

If some of the above is going on in your life, REJOICE! Understand what's taking place. Don't rebuke what's happening. Learn to embrace it as the vehicle to transport you to the next dimension. I know it's uncomfortable and for many you feel like you're being squeezed beyond measure but if you can just hold on and ride the wave, you'll see the "breaking of a new day" in just a little while.

For me, personally, I've had to realign myself with a new set of people. I've had to reset my priorities. I wanted to kick and scream through this process but last week I changed my posture and decided to MAKE THE PROCESS instead of letting the process make me! I didn't say I didn't get hurt, because I have. I didn't say that it was easy because it isn't. But what I had to do was remember what God spoke over my life years ago because He hasn't changed His mind. The things He promised me are still going to come to pass no matter how bad things may look.

If you don't know what God spoke over your life, I urge you to spend some time with Him. Get into His word and let the word of God awaken the spirit within you. The word of God will remind you that you are blessed and highly favored. The word of God will remind you that you don't have to take NO for an answer. The word of God will remind you that if God be for you WHO can be against you? Take some time today to remember who you are in the Lord.

This is a season where you have to MAKE IT HAPPEN. The promises over your life aren't going to just're going to have to PUSH (Pray Until Something Happens). I just finished reading Juanita Bynum's book, The Threshing Floor, and I must say that it encouraged me to pray with more conviction and more authority knowing that my heavenly father hears my requests.

Wake Up and stop sitting on the sidelines as a wayward soul. Realize that you have a bright future no matter what others may think or say about you. Make the process don't let the process that you're going through make you!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks! I couldn't have said it better myself! Make the process don't let the process make you!

6:43 PM  

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