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Real LYFE: In Case You Haven't Heard...Prayer still works!

Monday, April 24, 2006

In Case You Haven't Heard...Prayer still works!

This is something that so many people think are useful but it still works! Prayer sometimes gets people so confused because many don't understand that it's simply talking to the Almighty Father! I know, for me, it's sometimes hard to visualize talking to the Lord but it's really that simple. We struggle with so many non-essential things that, if we would learn to take them to the Lord, our lives would be so much smoother.
I had to be reminded of this just the other day. Someone who is insignificant in the big picture of B.Real's life was able to get under my "skin" and before I knew it I was perplexed and ready to take matters into my own hands! I don't know why, but the slightest critique from this certain person sends me into a serious "tithy!" But, I stopped and I prayed and asked the Almighty Father to intervene. I reminded myself of who I am and what my purpose in life is and it has nothing to do with people who pontificate control on every hand! I mean, every time I turn around, there is a control issue going on and I'm not one who plays those games...But I do understand that there are a great many people in the world who are insecure and feel that if they can make you think that they have control over your life that it makes them feel better!
Oh well, I feel sorry for them but I can't allow myself to keep getting caught up in their low minded mentality! So, I'm in the process, through prayer, of changing my surroundings because what God has in me and you is too important to be "casting pearls before swine!" NOT ME!
I don't play those games and it's important that we learn to pray and seek God, the Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace, in every endeavor we pursue for He will lead us and guide us in all truth! So I declare today that the old ways have no grip on me and I'm pursuing new heights and new endeavors because I know that I've been called to greater than where I am now! I learned, through my trials and persecutions, that God is no respecter of persons...What He's done for one, He'll do the same for another! So, take this challenge the next time someone pisses you off to where you're about to explode...STOP and ask yourself, "are they worth the effort?" 9 times out of 10 you'll see that they aren't and it's no use in working yourself up for nothing so when this takes place, and believe me it will...Pray and ask God for insight! Ask the Almighty to direct your path! Ask the Lord to deliver you from the hands of your enemies...I GUARANTEE YOU He'll do it! How do I know? Because He just did it for me the other day!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

thanks for this one...I was at my wits end getting ready to pull out my damn hair today and needed to hear this! Oh my God!!!! He is so good!

4:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

this came right on time for me also. you are absolutely right, those who want to push your buttons can do so only if you let them!!! The Lord always has the right message and way if you just ask!

7:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

B.Real I can't begin to tell you how much this blog site has helped me. Just when I'm bout to throw in the towel, God uses you to speak directly to me! All I can say is thank you because you have allowed yourself to be used in such a way that it has become quite refreshing in my life. I get more from this blog site than I do from church! Jesus, now that's saying something! Please continue to Pray for me!

11:58 PM  

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