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Real LYFE: July 2006

Monday, July 31, 2006

Back By Popular Demand

I've received a number of emails and voice mails as to when I was returning from vacation and for all of you who were wondering...I'M BACK! Again, the past few days away were very much needed. These days were used to recollect, remember, recompense, and reflect on those who have gone before me. It's always good to pay respects to whom respect is due and that is exactly what I was away doing last week.

For those of you who may not understand, my fraternity, the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Turned 100 years old and our national convention was held in our nation's capitol, Washington, D.C. It was a very memorable event, one that brought the likes of big names, such as Cornell West, Ambassador Andrew Young, Kevin Powell, Louis Gossett Jr., retired Senator Edward Brooke, and U.S. Representatives, Bobby Scott and Danny Davis.

As over 3,000 Alphas converged from all directions we were faced with serious questions that we had to answer as we prepare to forge forward into the 21st Century. Everything that was good in 1906 isn't necessarily going to be good for 2006. I say that because the last sentence can be used for everybody in their individual lives. Some of the things that we've done in the past may need to be done away with as we attempt to prepare ourselves to lead today in order to get to a greater tomorrow.

I'm ready for the challenges that lie ahead, whatever they may be. What I do know, above anything else, I CAN'T CONTINUE TO STAY WHERE I AM. I have to take my "game" to the next dimension because I know that I didn't go through a lot of the hell that I've been through just to simply stay on the sidelines. What about you? Are you content with the status quo or do you want more? I'm not satisfied with mediocrity and you shouldn't either.

I'm back by popular demand and I say this, not particularly because of the number of you who took the time to call and email me, but I'm saying this because I have made a decision to show up to TODAY! Back by popular demand is more about me and my personal provocation, than it is about responding to others expectations. I'm back because I know that I've been called for greatness, but wait a minute, I'm not alone because you've been called for greatness too, if you believe it! Don't allow your current situations to dictate your actions, don't hold preconceived ideas and allow your perception to cause you to miss out on the manifold wisdom that is ahead on the journey of LYFE.

Time waits for no one so I'm up for the challenge to meet tomorrow "head on," are you?

Now that's real talk!

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Thoughts from Che The Unseen


Do not seek, become
Do not know, live
Do not listen, learn
Do not think, be
Do not feel, embrace
Do not touch, feel
Do not lust, love
Do not love, serve
Do not work, practice
Do not practice, devote
Do not speak, silence
Do not see, create
Do not remember, focus
Do not learn, remember
Do not destroy, build
Do not build, destroy
Does anyone know what to do?
Or what not to do
No one but YOU

Written by Che The Unseen
Author of
Living Tao
A Guide to Remembering

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Thoughts from Che The Unseen


Focus on your goal
Refuse to stop
Say to your self
I will not go gently into that good night
I must stand
Or I will fall for anything
Just hold on
To the tail of the wind
To the feeling of love
To the hem of his garment
To the passion that drives you
Never let go
Because what are are holding on to
Is the essence of self

Written by Che The Unseen
Author of
Living Tao
A Guide to Remembering

Monday, July 24, 2006

Thoughts from Che The Unseen


Freedom to be
Freedom to think
Freedom to love
And to live
Truth is more than not lying
It is the essence of life
All things that are true
You cannot control
It is truth that the wind blows
It is truth that the sun shines
It is truth that the soul is unseen
But despite the truth we continue to lie
I am not talking about lying to someone else
But lying to yourself
About who you are
And you are truth

Written by Che The Unseen
Taken from
Living Tao
A Guide to Remembering

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Acquiring The Initiative Of A Self-Starter

Dear God, "He becometh poor that dealeth with a slack hand, but the hand of the diligent maketh rich," (Proverbs 10:4). Slothfulness is of disgrace to you, but he that exerts exuberance and initiative provides good fruit in his season. For; "wealth gotten by vanity shall be diminished: but he that gathereth by labor shall increase," (Proverbs 13:11)

Lord, I provoke your divinity and your sovereignty to demolish my humanity. Purify me of all unrighteousness, and restore in me a pure heart and a contrite spirit. Instill in me the fused wise characteristics of ants, conies, locusts and spiders. Though the ants are small in stature, they are mighty. They implore your initiative and express wisdom in their proactive mission to prepare for anticipated circumstances. The conies are meager, but establish their dwellings on the durable surfaces of rocks. The locusts do not have an appointed head, yet they unite and effectively function as a team. The spider grips with her hands and migrates to high places, (Proverbs 30:25-28).

Collectively, the animals and insects enlisted represent frailty with great valor. The frailties represented are symbolic of the humility in which we embrace you. We must be responsibly assertive, consistent and wise in the nurturing and development of our relationship with you on a solid foundation. As we feast in the Word and commune in prayer, you will unite us in oneness with your spirit, and as a body we will be uplifted.

In Jesus' precious name I pray.
Thank God, Amen.

Taken from the book,
Expressions From a Pure Heart,
by Keisha Glover

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

The Portrait of a Man

What is a Mighty Man of Valor?
He begins his morning with a God given path
Attentive to the words of his parents past
A child taking steps to becoming what he is to be
A man fulfilling his purpose and destiny

What is a Mighty Man of Valor?
A son of thunder destined to posses the land
Seeing wisdom, knowledge and how to understand
His neck is iced out with mercy and truth
Refusing to give in to the voice of immorality
He saves his most precious gift for the treasure he seeks

What is a Mighty Man of Valor?
A man after God's own Heart
Working like the ant to provide for the summer and winter of life
All things increase as he honors the Lord whit his tithe
Over and above offering sets him up for prosperity
All needs are met beyond what he could ask or think

What is a Mighty Man of Valor?
A warrior on his knees
Daily he communicates with God
And his trust is placed in Him

To the voice of the Lord he pays attention
For it will give him sound direction

What is a Mighty Man of Valor?
The Beloved
As he searches for the wife that will be his crown
His treasure is busy building the kingdom when she is found
The greatest love he will ever find

He loves her as Christ loves the church
For that is a true measure of a man

What is a Mighty Man of Valor?
He is a wise counsel
Raising his children to love and fear God
To rise up with anger never have they been prod
Leading by example to take correction without complaint
Proving that sometimes love calls for chastening and restraint

What is a Mighty Man of Valor?
He ends his day with honor
Leaving a legacy of love for generations to come
His life an example for his daughters and sons
To pray always and never cease
To hold on for the blessing slow to release
To trust his wife to hold his heart
To seek his purpose and fulfill his destiny
To excel in his work and stand before kings
To labor in righteousness leading to life
To always heed words of the wise
A man that stands and doesn't run for cover

This is what makes a Mighty Man of Valor!

Dedicated to the memory of the late Edward "Teddy" Cook
Sunrise 12-15-26
Sunset 07-08-06

Written by His Grandchildren

Monday, July 17, 2006

Walk in YOUR Authority

Walk in your authority! No matter what you are facing this week, start out knowing that you have the power and dominion to accomplish the task that is before you!

Oftentimes in life we allow ourselves to get enthralled with needless cares that don't matter. We allow others to confine us to THEIR preconceived notions and ideas. This needs to stop now! TODAY make sure that you have a grip on your personal matters and have outlined, for your eyes ONLY, where you are headed and what it is going to take to make it to your final destination.

The journey is just as important as the destination but if you don't walk in everything that has been given, then you are inviting unnecessary drama! Some of us like drama, I will admit. But for those who desire something different than the ordinary, I challenge you. NO, I dare you to walk in the authority that God has already given you.

You don't have to be last any longer if you picture yourself already having what they told you you can't have. You don't have to be the first runner up because God said that it is yours! Take dominion because the power and authority have already been given to you!

It's yours for the taking so go for it! Remember, for those of you who listen to Hip Hop, TI declared that he was the King of the South when there were others who had more rights to the title but no one ever spoke up! I rest my case...

Now that's real talk...

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Your NAME, Is it good or bad?

IN this new season, realize that your name is all you have so treasure it and take care of it! Protect your name at all costs! I received a credit report of regarding my name and found out that there were some items listed under my name that shouldn't have been there. This was causing my name to lose value and credibility. My name was unable to work to its full potential, on my behalf, because something was attached to it that was causing it to decrease in value! It was amazing that my name was speaking and I wasn't saying a word!

How many people talk a good game however when it comes time to show up to the level of the rhetoric that they have uttered from their lips, they are unable to do so? A name is very important and once its messed up, it can be very hard to repair. Whether you realize it or not, your name speaks for you whether you are present at the table or not so the question is, what does your name look like? Your name tells a lot about your character and integrity. It speaks of your ability to come through with what you said you would do. How much can you attain from your name? Don't tell me show me!

Now that's real talk!

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Expect the Unexpected

Today is a day that belongs to those who are not limited in their expectations! Don't put a hold on your expectations, expect anything and don't settle for whatever! Transition is in the atmosphere so put your expectations to the test! If you don't get anything, do not blame anyone but yourself. Remember, it's a matter of perception that plays a vital role in that which you see. With that said, see yourself in the very near future reaching the prize and walking in your unlimited potential. Today is for those who were preparing for it yesterday! Transition is the key, use it to unlock your dreams so that your destiny on earth can be fulfilled!

Don't be afraid to tap into the unknown because the scripture tells us that the earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof. If you believe it, then act like it and step out on faith into that which you have been waiting on.

Now that's real talk!

Monday, July 10, 2006


Transition is something that is taking place all around us. It is a very exciting time to be alive so hold fast to your profession of faith. Understand that God has pre-ordained you for greatness so that even though things look tight and things look as if they are going against you, everything works together for good to them that love the Lord. Transition can be tough because it opens you up to something new. Transition, while exciting in one instance, can bring much grief because of the "fear of the unknown" that awaits you!

In moving in transition remember that transition is good! Sometimes it doesn't look or feel good because many tend to be afraid of what is unknown. Many people would rather stay where they are comfortable rather than open themselves up to new possibilities. Imagine what former President Bill Clinton or President George W. Bush had to deal with when they had to transition from being Governor's to the highest office in the Unites States of America. Or for some, imagine being Pope Benedict XVI, who in just a matter of weeks, went from being someone rather unknown to the entire world to now one of the most popular heads-of-state. Like I said, transition can be overwhelming if you don't catch a glimpse of the bigger picture.

Once you have transitioned to a new way of living, there is no turning back! It's just like in the movie, Matrix, taking the red pill or the blue pill. You can't go back, so count the costs and understand that you were created for greatness. Understand and get it settled that you were sent here to this earth for more than just to live, eat, and be merry! You were sent to this earth as an answer to a problem so TRANSITION from a dead state to a "living perpendicular" so that you can be in right alignment to walk into the new thing God has prepared for you to walk in!

Again, let me say, there is no turning back, if you want it, you have got to go for it! Reach up for your destiny and don't look back! Transition to a state of unlimited possibilities! The haters will be there waiting to hate but do as I do and use them as your step stool and keep them under your feet! Now go! The world is waiting for you.

Now that's real talk!

Thursday, July 06, 2006


This is a word that, most often, is under utilized in the everyday vernacular of life because people tend to do whatever they feel is best for the moment, instead of holding fast to their confession. By confession, I'm referring to a commitment that they have made. Times have changed and so have people, a while back, when a commitment was made, people looked at a verbal commitment as if it were a contract. In the days of old, men could shake hands and come to an agreement and the agreement would be followed through, to the hilt! A man was as good as his word, so the saying goes...

Nowadays, value isn't placed on the words of people as they used to be. Divorce is at an all-time high along with lawsuits from business ventures to even disagreements amongst family. Again, the word is INTEGRITY! Integrity is being the same person "behind closed doors" as if you were in front of people. Because in the final analysis, if God sees all and hears all, who are you trying to kid? Who are you really??? Are you the same even when no one else is looking at you? Can you be trusted in public or private to follow through with what you said you were going to do? Even if it hurts or inconveniences you? Remember, somebody, somewhere is watching you! Think about that for a moment...

Now that's real talk...

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

IN-dependence or Dependence

This is the day that we celebrate, as a nation, our independence from Great Britain as a thriving nation, in our own right! July 4, 1776 will forever go down in the annals of time as a MOMENT in time that forever changed the tide of history. Now, over 200 years later and the question remains, are we really independent? What is independence? What did the founding fathers mean when they all signed the Declaration of Independence? I mean, it’s one thing to declare independence from tyrannical rule however; did we take independence too far as we live out our individual/personal lives?

In his book, Winning the Battle for the Minds of Men, Dennis Peacocke uncovers quotes a few of our founding fathers in their outlook on God as it related to this nation:

George Washington

It is impossible to rightly govern the world without God and the Bible.

John Adams
Our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people…so
great is my veneration of the Bible that the earlier my children begin
to read, the more confident will be my hope that they will prove use-
ful citizens in their country and respectful members of society.

Thomas Jefferson
The Bible is the cornerstone of liberty…students’ perusal of the sacred
Volume will make us better citizens, better fathers, and better husbands.

Andrew Jackson
That Book (the Bible) is the rock on which our Republic rests.

Benjamin Franklin
A nation of well-informed men who have been taught to know the price
of the rights which God has given them cannot be enslaved.

William Penn
If we will not be governed by God, then we will be ruled by tyrants.

Ulysses S. Grant
Hold fast to the Bible as the sheet anchor of your liberties; write its pre-
cepts in your hearts and practice them in your lives. To the influence of
this Book we are indebted for all the progress made in true civilization
and to this we must look as our guide in the future. “Righteousness
exalteth a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people.”

I shared this in order to juxtapose the thought or concept of independence vs. dependence. By that I am referring to the heralding call by those who take Independence Day in hopes to rid themselves of alignment with God. When, in actuality, when you look at those who founded this nation, they had a dependence on God while they were in pursuit of independence from tyrannical rule. How different are things now as we look across this nation to see a great many people who pontificate Independence Day but re-align with a different set of beliefs? How different are things today in that we have made it against the law to mention God in certain arenas however we call upon Him whenever a crisis takes place? How different are things today?

I will be the first to say that many of the founding fathers owned slaves, which doesn’t sit well with me at all, so I don’t want it to come across as if I revere them as gods, that couldn’t be further from the truth. My disposition is only to provoke you to think about Independence Day and ask yourself what does it really mean to you? Is Independence Day a day that we, as a nation declare our independence as a nation but yet we personally declare our dependence on God? Or is it a time that we live, drink, and be “merry” forgetting those who have given their very lives for the freedom we take for granted. I would be willing to submit to you this day that we, as humans, are Dependent on God, whether we ever admit it or not, for the very air we breathe. And we should all take this day to be grateful that God has so ordained that we live in a country that gives us the opportunity to CHOOSE! Yes, some of us take this for granted but this really is the most blessed country in the world and we wouldn’t be where we are without GOD!

Now, that's real talk...

Monday, July 03, 2006

Will You Take The Challenge?

Today is a day that will come only once. So the question is, "what are you going to do with it?" There is so much opportunity in the world that goes untapped because we spend so much time being negative and looking at everything from the wrong perspective. There are so many people who live and die with no regard for the untapped potential that goes to waste all because of HURTS that were never confronted.

Life is too short to be focused on something that you cannot change. You can't un-due the past so why do we spend our every day and every minute paralyzed because of what happened yesterday? It's almost as if we live our entire life full of fear, and the question becomes, "fear of what?" What is it that keeps us from tapping into the very potential that has the ability and capacity to take us to places that we have only dreamed about? What keeps us locked into yesterday when today is present and available to transport us to our tomorrow? What is it that allows us to fall into the deception of believing that our better days are behind us and we deserve the mistreatment we receive? What is it?

I ask the question because those who do reach up to their destiny and grab for the unknown are looked at with envy as if they've done something so wrong. Those who dare to think beyond yesterday and gravitate to the endless possibilities of tomorrow are criticized for not remaining average. Those who consider themselves a breed apart from the rest are the ones who are always being talked about but I can’t help but notice that the ones who talk against are always the ones sitting on the sidelines of game of LIFE instead of being an active participant.

So, the query becomes, do you dare to be different and risk being ostracized and criticized by those who are gripped with fear? Or do you sit and watch someone else inherit the potential that was ALL YOURS? You decide who you want to be, but as for me, I’m going to take every moment given to me to DARE to be different! I can’t let today go by and wonder what I would have become because I understand that life is what you make it to be not necessarily the way it is presented. So, with that said, what are you going to do with today? Because for some, this may be all you have…

Now that’s real talk…
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