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Real LYFE: August 2006

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Move! Get Out The Way!

Reach up to your destiny! I've heard this statement before and it resounds ever so loudly in my mind as we are on the verge of a new terrain! For those who dare to break the boundaries of the impossible, the sky is the limits! I discovered something in the process of completing my first novel a few weeks ago. Are you ready to find out what I discovered? Pay close attention because it's real deep! "I was the one that was holding up the project, no one else!"

It's amazing to discover that it was me and no one else that was to blame for the manuscript being in the same place that it had been in. I had allowed insecurity and intimidation to grab hold of me and by the time those emotions took over, fear was right there holding me hostage. I didn't think it was good enough, I had excuse after excuse for why I couldn't take things to the next level, when finally I "came to myself" and realized that I've read some books that were full of crap and the author had published over five books, so what was I waiting on?

When that reality set in I, in the words of our youth, "got on my grind" and I found an editor who fit with my aims and ideals. We emailed back and forth and then it was TIME to "move and get out the way!" As a matter of fact, the editor just emailed me and told me to let her do what she does and not to worry! (easier said than done) But this is a good test because I had to learn that I couldn't do projects such as this on my own. I had to find skilled people who were professional and who had business savvy!

Oftentimes when we are proceeding into a project like this we'd prefer family and friends to go with us for the ride, but sometimes our family can serve as our detriment and can lead to our premature death! So beware and pray before asking certain close friends to join you for the journey! MOVE yourself aside and let the professionals do what it is they do! If I had never come to this realization, I'd still be trying to do everything myself and I'd probably get frustrated, as I've done on three or four previous projects, and throw in the towel. WELL, NO MORE!

I've removed myself from the equation and I challenge you; NO, I dare you to do the same! Watch God operate when you finally hand in your resignation!

Now this is real talk!

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

A Moment in Time

There comes moments in time where you are presented with opportunities that come around only once. What do you do? Do you stay in the familiar terrain and just watch others walk into their destinies? Or do you take the plunge and risk and step out and watch the Almighty go to work? Many people are living frustrated lives because they allowed fear to hold them hostage and render them ineffective to LIVE to their fullest potential!

Moments in time are given so that you can take the natural and turn it into the supernatural. Moments in time are presented to give you a voice that you might not otherwise have except for the moment that came into being! Moments are either defined or undefined but the choice is yours. What will you do?

In the book of Revelations, the Almighty God says that He is the God that opens doors that no man can shut and shuts doors that no man can open. My question to you this day is this, "will you go through the door that is opened for this MOMENT IN TIME or will you allow your fear or what other people think hold you back? If I were you I'd forget about what other people had to say about the decisions you had to make because at the end of the day, it's your life to live!

Now that's real talk! This is your moment, what will you do with it?

Monday, August 28, 2006

Divine Interruptions

Divine interruptions often come at the most inconvenient times in your life. When you prayed for God to intervene it was as if He was on a "break" of some sorts. The time when you think you needed God the most, it appeared as if you were forsaken because you felt as if He was nowhere around. I understand the feelings that have run through your mind regarding God's answer to your dilemma however, I want to encourage you today to Hold on because GOD is closer than you think!

You may be like me, for years I felt as if I was cursed because of the loneliness that I had to endure. I felt as if I was purposefully put on "front" street on many occasions because of things that had taken place in my life years before which caused me to be withdrawn and suffer with low self-esteem. Others of you may have felt just the opposite, whereas I didn't want attention period, many feel like without attention, they're nothing! They thrive on being the class clown and without them the party is never hype! I don't know where you find yourself on this journey but receive today a fresh word from God that the trials and tribulations that you've endured were divinely orchestrated for His purposes being manifested in your life.

You may ask, "what do you mean?" Thanks for asking! In life, we tend to allow ourselves to be victimized over the slightest issues and without having anywhere to turn we tend to remain in the spiraled web that has kept us bound due to our inability to break free and realize that we deserve and are worthy of better! Too many times we've cursed ourselves by allowing others to speak damnation over our lives and without rebuking the words, we tend to receive them and without even knowing it, we frame our world around the words spoken.

Well, enough is enough and the lines of demarcation have been drawn this day! God has interrupted time in order to give each of us a fresh word! A new wind is blowing and in order for you to receive this new wind, you must lay aside yesterday! Yesterday will look the same but your outlook and perspective will be changed forever! Think it not strange that you have been tried in the fire because the fire came to get all of the impurities out so that you could come forth as pure gold!

Divine interruptions come from the Almighty, by interruptions I mean that moments that break into time and change the laws of time are only from God! God, who lives in eternity periodically steps into time on behalf of his beloved! The scripture of meditation for this week is from Deuteronomy 20:1-4 (KJV)

When thou goest out to battle against thine enemies, and seest horses, and chariots, and a people more (numerous) than thou, be not afraid of them: for the Lord thy God is with thee, which brought thee up out of the land of Egypt. And it shall be, when ye are come nigh unto the battle, that the priest shall approach and speak unto the people, And shall say unto them, Hear, O Israel, ye approach this day unto battle against your enemies: let not your hearts faint, fear not, and do not tremble, neither be ye terrified because of them; For the Lord your God is he that goeth with you, to fight for you against your enemies, to save you!

Now this is real talk!

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Defining Moments of Life

Think about all that has taken place over the course of your life and if you're like me, you'll see that things haven't been as bad as they seemed. It could have been worse, right? If you take a moment you'll see that there is truth to the statement because the fact remains that you're still breathing, aren't you? We tend to more often than not spend most of our days complaining about what isn't rather than appreciating what IS! How do you spend the days of your life? Do you spend the day holding on to yesterday? Do you waste valuable time looking at what happened to you last year or even ten years ago? Or do you use the past to help you strategically position yourself for the future?

In the movie, Forest Gump, there was a statement made that goes like this, "Life is like a box of chocolates..." I use this statement because in actuality, this is what life is about, taking risks! You don't know what you're going to get under the chocolate until you take that BITE! Things in your life could be worse, point well taken, however what are you going to do to take the worse and make it good? Remember these words, IF IT'S GOING TO BE, IT'S UP TO ME!

You can spend your days wallowing about what isn't or you can take whatever "hand" your dealt and play the hell out of it! Life is made of defining moments where we are faced with life and death situations where we have to make a decision that will make or break us! Be thankful for the trials and tribulations because this is what serves as the catalyst to make us stronger than ever!

Now that's real talk!

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

When the Levees Broke

This is a must see---I couldn't help but sit in front of my television for the entire time this documentary was last night! For those of you who didn't watch it, this is a MUST! Words can't even describe the up-close and personal accounts of what actually happened during the days that government stood idle and apparently did nothing!

The scripture tells us to not put our confidence in men. Well, let's just say that those words ring ever so true while viewing the degradation that took place in the city of New Orleans last year during Hurricane Katrina when the levees broke. This isn't a slant towards the democrats or republicans because in the final analysis when disaster takes place we are people. We are all members of the human race and we have a responsibility to remember what actually took place!

I applaud Spike Lee for the vivid real life footage that was attained that might have gone unsaid had he not dared to defy belief! I say defy belief because there are many things that I saw last night that I probably would have second guessed had I not seen it with my own eyes. However, I thank him because he gave the "average Joe" a voice and he went where very few cameras dared to go, into the heart of the storm.

I always say from time to time to be grateful for things as they are because it could be worse. Anyone who actually takes time to view this documentary can't help but say "thank you Lord" because we are a blessed people! We are blessed to be alive and be in good health and strength. So the next time you want to complain about your home situation, stop and be grateful that you at least have a home. The next time you want to complain about your family, stop and be thankful because for the most part, you probably know where all of your family members are located!

This documentary is scheduled to conclude tonight at 9pm on HBO. You don't want to miss this, if you can stomach reality! This is real life coming at you so be ready!

Now this is real talk!

Monday, August 21, 2006

Still Here

In the beginning of a new week, if you're still having some issues with your past, let me share with you the fact that YOU'RE STILL HERE! Regardless of the many obstacles that you've endured, the fact remains that you're still breathing! If you can't find anything else to be grateful for, be grateful for LIFE! Be thankful that things aren't worse because you do know that things could be worse.

Sometimes we often get caught up on what's not happening and what we want to happen when we can stand to be thankful and give God praise for things being where they are! Can you feel me today? I understand that for many of you who will read this that things aren't normal right now and there are situations that seem to be insurmountable. In other words, things are TIGHT! But rejoice in the fact that you can still breathe! The bible says let everything that has breath praise the Lord! So, even though it's not what you want, stop and tell the Lord "thank You!"

Lastly, don't focus on what is NOW, but rather turn your attention to what's to come because I believe with all my heart that if God wanted you dead, you'd be dead! However, He didn't allow the accident, the sickness, the divorce, the bullet, the "pink slip" etc...He didn't allow any of that to take you out so He obviously has you in mind for something that is on the way; AND WHAT'S COMING IS BETTER AND GREATER THAN WHAT'S BEEN! Receive that this day and rejoice because you're still here! In spite of everything, you're still here!

Now this is Real LYFE talk!

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Make It Happen---Again

I know I said something about this not too long ago, but DO NOT BE AFRAID TO GO AFTER YOUR DREAMS! You've waited your entire life for this moment so don't let it pass you by! It's strange but we often tend to shy away from what we feel in our spirit when the going gets rough and the going gets tough, but nevertheless, be encouraged.

I'm speaking from personal experience this very moment because I too have been bombarded, as of late, with issues, concerns, and just plain out stupid stuff that doesn't matter. This is a trick of the enemy to get you to forsake your destiny so please, by all means, don't believe the hype. When it's all said and done, that's all it really is, hype with no substantive power to hold you hostage, so don't give in to your emotions and the way things may appear to be. Appearances can be deceiving and so can your feelings. At this stage of your journey, you're too close to go by what you see, so just know that your time is now!

You have the potential to make it happen---again and again and again! The atmosphere is fertile and ripe for the miraculous to take place. There is no time greater than now for your dreams to come true so why not? Why would you think that it can't happen? Why would you think that you're not worthy to walk into what was promised to you a long time ago? Why would you think that? Don't give room to the enemy because his objective is to steal, kill, and destroy you and he does so by getting you to believe that destiny is taking place for everybody except you!

You have everything you need to Make It Happen---Again! So, what are you waiting for? Kick fear and worry to the curb and walk into your season because the time is NOW!

Now that's real talk!

Tuesday, August 15, 2006


For the past few weeks, I've been working non-stop on a few different projects. It's been rather hectic but what has kept me going is the "bigger" picture that I see. Down the road, because I've maintained my focus, even though it's been tough on some days, it's going to all work out for my good! That's how I see it and that's important because many nights I end up going to bed in tears because sometimes I feel as if my labor is in vain. Oftentimes, it's lonely doing what I do but I'm encouraged to NOT GIVE UP!

Yes, there are deadlines that I'm working against that I must keep, I can't push them back because every delay costs me dollars and cents, if you feel me. Every time I push a deadline back I'm holding up destiny and, DESTINY, can wait no longer! Many of you are already aware that I'm working on publishing my first novel. It's been a long time coming and YES, I'm constantly beating myself up about not being prepared or some other lame excuse, so I'm writing to myself today more than anyone else.

Deadlines are important and if we are attentive, faithful, and consistent, the big PAYOFF is down the road. Deadlines come and deadlines go, however, after it's all said and done, what will be the pay-out or pay-off for holding fast to your deadline? If you don't follow through, you may never ever walk in your divine destiny, right? Who knows? Work your project and get it done in a timely fashion so that the deadline isn't your breaking point but serves as a catalyst for your MAKING!

Now that's real talk!

Monday, August 14, 2006

All for One and One for All

A mouse looked through the crack in the wall to see the farmer and his wife open a package. "What food might this contain?" The mouse wondered - he was devastated to discover it was a mousetrap. Retreating to the farmyard, the mouse proclaimed the warning. "There is a mousetrap in the house! There is a mousetrap in the house!" The chicken clucked and scratched, raised her head and said, "Mr. Mouse, I can tell this is a grave concern to you, but it is of no consequence to me. I cannot be bothered by it."

The mouse turned to the pig and told him, "There is a mousetrap in the house! There is a mousetrap in the house!" The pig sympathized, but said, "I am so very sorry, Mr. Mouse, but there is nothing I can do about it but pray. Be assured you are in my prayers."

The mouse turned to the cow and said, "There is a mousetrap in the house! There is a mousetrap in the house!" The cow said, "Wow, Mr. Mouse. I'm sorry for you, but it's no skin off my nose."

So, the mouse returned to the house, head down and dejected, to face the farmer's mousetrap alone. That very night a sound was heard throughout the house -- like the sound of a mousetrap catching its prey. The farmer's wife rushed to see what was caught. In the darkness, she did not see it was a venomous snake whose tail the trap had caught. The snake bit the farmer's wife. The farmer rushed her to the hospital, and she returned home with a fever. Everyone knows you treat a fever with fresh chicken soup, so the farmer took his hatchet to the farmyard for the soup's main ingredient.

But his wife's sickness continued, so friends and neighbors came to sit with her around the clock. To feed them, the farmer butchered the pig. The farmer's wife did not get well; she died. So many people came for her funeral; the farmer had the cow slaughtered to provide enough meat for all of them. The mouse looked upon it all from his crack in the wall with great sadness.

So, the next time you hear someone is facing a problem and think it doesn't concern you, remember -- when one of us is threatened, we are all at risk.

We are all involved in this journey called life. We must keep an eye out for one another and make an extra effort to encourage one another

Author Unknown

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Where's the REAL Influence?

Where is the Kingdom Agenda's influence? I don't know but it's a question that I've been pondering for a while. Every time I see reports such as the one listed below, I am forced to come to terms with the apparent realization that "church," as we know it, has to transition from a dead state to that of a "living perpendicular!"

By "living perpendicular" I am saying that it's important for the church to find a way to intersect and infiltrate this industry that has our control and influence over our children. To continue with the status quo is equivalent to playing a game of "double jeopardy." Once you've been acquitted, you cannot stand trial for the same thing "CRIME" in the same courtroom. So, what do we do?

The information listed below was attained from the EUR web magazine in the August 9th edition; Take a look at who has the REAL influence over our youth!

Here are the full Top 10 richest people in Hip-Hop:
1. P. Diddy, $346 Million
2. Jay-Z, $340 Million
3. Russell Simmons, $325 Million
4. Damon Dash, $200 Million
5. Neptunes, $155 Million
6. Dr. Dre, $150 Million
7. Ice Cube, $145 Million
8. Eminem, $110 Million
9. 50 Cent, $100 Million
10. Nelly, $60 Million
10. (Tie) Jermaine Dupri, $60 Million

I'll ask the question for you to ponder once again, "Who has the real influence over YOUR children?" In order for you to answer this, you have to think for a moment before you utter forth a vague generality and blame the media. It's not the media's fault; the media isn't the one with the money buying the CD's are they? I know I do purchase these CD's because as America's Youth Pastor, I feel it necessary and of vital importance to understand the lyrics. But again, my question to you is, who has the REAL influence? You or one of the gentlemen from the "top 10?"

Now this is real talk!

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Stepping Out

Moving out into new territory is not easy. It requires you to make up your mind that you are not going to stay where you are. You are going to prepare yourself for the next place, come what may. It also means that you have to open yourself up to a new paradigm because the old ways that sustained you may not necessarily be able to carry you in the new terrain you are headed too.

For me, the past few months have been quite hectic because I've been making a lot of changes in my life. I'm tired of the way things have been going and have made a decision to close some doors and cut off some people who have not been productive in my life. It's time to move forward in life so that those who are connected to me can get where they need to get. If I refuse to move forward because I remain fearful of the unknown, then how will I ever be able to reap any rewards?

I've contemplated this decision for the past few days and weeks and have come to the conclusion that most people never ever step out into the destiny that God has predestined for them often due to fear and due to insecurity. It's amazing that most people would rather stay on the shores of life rather than get their feet wet in the deep parts of their destiny. It's crazy and sad at the same time because everything we do affects the next three to four generations. By one persons decision to NOT step out, imagine the lives that could be hanging in the balance! **Just something to think about.

Take the "plunge" and step out into the new. Step out and understand that it's not just about you but it's about the lives of those yet to be born.

Now that's real talk!

Monday, August 07, 2006

I Don't Know What To Say, I think?

On a day like today, when everything seems to be going okay, I have nothing to say! I guess it's the calm before the storm that has me hesitating. I'm trying to think real hard but nothing comes to mind. I've been working constantly, around the clock, on my first book that is going to be published this fall and it's taking everything I have. I have never been so confident about something like this before, but on this project, I'm really pulling out all the stops!

Now, after thinking about it for a moment, if I could say anything I'll say this: Look out for my new book coming out soon, real real soon! It's been a long time coming and for all of you who have been reading my blog, thank you! Over the past few years, I've written over four or five books without even realizing that I wrote them but now I've come to the place where it's time to take things to the next level.

Remember, I'm not going to continue to talk the talk without walking the walk, so that's where I am now. That's why the blogs have been shorter and I've been allowing others to showcase their talent. As I constantly pour out from my spirit and bring words to life, I have to be careful and NOT overkill and it's difficult because I don't know how to half do anything. When I commit to something I am "ALL IN." I'm not like other people, if I say I'm going to do something, that's my word!

And for those of you who remember, I wrote about it a few weeks ago when I was talking about a NAME. My name is all I have and I cannot allow anyone to mess that up! So, I'm closing now so after all that talk that I didn't have anything to say, I guess I really did but I didn't know it until I just started giving you my heart!

Take care and keep me in prayer, I want this to be the best so if I have to burn the midnight oil, you, my readers, are well worth it!

Now that's real talk!

Thursday, August 03, 2006

A Mere Thought for Today

The Sage Prays

Thank you father
For what you have done
And who you are
For what you have given
And what you are in me
May my thoughts be of purpose
May my actions be honorable
May my heart glow with the essence of love
I focus on the truth in all things
So that we may be one at all times
Use me here in service
So your way can be seen in this place
I close my eyes and let you guide me
For with you I am everything
Without you I am nothing.

Written by Che The Unseen
Author of
Living Tao
A Guide to Remembering

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

The Breaking of Day

The saying goes, "the darkest hour is just before the day." And just like the saying so are the facts of life. Some of the most trying times in life are just before the "breaking" of day, meaning, it gets real tight right before things begin to turn around and you start to see results from what you've been laboring with. This is where a lot of us are today on this journey called LYFE.

Please understand that trials are destined to come for as long as we have breath in our body, so we have to get over it. It's a done deal, as far as that is concerned. It's a guarantee that we'll endure trials and temptations so we can't let issues get in the way of the bigger picture of life. You have to remember that you have a destiny and that you were promised success and a future. In the word of God you have an anchor so stay steadfast and immovable when all the storms of life seem to weigh you down.

Rest in knowing that the trial is making you, NOT breaking you! Rest also in knowing that after it's all said and done, you'll look back and see that you are stronger than you were before you encountered whatever obstacle you just overcame. So be encouraged and know that the time is approaching soon and very soon where you will see the breaking of day!

Now that's real talk!
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