Can you endure suffering?
If I’ve said it once, I’ll say it again, be careful what you pray for. Let me give you an example; say for instance somebody says they want to be like Pastor Rich. So you ask the Lord for the same level of transparency that I have when it comes to revealing weaknesses that you still deal with. Or you can ask the Lord for the same level of authority and boldness that I walk in. Realize one thing, you have to go through what I’ve gone through (or equivalent) to get it! You’re not going to get it free of charge! Salvation is the only thing free!
I could write a book and just might one day on the countless nights I spent wanting to kill myself. For some of you who haven’t kept up, I’ve discussed this before but I was molested as a youngster and didn't know what to do or who to talk to so I let the enemy talk to me and tell me that no one loved me and that it was no use, that I should just give up now and escape so I wouldn't bring any shame to my dad and mom...or when I would be out in the clubs having unprotected sex with everybody! You weren't there when I had to, as a pastor's son, live a double was all a charade...I knew how to act the part of a church goer...I knew how to throw my hands up and shout and everything to play the I could just make it through for the moment!!! I had told the Lord that I didn't want to be just the average preacher that got his ministerial license out of a cracker-jack box! You weren't there when I was at the clinic for contracting an STD (time and time again) and kept telling the Lord if He could just keep me from the hand of the doctor's swab!!!!! I won't do it again...and then I'd go right back out and "KICK IT" all night! Wow! So much I went through needlessly...but it brought me to know Christ in a very real way! You weren't there...when the doctors told me that there was nothing they could do...but God!
You see, this gives me the validity to speak with the authority that I speak weren't there when the glorious church of God eulogized me and basically counted me as a has been and said I'd never be weren't there when I had to nurse my father...and help him use the restroom and change his bed sheets and watch my mother's body get worn out by having to basically pick him up and move him from place to place...and you weren't there when I received notice in a Cleveland airport that my father (of whom I had just kissed on the forehead 2 hours before and said I'd call him that evening) had died of a massive heart attack. You weren't there for any of it! But God was there WITH ME through it all!
Suffering? If you ain’t been through nothin’ then you don’t know a thing about suffering! We tend to run away from pain and suffering. All over you have people that don’t want any scars but until you have scars you are not authentically apart of the body of Christ! Have you ever thought about it from that perspective? If not, just go Hmmmm.
So I close by asking you…can you endure suffering?