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Real LYFE: March 2006

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Keep It Real & Treal

As you go throughout life make sure you keep it real and treal with yourself! As I talk with young people throughout this country, one of the criticisms that I hear time and time again is that older folks don't know how to be real! Many young people feel as if the older generation forgets what it was like "back in the day!" I'm not someone who considers myself old but even at my age sometimes it's easier for me to act like I ain't done nothin in my past as well, but to whose detriment is that? Mine or the young people I'm talking too? Sometimes young people need to have some guidance, and guidance isn't necessarily based on a "I told you so" basis. I've been more successful getting someone to see my point of view by keeping it real than I have been "preaching" to them about why they shouldn't do something!
Keep it real with yourself but don't just keep it real, but keep it TREAL as well. By Treal I mean be truthful with yourself about what's going on inside your mind! Real is about being factual about what has taken place. Yeah, you used to club and yeah, you used to have sex without a condom back in the day and whether or not you suffered because of it. Where as Treal is dealing with some of the issues you were faced with that caused you to do some of the things you did! Such as, "I didn't have any control at home because my parents were soooo spiritual, so it caused me to look for ways to be the one in 'control' when I was out in the streets doing my thing!" That's being treal because you're not only saying that YES I did the crime (if you even look at it like that) but I went deeper within my soul and found out that my illegitimacy was a leading factor in my whorish tendencies!
So remember as you're sharing with young people from all walks of life, if the television ain't sugar coatin' anything, and the radio ain't sugar coatin' anything, then why should you?
Now that's straight up talk!

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

TI - The King

This is the day that many young people throughout the country have been waiting for! The hip hop rap artist, TI, releases his long awaited CD entitled, The King! I can't act like it's all young folks cuz keepin it all the way real, I've purchased mine already! I, as a youth minister, cannot ignore a phenomenon. If I continued to listen to James Cleveland and sing songs such as, "then sings my soul..." Then I'd be missing the mark! I've purchased my CD and do intend on dissecting this CD backwards and forwards so that I can understand even greater what the "game" is all about in this day and age.
One of my mentees called me this morning from Columbus, Ohio and told me that they had been listening to the music online and how good they thought the CD was, so I can't comment until later but this craze won't go away anytime soon because TI's movie comes out this Friday. I, will be viewing it on Sunday afternoon so that I can, again, be involved in the conversation that goes forth in the days and weeks to come. Please don't be alarmed religious people, it's all good, I am not compromising my standards but what I'm doing is perfecting my craft on being a fisher of men! If the fish are biting at worms, why would I try to catch them with spiders? Huh? It makes no sense to do such a foolish thing! In this time and season I'm thinking smarter and not working harder!
Some folk in the church might not like or agree with my tactics and quite honestly I don't care. I've been at this for quite sometime now and it's quite effective. If some of you think that I've lost my way, do what you do best---PRAY! To those who understand my plight, join with me in understanding the dialogue of the next generation of leaders because whether you realize it or not, these are our leaders not just tomorrow but TODAY as well.
Isn't it amazing how hip hop artists proclaim who they are more than our own pastors????
Now that's straight up talk!

Monday, March 27, 2006

Who Are You Attracting?

I'm encouraged today and I do know that all is not lost! For the past few months I had allowed myself to become discouraged because of what I was looking at! You know how the saying goes, "when it rains, it pours!" Well that seemed to be the story as it related to the youth that I was working with. If it wasn't one thing it was another and I got tired! I was sick and tired of seeing the ones that I spent the most time with completely just losing their minds. I was tired and I thought that maybe it'd be better if I stepped aside and allowed someone else to bring some fresh ideas to the table as it related to the spiritual growth of the youth in the community, but ALL IS NOT LOST! I am ready to give it another shot because I'm convinced that my labor is not in vain!
We are on the eve of the release of TI, the rap artist's CD coming out and I'm excited about this because TI isn't the average artist, he speaks a lot of truth. Before the religious right has a heart attack, hear me out!!! (lol) Anyway, TI, has a way of presenting real life circumstances with an attitude that "no matter what, he's going to keep his head up!" He knows he made some mistakes along the way and he was incarcerated for a time, but he still walks with the attitude that he is not going to let anyone or any circumstance keep him from a better tomorrow! Now, some may not agree with me but this is the same attitude that the "glorious" church of Jesus Christ should be operating in. WE should be, and I am really focusing on the word SHOULD...We should be walking around calling ourselves kings and queens but we allow the hip hop artists to proclaim who they are while we remain silent!
It's our silence that has killed the church and caused it to become stagnant. Young people are attracted to strength! One of my spiritual fathers, Bishop Eddie L. Long, in Atlanta, has a rather LARGE following. One of the reasons why is because of his ability to use what he has been blessed with in order to attract people. Understand this, young people are caught by what they see...Bishop wears muscle shirts to show his abs...Now some people believe that it's too much but I understand the need to catch a few fish who jump at that site! Others would say that he's vain...But who cares what you think? What he's doing is working and the haters may still have just 20 members...I mean dang C'mon on and understand marketing! JESUS! The fact of the matter is that he wears the clothes he wears because there are a group of people who are attracted to the sight of success! Whether you like it or not or whether you're fat or small, being "cut" and working out is popular. Yes, it may turn some away, but I think the overall approach is to reach a group who, otherwise, might not ever be reached.
Artists in the hip hop game say what they say, not because they necessarily believe some of the crap that they utter, but because it attracts a crowd. Now whether you agree with me or not, I've done the same thing with the group of youth I work with. I use their own language to draw them close to me and because of that, I've developed a crowd. I now wear the same style of clothes that they wear, not because I necessarily like it, but because I know to catch fish, I have to use the bait that the fish are attracted to in order for them to bite!
In order for us to be effective in reaching our youth we have to understand that the mechanisms to reach them MUST change, if not we run the risk of being labeled FOOLS because we refused to relate the same way other successful people relate to the next generation. I just went to the mall this past weekend and had one of my sons pick out a new hat because I know what it's going to take in order to be effective in this day and age. I'm not holding on to the old landmark, the old landmark is inside of me! My goal is to become all things that I may win some! What type of crowd are you attracting or reaching for?

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Get Yo Mind Right...Change Your Thinking

In order to survive in this day and age it's going to be important to understand that the guard has changed and that there is a whole new way of doing things! A whole new way of living! In order for you to understand the new thing that God is ushering forth, you have to first remember that it's not all about you! Secondly, you have to keep an open mind and not box things in to the way God moved in the 1960's. God is moving in a greater way than He moved back then but most of us can't receive it because we won't change our paradigm!
It's amazing as I talk to young people across this country, their biggest gripe with the old guard is that they feel rejected or ostracized for dressing the way they dress, or for talking the way they talk, etc. And the old guard's biggest gripe is that things "aren't the way they used to be!" Well, let me help everybody out with one thing right here and now...THINGS WILL NEVER BE THE SAME AS THEY WERE BACK IN "YOUR DAY!" So get that out of your system right now! :)
We have to do a better job in understanding the hip hop culture people! It's not satanic like some preachers would want to pontificate. It's no different than living in another country. In order to survive, you'd have to study the culture and understand why they do the things they do. This important aspect is never really achieved because most leaders have a fear of reaching forth into the "unknown." For lack of a better word, I'll say "X."
Looking at the letter, "X" you can draw one of two conclusions but it all depends on how you read it. X does represent an unknown equation, for those of you who remember taking algebra when in school. There were no limits to what X could stand for and the object was to discover what IT was. The culture of today took X a few years back and placed it on t-shirts because it represented not only Malcolm X but it represented a generation that lacked identity. It was during this time that the church, instead of addressing an issue that the community and nation were talking about, the church continued to have church. The church, instead of reclaiming the youth, pushed them further away.
This was the time for the church to look at X as not just a misnomer that filled space because of lack of identity but this was the defining moment for the church to stand up and look at X as being the space marker on a map. Some of you may understand what I'm saying but in II Corinthians, chapter 4, verse 7a, the King James version reads like this, "But we have this treasure in earthen vessels," I don't know how you read the X but I don't read the X as representing the lost generation but I read the X as the marker for where the hidden treasure lies in waiting. Yes, we have a generation that is lost but that's because very few of the saints of the most high God are willing to come out of hiding to tell them who they are. Very few of the saints are willing to change their paradigm of what the church should look like because they want to stay in yesterday, but they don't see that they forfeit a "great" tomorrow by refusing to reach out to the next generation.
If I could get some folks to stand with me and stop fighting me then we could turn this "mutha" out! There is more than one way to reach our youth! WE could be exactly what God ordained us to be...Bridge builders for a better tomorrow learning from one another. But first you have to get ya mind right and realize that it's not going to be comfortable and it's going to cost you everything you got to save the lost!
So, get ya mind right!
Now that's straight up talk

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Da Real Prophets

One of my favorite movies is, Tupac: Resurrection. For those who haven't seen it, I recommend that you do. There was so much in that movie that moved me that I can't help but share my thoughts about "THUG LIFE" and the Hip-Hop movement as it pertains to where we are going in society. I'm not speaking primarily in “church” terms because the ramifications are so much greater!
We, as the leaders of the NOW and NEXT generation have got to look at how God is moving in the world today! Tupac was a product of a fatherless home, looking for direction; he was rejected by the fathers/leadership of his day. In his rejection, he rebelled BIG TIME and developed an "I don't care" attitude. This same attitude helped to create the climate that led, unfortunately to his untimely death. But, if you did view the movie, you can see that he had a relevant message that touched the world, and is even touching the world almost 10 years after his death. He, just like others such as Notorious, Diddy, JayZ, Fat Joe, Big Boi, TI, 50cent, just to name a few, are all getting into the conversation of today. They, in fact, are the real prophets.
They determine what our children will be listening to! Tupac said it in his documentary, that in the event of his death; there would be music coming from him for years to come… Take, for instance, those who design, it is being determined NOW, by the prophets in the fashion world, what our kids will be wearing next winter, spring, summer, and fall. This is one of the reasons why Tupac can still make money; he tapped into something that the church of today refuses to move into. He and the others talk the "reality rap" that the youth so desperately want. Church today is too much into 1940,1950, 60's, 70's, 80's, etc. We don't deal with what the youth are dealing with today. Tupac, in his defiance of society set a standard that far surpasses his death. In his death he is still reaching generations that have yet to be born.
The question for you today is, in the life you live, whom are you reaching and what affect will it have on the generations to come?
Now that’s straight up talk!

Monday, March 20, 2006

Real Recognizes Real So Who Recognizes You?

Have you ever thought to yourself and wondered whether you were real with yourself? I do all the time and do you know who makes sure I keep it real? My young folks! Young people, I don't care who, if they are young, most of them haven't learned the behavioral styles that we continue to adopt in order to cover up what's really going on inside our mind. Young people want reality! Nothing more, nothing less, this is why there is a big draw on reality television shows today. In the 80s we were caught up with Dallas and "Who shot J.R.?" While in the 90's we were rocking to Beverly Hills 90210 before we got caught up in who President Clinton was "doin" in the oval office. And there goes it. America went down a slippery slope and found itself becoming more real than any of us ever thought.

We're approaching 10 years that Tupac has been gone from this life and we just passed Biggie Smalls 9th anniversary and these two are still making money because they were the forerunners of their time when it came to reality talk!!!! If there were two Hip Hop artists who kept it real, there you have it. LOOK NO FURTHER! We, the church, have a long way to go if we're ever going to be a force to be reckoned with. We've got to roll up our sleeves and take off the robes and the facade that we've allowed to overtake us to where we believe our own hype. Now there are a few major pastors in the country who have been able to transcend and go to the same level that Hip Hop artists are at in their presentation and that's because they decided to just be transparent with themselves first, then their congregation. However, we still have a long long way to go!

Real recognizes real. If you keep it real with the youth of today, they'll recognize what you're talking about but if you keep your verbiage all wrapped up in the hereafter, then I'm afraid you're going to go alone without the next generation because they're crying for some real people to stand up and be father's and mothers to them because they don't have anywhere else to go. I know for me, I've been inundated for the past few years because of the draw that I have to my own kids in the church that I serve at. There is very little help because very few people are willing to get real because that takes coming to grips with your past! OUCH! Did I say that?

You see, coming to grips with the past is a lot easier said than done because most of us walk around with so many covered up wounds that it doesn't make any sense. And then we wonder why the generations don't want to be bothered! We've changed the church from a place to get marching orders into a hospital full of sick broke busted and disgusted people. You know the statement, "Misery loves company?" Well this is the church! WE don't want anyone to get healed and rise above their past because then it makes those left behind look like a fool, so we are constantly in this battle week in and week out and our youth don't want to be a part of this charade!

I close by saying, real recognizes real. Youth will gravitate toward you if you know how to be real with yourself because being real with yourself is a strength and at the end of the day that's what everybody wants, to be with someone who is strong and powerful! Peace out for now...And remember, REAL RECOGNIZES REAL so ask yourself, "Who recognizes you?"
Now that's straight up talk!

Thursday, March 16, 2006

I Don't Care Anymore

This is the sentiment of my heart! Young people are important to me and it's important that they not be ignored! Time and time again I run into leaders from all sects who have no clue as to what this generation is up to. Well, my first question to the leaders (so called) is who is following you? If the only people who are following you are the folks from your club (church) or organization then what kind of leader are you? For real tho! A thought that I want you to ponder on is who will be following you in the 10-15 years if you don't spend any time trying to understand this present generation?
You see, I'm tired of the bullsh** that goes on continually with leaders always coming to me acting like they know the real deal when, truth be told, they don't know a thing about what they are professing to know about "this" generation. It's funny in one aspect cuz they really don't have a clue (but they THINK they do)!
So here's my dilemma. How do I show them if they never listen to me? I don't know, maybe someone out there reading can help me show these "leaders" how to reach the next generation because honestly, I'm tired as hell of the same ole stuff! I'm tired of my young people being ignored and treated like second class citizens or step children and you know what? They are tired too!
Just yesterday, I found myself at the store purchasing more CD's because it's important that I educate myself on what my young people are listening too. I know the church establishment doesn't give a damn and chooses to shake their heads but I'm one that will go to my grave before I give up on this generation. So, today, I'm sayin' to everyone out there that I don't care anymore about what people think about me. I'm here to do a work. I was sent to this earth and put in this flesh to reach this present generation...And I'm doing that through my love...My unconditional love. I'm doing this by listening and changing my plans and what I want so that they can see that they are important to me.
Oh well, I'm gone for now but if I sound pissed off, I AM...And that's because I'm tired of people talking crap about what they want to do for our youth and then changing the game up in the middle of the quarter...As someone said in the comments section from the last blog...What kind of crap is that? Let's stop talking crap and lets walk a mile in the shoes of this generation...I guarantee you when you do that, you'll change your opinion of this "lost" generation! But whether you choose to or not, I'm going all the way in order to reach them WITHOUT compromising the Gospel...But as for what many think of me? I don't care anymore.
Now that's straight up talk...

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

The Definition of a Fool

"Fool in Love...," I hear that was the song back in the day!!! :) Just reflecting and remembering how my aunt and many others tend to tune out the world when "their" music, from back in the day, comes on the radio. If you don't know what I'm talking about just throw on an old Marvin Gaye original (if you're not too spiritual)...somethin' like "Let's Get It On!" or better yet, "Sexual Healing." Can you say that church is ova??? My grandmother is referred to as a "Mother" in the church "of the most Hight" but if that song comes on she'll lose her religion...(sorry Granny but I gotta keep it real!)
I'm sayin' this today because we tend to forget yesterday and repeat the same dang mistakes over and over again! The definition of a fool is ONE WHO DOES THE SAME THING AND EXPECTS DIFFERENT RESULTS! I know this is tough for many of us, especially when it comes to the next generation but they're watching our every move and they're keeping a list and "checking it twice" to find out who's a fool or not!
Don't be a fool! If it ain't working quit trying to do the same damn thing...cuz, in the words of my young people, YOU IS A FOOL! Move on and try a different may get the result you've been wanting...but it won't come until you move aside and let it be what it be! So don't allow yourself to get caught up in the rapture of love or anything else. See it for what it is and change course before it's too late!
Now that's straight up talk!

Monday, March 13, 2006


Titles like the ones from last week are reaching our youth and young adults in ways the "old rugged cross" isn't. So the question is, what are we, leaders, going to do? Just a thought to ponder as you go your way this day because I'm sick and tired of us doing nothing. I'm sick and tired of us acting like the next generation is sick and disgusting and has no hope! They have hope and they have a mind! They are some of the most educated young people that I have been around but the scripture says it best, "while men slept..." Hey, can you wake up?
That scripture is an indictment on the church, not the youth! Our young people are attracted to MONEY, POWER, and SEX! I can't trip cuz' those are the things that I was attracted to and keepin' it way real, I still am! I'm just older, wiser, and more seasoned in my approach! (I know this revelation is going to cause some of you to say that you want to be taken off the real lyfe emails...That's okay...No harm no foul...See ya!) But for those who want to continue to keep it real, let's do just that!
My dilemma or the issue that I'm faced with as a youth pastor is how to refocus, redirect, our youth and connect them back to the Lord. Because at the end of the day what's important is that they discover their purpose here on earth and that's found in Christ! No matter what you say or what the argument is, this is the REAL DEAL but the presentation or the market strategy that we've been using has got to change. I'm addressing more than the church at this point, hell, most of our kids aren't interested in the church or the organizations such as the NAACP and the like that had relevance back "in the day!" So what do we do?
For me, I'm all about relating to them where they are. I don't care how many old heads get offended because the old heads are dying out and my thought is, "who's replacing them?" No one wants to face the real stuff so I figure I'll bring it out and put it on the table so we can discuss the REAL DEAL! Somebody left a Young Jeezy (I hope I spelled that right) CD in my car and after looking at the cover for almost a week, I decided to put it in the player and listen. Now, a lot of people would say, "I can't listen to that crap!" or "That mess should be thrown away!" Okay, go right ahead and destroy it, it don't matter cuz there are more in the stores and it's being played on the air waves! In other words, it's being put in the atmosphere so why not listen and get an understanding of what our youth are listening too? Huh?
I'll get back to Young Jeezy but the other thing I had to educate myself on is the song that is out in the atmosphere talking about "kryptonite." I must say, our youth are an educated bunch because for years kryptonite has been what made the planet Krypton from the movie and story of Superman (God Bless Christopher Reeve...LOL). But anyway, finding out that kryptonite is something else really blew me away but that's what it's all about folks...Understanding a different culture/language in order to penetrate the hearts of the next generation! I don't know about you but I'm a soul survivor how 'bout you?
Now that's straight up talk!

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Pimpin' Ain't EASY?

What's this statement about? Where does it stem from? I can't help but ask myself and ponder this thought today with everything else that has taken place this week, I'm led right back to Monday's blog title. It caused such a stir that it seemed to be the talk in a lot of the feedback that I received on Tuesday and Wednesday. Most of you know me quite well and for those who don't I like to be on the "edge" and I've been quite controversial on some of the things that I've put on this blog site. I do these things to provoke many of you and cause you to possibly "wake up" from your slumber and sleep!
Have you ever thought to wonder why the life of a pimp is so glamorous but on the flip side the life of a preacher seems to be so dire and broke up? Think about it. Not just preachers but think about the life of the "saints" of the most high! If you consider yourself to be a Christian, or as some say, a follower of Christ, how do you present yourself? Now, I'm a preacher but I'm going to make this statement. Some of you will not like it but, oh well! If I were a young person in the world today, considering where I lived I would think twice about being a follower of Christ primarily due to the way most saints present themselves. Listen, there is too much going on out in the world for the church to be so broke up like it is! I'm not saying the church of Jesus Christ has to be perfect because there are no perfect conditions, however, I'm saying that we have to remember that our marketing has got to be cutting edge and NOT the way we "did it" back when grandma and "n'em" were coming up in the country church.
I tell my young folks all the time that the church suffers from the "mom and pop" mentality and has for far too long refused to connect to TODAY! This is the main reason why we don't understand slogans such as "pimpin' aint easy!" I didn't get here overnight now so please don't think I'm trying to say that you just have to wake up and embrace everything that is going on. Because this most definitely isn't what I'm saying. What I'm trying to get many of you to see is that instead of turning your nose up at a statement like this, try understanding the other side of the tracks first! You'd be surprised what you could find out about the REAL DEAL if you just listened to the pain and anger in the hearts of our young people.
Today, most people don't have time to sit and listen...or if they listen, they only do it with their ears and not their hearts because they go right back to doing what comes natural rather than stretching themselves to make a difference in someone's life. I deal with this mentality in the church on a consistent basis because I get many leaders who want to understand youth but they really don't know what it means to understand the next generation. There was a day when a heading like the one today would have completely turned me off! I mean, my background is all church (as a preacher's son) plus throw in the Morehouse education and then on top of that, I'm an Alpha as well. :) Some would say that I tend to be a little cocky or arrogant! However, in order to reach this generation, I had to throw all of that to the side, and get into their world and make them feel important! Not just for the moment...But in every day life. Was it easy? HELL NO! It was a very big stretch but I made the least and the lowly feel like they were important. When's the last time you can say that you completely got into someone else's world and forgot about your own stuff for a minute?
Just something to think about today as you go your merry way. I sat with an "old head" for breakfast the other morning who high-fived me on the fact that "It's Hard Out Here for a Pimp" won an Oscar! He said that we've come a long way! I grinned because I thought real long and hard for a minute and had to say that he was absolutely correct! Think about it, another sect of people who for a long time felt like nobody gave a damn finally got some air time! Hmmm now I'm not endorsing either way but I do know this was the first time my young people watched the Academy Awards in droves and I'll leave it at that! So I close by asking you to reflect and ponder on where you are today and how far you've come. For some of you I know you still are in the same boat and don't understand what I'm asking you to do but for others of you I am sure you can remember from whence you've come and truly appreciate the phrase, "pimpin ain't easy!"

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Where Are We Headed?

The state of South Dakota did something that has now set the stage for a meeting of the minds on the steps of the Supreme Court. This nation, in case you don't know, has been divided for the past 5-6 years on the issue of abortion. The real sad thing is that it has divided the church...The body of Christ! We've made it into a black thing vs. White thing which isn't the case at all, but before we start damning pro choice supporters to hell, I think it's imperative to get an understanding of what they are standing for. Because, case-in-point, it's a deeper issue than anybody really cares to know. And, yes, I think it would do the pro-choice supporters a lot of good to understand the pro-life side a little better as well.
I'm going to remain neutral for the time being because I'm just trying to bring to the forefront what I know is going to be a messy debate. During the last two presidential elections I could see exactly where we were headed to and now we are finally here! And this is only the beginning. What side do you fall on or is there a side at all?
Again, before the deeply religious start down the hallway of damning people to hell, I ask you to think and contemplate what is about to take place. This isn't a democrat/republican issue. This isn't even what we've made it---a black/white issue. The bottomline is that it's a God issue and if we, the body of Christ don't rise up and take a stand then we run the risk of remaining a constant irrelevant in the midst of the world looking for an answer!
Think about this for a moment...Hmmm Life-Death-Death-Life---Choice!

Monday, March 06, 2006

It's Hard Out Here for a Pimp?

Wow, I never in a million years would have thought that this song would have been highlighted at the academy awards! It's interesting to think about just how far we've come in America. Someone made a statement over a year ago, as a matter of fact, the person that made this statement is a disc jockey but the statement went like this, "Hip Hop rules the world." How interesting to note that this style or genre of music, that most people believed would die out is front and center in today's world.
Think about it, back in the 80's would you have thought that you'd be watching some African Americans perform at the Oscars' in jerseys and jeans? Think about it for a minute. This is an event that has gone down through the years as an elite event that is a black-tie affair, however, looking at the news this morning, the song was given prime-time coverage! I looked at the news in amazement because I couldn't help but think about the statement that I heard over a year ago, "Hip Hop rules the world."
What's next? If we were highlighted with this performance this year, what do we have to look forward to next year? Are the days of wearing a "black-tie" over with at the Academy Awards? Who knows but it's hard out here for a pimp is all I can say today!

Thursday, March 02, 2006

AT THE JOURNEYS END (a soldier returns!!)

I must admit, this journey was draining
It’s the end now but wisdom, I’m still gaining
My heart was tested, My soul was challenged
I kept seeking YOU and I see I managed
To know YOU was an advantage
I couldn’t have lived without your presence
I can see clearly now that time is of the essence

I cried many nights because I felt I failed as a man
I see at the end that YOU always gave a helping hand
Looked for help & love in the wrong places also with the wrong faces
Condemned by my own but YOU helped me beat those cases
My heart was broken during this journey YOU picked up the pieces
Put it back together so that my love increases
For YOU were here all along, protection and all
Picked me up when I would fall

I realized that all these years it was me who strayed a far
At the end of this journey GOD I write to say
Thanks for this journey with you I’m here to stay
For today is a new day, a new test, a new plan
To construct & mold me into a Kingdom MAN
I vow to give you all I can.

Tavon aka Da Warrior
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