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Real LYFE: May 2006

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

You Gotta Know When

You have to know when to "hold" em and know when to "fold" em! As you go through your day today, ONLY FIGHT FOR WHAT'S WORTH FIGHTING FOR! Don't get caught up in the drama that your job, church, home, business, etc. Brings your way and BELIEVE ME they will! This can be hard if you're like me. I'm one of those people who have to have the last word...And I WILL HAVE THE LAST WORD on just about everything. :) So, when it comes to learning how to ignore ignorance, it just seems so hard. I have to admit that today so that you can understand that I'm not just saying something just to say something. There are many things in life that I'd like to change. There are many people that I'd like to avoid dealing with and there are a few that I'd like to "off!" If I can be so blunt!
But what I've come to understand is this, some people are anointed to "get on your nerves!" I'm talking to myself just as I am talking to you today. This is something that is hard to accept especially when you have a very low tolerance for ignorance but what else are you supposed to do? Think about it this way, what are you going to accomplish by telling the person off? The only thing you accomplish is a temporary feeling of triumph followed by the realization that nothing has changed! You can't go around just going off all the time because in the end it doesn't do any good and it renders you ineffective because all you become known as is someone who "blows" hot steam but no substance. You have to pick your battles and sometimes, leave well enough alone.
Focus on YOU and work from the inside out, that's how you become the change agent in your home, church, workplace, community, etc. You can't change anything from the outside in but rather from the inside out! In order to change others, you have to first of all BE THE CHANGE and allow your new attitude to spread rather than vice versa. My aunt and I were just talking the other day about the plethora of ignorance that we have to contend with on a daily basis from various different leaders. And the thing she told me was, "You have to know when to hold 'em and know when to 'fold em." Some things aren't going to change unless you change first! As you go through the rest of your day, week, month and even the year, know that real change starts from within. You can do more by working on you than you can by constantly being critical of others.
You're too blessed to be allowing yourself to get stressed over nonsense and foolishness. You gotta know when to hold 'em and know when to fold 'em. Work on yourself and let the rest take care of itself!
Now that's straight up talk...

Monday, May 29, 2006

Take Time to Remember

It's always good to take a moment and reflect on the memories you have of the loved ones who are no longer with you on the journey of LYFE. This day can be hard if you make it so but it can be used to also push you further into your destiny. You may ask, how so? Well, for me, this is a day that I remember those who've helped me to get where I am today. I realize that I wouldn't be here without them and understand that they (many who have passed) laid a foundation for which I am now standing. That alone gives me the impetus that I need to stay focused and not allow anyone or anything to keep me from walking into the destiny that God has prepared for me. Thanks Dad, Mike, Bishop, and many others who paved the way for a better day!

Thursday, May 25, 2006

If Not Now, When? If Not You, Then Who?

This is the question you need to ask yourself as you go through the next few days of your life. If you are one of those who has been wondering the what if's of life, then this is exactly the WORD you need to GO! There are lives waiting for you to do what God has called you to do. If you would just take a minute to look at the "bigger" picture of life which has nothing to do with [right now]. I know that many of you are paralyzed with fear because of the "chance" of failing because I was the same. I was comfortable sitting on the sidelines watching others jump off the "cliff" just as long as it wasn't me...But was I satisfied? HELL NO!
How could I be satisfied with the status quo when God called me to GREATER? So, I'm telling you, the reader, you aren't satisfied with where you are now because you know that there is a higher calling for your existence and there is no greater time than the present. If you don't take this prophetic step of destiny now, then when will you? If you don't step out and dare to take the risk then who will do it? Do you want to see someone else inherit what you know was predestined for you to inherit? It's this simple...For me to inherit what my father left me in his passing, all I had to do was show up! There was nothing else that I had to do because it was already mine! As you take this step of faith, don't just think about yourself but think about the children. Enough said, so I close and ask again, If not now, when? If not you, then who?
Now that's straight up talk...

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

If It's 2 Be, It's Up 2 Me

HATERS BEWARE! Today is a fresh new day given by God for you to make a difference! Do just that and use the haters as your platform! Step all over their face as you dare to defy the odds that are set up against you! Can you believe that many people died in pursuit of that which is within your reach? History is made up of defining moments and this, right here, is a defining moment for you and your entire bloodline! As it was said previously...MAKE IT HAPPEN! Only you can determine your destiny!
I used to get frustrated by what I thought was a blatant attempt, by others, to keep me down. But when I got a different view and realized that I had to see my situation in a different light before it would actually change, my entire outlook transformed! And believe it or not, it all started in my mind! I had to begin speaking things into existence before they actually happened. I had to force myself to see the obstacle removed before it would actually be gone and then, and only then did my situation change. It was my DETERMINATION to make a difference in the lives of my sons and daughters that caused me to take this step of faith. And what a step it was!
As the saying goes, "If it's 2 be, it's up 2 me!" How true it is because I no longer am waiting on the naysayers or the old guard to move over...I'm busting through the doors myself and making it happen cuz if it's 2 be, it's up 2 me! Go ahead and do something that you haven't done before. Don't be a fool and continue to do the same thing and expect a different result! The world is hungry and waiting for you to show up so the question is, what are you going to do?

Monday, May 22, 2006

Make It Happen

There is no time better than the present to push through the trials of life in order to see your dreams come to pass! A saying that I've heard often is, "He who works for perfect conditions will never move!" So, with that said, go for your dream! Today is what you make of it! There is no one that is standing in your way except YOU! You can't blame anyone on your failure if you never step out on faith and believe in your heart that it's your time!
One of my favorite affirmations is, GOD SAID IT, I BELIEVE IT, AND THAT SETTLES IT! Now what else are you waiting for to make IT happen? Reach for the stars and I guarantee that your situation is going to work out for the good. Yes, it's been tight but the time is right! Make it happen...Not just for you, but for your children's children...They'll be glad you did.
Now that's straight up talk...

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Who Do You Attract?

A Lion leading a pack of sheep can do MORE than a sheep leading a pack of lions. Why? Because everything rises and falls on leadership! Now, what type of leader are you? Or a better question may be, who do you have following you?
Today's generation is looking for a leader with lion characteristics because these are the men and women who have the ability to do what few people can, RELATE! To be a successful leader in today's world as it pertains to Generation "X" one must have great communication skills! Communication is key because young people aren't able to discern motives and agendas from facial features like a lot of adults can. In addition to communication, one has to have a heart for young people. You may not understand why they do what they do but you have to be able to listen without asking too many questions. The reason being is, questions, when posed all at one time will tend to make young people defensive and this is what you don't want to happen if you're trying to understand where the generation is coming from. So, practice listening more than talking! I know what I'm talking about because I had to do the same exact thing.
By nature and training, I learn simply by asking questions, but I had to come to a level of understanding with this rising generation. Questioning their every action will tend to push them away more so then bring them closer. So, I had to sit, watch, and pray for understanding. I remember times when I'd just sit in their company and watch them for hours because I wanted to understand their world and culture. And I must admit, I learned more than I could have ever learned by reading a book from a PhD! Why am I saying this? Because we have a generation who wants to be understood but they don't feel that leadership spends enough time listening. And, in a way, they do have a point. I know this because I was guilty of the same thing. Many leaders think that I have "sold out" to the darkside because I keep young people in my presence all the time. I listen to their music and do know the words now! :)
But, before you cast stones at me, I'm able to reach them now because they know that I love them and won't stand in "judgment" and this is what they are afraid of. I didn't know this until I began to see the walls come down from some of the most "thugged" out sons that I have. The more I spent time listening, the more I could see the REAL them coming out. The more I observed, the more that I could tell that what they showed the rest of the world was a facade. BUT IT TOOK ME coming down from my "high horse" as a preacher of the most high God in order to do what Christ did which is LOVE!
So I'll ask you again, what type of leader are you? A "lion" can do more leading a pack of sheep than a "sheep" who is leading a pack of lions! A lion type leader has an ability to awaken the warrior spirit that may be dormant where as a sheep will kill ANY warrior spirit that is active, charged and ready for marching orders. The sheep type leader will cause the lions to either die or go astray! Do you attract young people or do they generally wander away?
Now that's straight up talk...

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

It's Time to Speak UP

For those of you who don't know me, I am a graduate of Morehouse College and I just returned from celebrating my 10 year class reunion. The older I get the more I have an appreciation for where I've come from. To see people that I haven't seen since the day we graduated which was May 19, 1996, lets just say I was overcome with much emotion. This reunion caused all of us to reflect on how far we've come on our individual journeys and it also helped a great many of us re-focus and re-position ourselves for the future.
I returned with more tenacity and fervor than ever before in regards to my dealings with the next generation! In this stage of the juncture, it's all about being an advocate and assisting them, the next generation, in addressing and dealing with their issues. There is so much anger, pain and hurt in the eyes of our young people that most people would like to ignore because of having NEVER dealt with their own issues, but if no one addresses the concerns of our young people then who will?
We have a generation of young people who would rather not speak up and say they're hurting or struggling with certain issues because when they have done so in the past, the "leaders" of our time have taken the information and have thrown it in their face and used it to manipulate. This is the main reason why generation "X" sits in silence going through the motions. They'd rather text message and play games on their cell phones than listen to the rhetoric that is coming from the pulpit. In order to change this diabolical situation, leadership is going to have to change and begin dealing, HEAD-ON, with the real LYFE issues that are plaguing our young people so that they can know how to successfully conquer the enemy within on a daily basis, not just on Sundays. We sugar coat everything when it comes to church but the world gives it RAW! This is what the next generation is used to and this is what they want.
Our whole quest is to bridge the gap between the civil rights generation and our present hip hop generation and to do this is going take energy, fortitude, vision, dedication, determination, and strength, and, above all else, PATIENCE. To do this, some people will be offended because most of the time we don't ever want to consider doing something new or different. Tradition generally dies screaming...NO! But it's no longer about the former things it's NOW about the new thing that God is ushering forth. It's time to speak up because our youth deserve better. Are you willing to speak UP or would you rather hold your peace?
Now that's straight up talk...

Monday, May 15, 2006


For many of you out there that are tired and worn out from the trials and tribulations of life, I challenge you to take some time to yourself and get RE-Loaded!!! This is exactly what I did, but to do it effectively, I had to take flight and get completely out of the region in order to load up for the journey ahead. It's not going to be easy but with Christ you have to know that ALL things are possible! There are NO LIMITS when you get the rest you need and then RE-look at your present situation...You'll see just like I did a few days ago that it's not as bad as it first appeared to be. So, I'll say it again...Take some time to yourself and get away from all of the drama because it's a set up to make you think that things are worse than they appear to be.
When you allow issues and circumstances to bombard you, all you really are doing is giving the enemy access to taunt you. It's a set up to get you to resign from the position that God placed you in...Listen to me, I almost resigned about 5 times in the past 3 or 4 months. The reason why is I don't like church folks that much (I'm referring to the mentality they operate in most of the time, not the actual people) and I was allowing them (the mentality) to get on my ever loving nerves to the point that I wanted to just CASH OUT and tell all of them to go to ****!!! I can keep it real with you can't I? Thanks!
But, what I failed to realize is that there are people (situations) who are ordained, set up by God, to cause friction and drama in order to push you into your destiny! I'm not lying to you, it's the truth...The very ones that you could literally toss out the window are the exact ones who are providing you the platform for the dimension you are about to operate in! I couldn't see it like this until I took some ME time and got far away from the situation. While I was in Atlanta and had time to rest I began to see that I needed the very ones that I weren't particularly fond of in order to RE-position myself and get me in proper alignment for the rest of the journey!
So, now here it is...I've returned from my ME time and I'm RE-freshed, RE-vived, RE-committed, RE-dedicated, RE-LOADED! I'm ready for whatever at this point...But I ain't fightin for nothin! I don't have to because God said He'd fight for me. I'm just going to BE who God ordained me to be! If that offends anyone...Oh well...I've now RE-signed my positions and I'm awaiting further instructions. How 'bout you? Are you tired of the extra...? Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired? Are you ready for something new and fresh in your life? Are you tired of feeling like you're going in circles day-in and day-out? Are you tired of hearing people pontificate about going to the next level but never moving forward? Are you really ready to go somewhere in LYFE and walk in the dimensions that were ordained for you to walk in? If so, I challenge you to RE-connect to the source, which is Christ! I challenge you to get up out of your bed of affliction! You've been there much too long! It's time to take flight and go to heights unknown. I challenge you to take some ME time for yourself and come back FULLY RE-LOADED for the battle! It's not about you or me at this point but it's about the next generation!
Now that's straight up talk!!!!

Thursday, May 11, 2006

SOUNDS GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He tells you about how much money he makes, there’s nothing he can’t buy
He flashes a glossed up watch or “what have you” just to catch your eye
He tells you to ride with him on them spinning “thangs”
Sounds good to you right now!! But watch the drama it brings
You didn’t want to accept the fact that your man’s mindset is still one of a boy
But he’s played you with 3 other chicks just like his toy
He got kids out the woodwork, problems with the law
Now you’re caught in the middle looking in awe
It sounded so good though

She tells you there’s no other chick quite like her, she’s unique, and she’s rare
She tells you she can “put it on you” and give you more than you can bare
She’s got curves in her nerves, gloss on her lips,
You’d bite an apple too if you could get a hold on them hips
Sounds good right now!! But watch the drama it brings
You overlooked the fact that she wasn’t independent, goal-oriented, not even “of age”
Can’t get rid of her, cuz she got you hooked, and you can’t turn the page
Ya’ll have it out all the time now all the time domestic violence
You sit in a cage now watching the dates on a calendar sitting in silence
I know bruh!!! It sounded good though

He tells you NO WEAPON formed against you shall defeat you
He tells you there’s no greater way than Him when it comes to how HE treats you
He tells you that believe in Him and He’ll give you Everlasting life
He SHOWS you miracles, after miracles on how powerful HE is
He takes on all your problems and handles His “biz”
And still after all that you still hesitate, you ignore Him, and I ask you Why?? Hell if I know
But take the past two scenarios and ask yourself: How does that sound? hmmm

Da Warrior

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

TESTING 1, 2...

Is this blog up and running good??? Okay, hey you, listen up!
You want to know why you feel the way you feel every time “they” come around?
It’s the testing-temptation, the feeling-sensation;
It’s another issue that you’ve been facing
It haunts you when “they” leave, and strikes you when “they” arrive,
Because it makes you feel good, it makes you feel alive, but after the fact you realize
Another test I’ve failed, how could this happen?
You thought, “out of sight out of mind,” yea, good strategy that’s fine
But you’ve done that before remember Last Time?
But they’ve come back around and GOT you again!!!!
Seems like just when you were about to get to the end,
The reset button was hit and it’s the beginning again
See, in order to pass this test a new mind must develop, a new attitude must show
Same strategy!! Different results!! Have never gone together SO…
Know that the next time you come across this test and it’s even more glamorous than before
Ask yourself, “Could you sustain another failed test? Sustain another change of course?”
The tests we come across move with a force,
We have the study guide right there in our face on how to come out and come forth
We skim over it but never apply it; we hear it works but never try it
Then ask for help when we can no longer fight it
Yes, the test is hard when you go about it in YOUR OWN WAY!!!
That’s the catch right there!!! You’re taking HIS test!!!!
Use HIS way to PASS IT!!!!!! (Just food 4 thought)

Da Warrior

Monday, May 08, 2006


There comes a point in lyfe that a decision must be made. Do you continue to make the mistakes or do you try and get this thing right? Well, the time has come and you have to make a decision. After taking a real good look within, I realized that I was doing things that were not in my character. I was making horrible decisions that were the cause of others going astray. I was truly on a road that was leading straight to sure destruction. I also realized that I was inadvertently hurting the people around me.
I had to let some things go and realize the greater purpose for which I was placed on this earth. I am now, this day, living for the future generations and not for the temporary thrills of today. I have to make sure that my living is not in vain because it’s important to me that I make a difference in someone’s life. In other words, it has to matter that I was born. If I were to continue down the road that I was on, I'd only be walking for me but changing direction will cause me to be the leader that God ordained me to be, not for just myself but for the many other lives that are connected to mine.
So, the bottom line is you have to choose. You can either be living for the future or you can be living for the NOW. This is where the true fight is so CHOOSE! I did and that has made all the difference.
Tha Truth

Thursday, May 04, 2006


I was born to Win! BUT I came into a world that expected me to lose
I fight because leaders before me paved a path and now I have to fill those shoes
I fight because my life depends on it; if I don’t then I die
And to live this life for nothing is not the vision in my eyes
I fight because in today’s society we struggle more than ever before
I fight because I’m tired of struggling and I don’t want to struggle any more
I fight because my brothers are becoming extinct, too many locked in jail
I fight for the souls of them also; too many are burning in their own Hell
The streets won’t come to church; the church won’t go to the streets
I fight to be that mid-line where both sides could meet
My sisters have succumb to being hood-rats, and tricks, what happened to being a lady?
I fight because Brenda is still having babies
There’s a war outside, and it’s right in front of your face
It will leave you lifeless if you don’t keep pace
I fight because you won’t, I pray because you don’t
We would rather wear white tees and be dope boys then wear a tie and get a job
I fight because our work ethic is gone so instead we steal and rob (and one another for that matter!!)
I fight because the ones behind me depend on me to lead
I fight because God told me too, and with Him I know I will succeed
Now don’t get me wrong this is a fight that hurts each and everyday
But just think if I gave up now how many more would we lose today
I fight because the tears I shed can’t go unnoticed
I fight because really that’s the only thing that keeps me focused
You see the news, you hear the music; don’t try to deny what you feel
That’s the reason why I fight because I know that this fight is Real!!!!!

Da Warrior

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Who Am I?

There comes a point on our journey where this question comes up and baffles me each and every time. You get a sense of something greater but no idea what to do or how to bring it about. Well, this is where I am. I know that I was created to do more than just a nine-to-five. I know that I haven't gone through all the obstacles and the "protocols, policies, and procedures" of life for just nothing. There is something...But what? I can't quite put my hand on...What about you? Have you asked yourself this question lately? I woke up with this on the brain and can't help but wonder why I am here at this particular time in history. This is the stuff that keeps me living because I'm not satisfied with things the way they are because I know that I was created for so much more.
This is where I get into trouble because so many people think that because I'm not satisfied with things the way they are, that I must be arrogant or "stuck-up" or whatever the case...I don't care I'm just one who wants to make sure my life has meaning. The Reverend Caesar Clark was running a revival in Atlanta back in the day and opened up the revival with this quote that has stuck with me and continues to be the impetus for everything I do. "When I die, will it matter that I was even born?"
This question often brings paralysis to my mind and conceives in my spirit the tenacity needed to get up and give everything that I'm doing even more fervor than I've given. I can't die until I'm well ready and able to say that I've finished my course. I know that what I'm experiencing right now with the "wrangling" that I go through on a constant is only par for the course and what we all have to do is use the dirt that manipulation, power, and control throws our way for the greater good. You have to see things in a different light and remember that come what may, you were created for something greater.
Like I've said, don't sweat the small stuff, don't give people the power and control that they so desperately desire. It's not worth it because at the end of the day, they're the ones who have imprisoned themselves in their own minds. LYFE is what you make it. Dare to discover what the ALMIGHTY has in store for your life. I challenge you to look past the power struggle...Look past the manipulation...Look past the need from others to be in control...And see the big picture. See yourself for who you were created to be...Who am I? Who are you?
Now that's straight up talk...

Monday, May 01, 2006

Don't Sweat the Small Stuff

You can either trip over every little thing someone brings to you or learn, as I'm having to, to let it roll off as if it's nothing! Doing the latter will cause you to be looked at by others as arrogant, cocky, or stuck up, but at the end of the day, you still will have your sanity! Sometimes it's hard to let things go because you just want to settle it with that certain someone right then on the spot, but does it really matter? Will anyone's life be better because you put that person in "check," as the young folks say?
I don't think so, when you give in to others you allow them to rule in places that they have no jurisdiction. Don't give in to the pressure. I know it's rough but you have to learn to transcend past the minute issues and glean towards the big picture. No matter what you say or what you do, you will never ever be able to please everyone so quit trying! As I always say, LYFE, is what you make it not what others want it to be. Perception is reality so in your perception, force yourself to look out beyond today into the future and see your situation in a different light. You'll always have trifling people around you who will try to put a damper on things, so get used to it. As a matter of fact, use them as the dirt that the seed needs in order to move and transition to its final state of glory!
The conclusion of the whole matter is that you'll always have haters but the question is will the haters have you?
Now that's straight up talk...
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