David Awaits
Boys raised outside of intact marriages are, on average more than twice as likely as other boys to end up jailed. A child born to an unwed mother is about 2 1/2 times as likely to end up imprisoned, while a boy whose parents split during his teenage years was about 1 1/2 times as likely to be imprisoned. - - Children raised by single mothers are five times more likely to live in poverty, compared to children with both parents. Children who do not live with their fathers are 3 times more likely to fail at school or to quit. - - The burgeoning imprisonment rate over the past three decades has compounded the problem as more fathers are incarcerated and more children are left behind. According the Bureau of Justice Statistics, almost 1.5 million minors had a mother or father in prison in the year 2000, an increase of more than 500,000 since 1991. Additionally, children of offenders are 6 times more likely than their peers to end up in prison.
More to think about:
[These are based on NY's population] More than 6 percent of black men in NY cannot vote because they are in prison or on parole. Nationwide, 13% of the black adult male population (1.4 million African-American men) currently or permanently lost the ability to vote because of a felony conviction, according to a 1999 report by the Human Rights Watch and the Sentencing Project. "Given current rates of incarceration, three in 10 in the next generation of black men will be disenfranchised at some point on their lifetime. In states with the most restrictive voting laws, 40% of African-American men are likely to be permanently disenfranchised.
With this said, David awaits...
The "David generation" - the "almost forgotten", "the neglected", "the overlooked", "the dirty and not so appealing", "the last resort", "the low-to-no expectations group," and the generation that has been on the backside of the desert, out of sight and out of mind. Only David does not know that he is the very one that will be crowned king, who will carry the heart of God, and usher in His Lordship over the kingdoms of this world. Yet he awaits Samuel...
Samuel has been given charge to go and anoint Gods chosen King, but Samuel must be led of God and obedient to the Spirit, for man looks on the outward, but God looks at the inward. Therefore Samuel cannot judge on his own who is elect of God by what he can see or what he thinks he knows of an individuals lifestyle, background, appearance, or experience.
The spirit of David destroys room for excuses for not pursing and conquering. He was a pursuer, and needed no one to tell him "if" he could accomplish something. He did not need this for two reason: (1) David was affirmed as being something more than what he could have imagined - this in turn brought about his faith. (2) While in the process of becoming (on the backside) he prepared himself and sharpened the tools that he was given, feeling no lack, thereby breeding courage. Faith and Courage - Faith that God IS because he said he was, and Courage because he knew that he had taken the time to make himself skilled, and competitive - the best. This is important because when the time came for him to ACT, he was able to stand in both his solidarity and GOD’s. David mastered his simple little sling shot with no resentment and towered over those that had been equipped with what appeared to be more.