Tuesday, January 31, 2006
The season has changed and it's time to get busy! In doing this, we have to check our crowd and those we spend the most time with. Let me ask you, are they an asset? Or are they a liability? By asset I mean, do they bring value to you and make you a better person? And by liability I mean do they bring you down to their level? Just something to think about and ponder on.
I tell my sons all the time, "Show me your crowd and I'll show you your future!" It sounds rough but it's quite factual. Just take a moment and think about some people who you used to hang with that haven't changed one bit! I don't know about you but I don't have the luxury of playing games with my life just because SUZY Q is a good friend. You can't allow Bo Bo or Ray Ray to keep you from walking into your purpose. This is the reason why we were sent to earth...PURPOSE!
It's easy to get sidetracked and miss the mark, no one is perfect, but when you continue to make the same mistakes over and over again, then you've got a problem and you put yourself in jeopardy of becoming stagnant and aborting what God's placed on the inside of you! Today I challenge you to analyze each and every relationship that you're joined up with. Your bloodline is depending on you to make good decisions. It's time to get busy but as long as you're with the wrong crowd, you'll hold up the promises of God!
Everything we do affects the next three to four generations, so please take a look around you and CHANGE YOUR CROWD. Until you do you will be unable to get busy and proceed with the plans of God!
Monday, January 30, 2006
Proceed Forward
This is the year of no boundaries and no limits! Go forth and do what is in your heart to do! You've been waiting a long time to break out and it seemed as if it was impossible but God is saying that the time is now. Change your crowd and center yourself around people who can help push you into a new dimension. It's worth it because there is so much promise and potential that awaits once you go ahead and just do it! For some it's the book that you've written that you've been ashamed about. For another it's sharing what you've been through, and the things you've learned from your mistakes. To another it's the opportunity of a lifetime that naysayers said would never happen. A year ago, this day seemed so far away but now it's finally hear and there's nothing more to say! Break forth and do it! Start that business, change your crowd, shift to a new position...Yes, go ahead and apply even though the odds look like they're stacked against you. Don't worry about people, they're going to talk either which way so why not give them someting real good to talk about!
Remember, this is the year of no boundaries and no limits! Go ahead and step out there and let God be God...Completely!
Thursday, January 26, 2006
Get Busy
It's time to wake up and get busy! After reflecting and taking time to remember, it's time to get active about pursuing that "thing" inside of you that keeps you going. You are probably reading this saying to yourself, "What is he talking about?" Thank you for asking but I'm talking about the reason why God created you. Do you know that you were sent to this earth to do more than eat, drink, have sex, make babies, and then die? You have a greater purpose that you have yet to "wake up" to and today is the day that I'm challenging every one of you to seek it out.
Why else would you have gone through all the mess that you've gone through? Why would you have to endure the lies and innuendos? It wasn't because God had nothing better to do! It's because God has been preparing you for such a time as this!
There is no time greater or riper than now to get busy! There are lives waiting for you and only you! I can't do what God has called you to do and you can't do what God has called me to do. But if we ever woke up and realized that there is strength in unity we'd be a force to be reckoned with. You probably don't understand what I'm talking about but I'll make it a little more simple for you to comprehend. Many of you think that this is a walk in the park journey. Many think that it's no problem to exercise your faith, it's as easy as 1, 2, and 3, right? Wrong! Life is difficult in and of itself because of all the distractions that are set up to keep you from reaching your destiny. But the enemy doesn't really mess with you until you wake up and discover that there is an abundant life waiting on you to show up! Many of you thought that you had endured hell until you decided to enlist in God's army! That's when the real hell broke loose. As my kids say, "it got all the way REAL!" You see, as long as you are "living it up," having a good time doing any and everything, you are "self-checked!" The kingdom of darkness doesn't have to pay any attention to you because you are still asleep regarding your purpose in life. But as soon as you wake up and see what God has ALREADY prepared for you, then you become a threat to the enemy and he puts you on his priority list!
I make no apologies about the change up in my writing but I felt compelled to help those of you who are feeling the "heat" right now in your personal lives. I want to let you know, you are okay! You are right where God wants you to be! Stop trying to escape the suffering, just know that God's got yo back! You've got a destiny and a charge to keep, get busy!
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
Just Remember
Sometimes it's good to remember just how far you've come. Remembering helps to keep you humble. Oftentimes it's easy to think that you've always had it together or that you've never had some struggles, but when you take a moment to reflect on what you were like last year, or even ten years ago, it helps you understand that if it had not been for the Lord, you wouldn't be where you are today! I challenge you during this season in your life to humble yourself and give God thanks for the things He's done. Many of you have come over many obstacles to get where you are, however, you made it! Roadblocks were set up to cause you to stumble but even with the odds being stacked up against you, YOU SURVIVED!
Don't you remember when? I do and I can't be arrogant about where I am today because it's God and only God that has brought me this far. Seasons come and go and transition is a constant but one thing remains the same from generation to generation and that is GOD IS GOOD! Even when I think of the times when I tripped out! I mean got plain stupid and had no excuse at all for acting the way I did, God's grace and mercy kept me! Get this, EVEN WHEN I DIDN'T WANT TO BE KEPT! Wow!
I'm humbled today because of the goodness of the Lord. Yes, I still encounter trials and tribulations. I still encounter sickness and grief and I also still have to endure life in a fallen world, but through it all God is God! He's been God and He's going to continue to be God. But the question I can't help but ask you today is, is God the true Lord of your life? Hmmm just something to make you think because we often put many things in front of Him and our lord ends up being our job or our family or even the different organizations we are apart of. The God we serve is a jealous God and He doesn't like for anything to come between the time that we are supposed to spend with Him, so take a look back and ask yourself, "Is He really the LORD of my life or have I allowed other things to usurp the true order of God?"
Monday, January 23, 2006
All is Known and All is Forgiven
There is so much that the Lord has planned for you but you can be your worst enemy. I’ve learned the hard way trust me on this one. At a time when so much is taking place in the world and in your own personal life, you’ve got to understand that your survival and successful arrival to your final destination is hinged on you being able to let certain things go! You may ask, “What is he talking about?” Thank you for asking! :) I’m referring to forgiveness! We tend to think little of it but there is so much that rests on being able to forgive those who’ve done you wrong. Yes, I’ll be the first to say that it hurts! I’ll also say that it’s not something that I like to do, but there is a freedom that takes place when you’re able to let bygones be bygones!
Something powerful took place in my life this weekend and I would like to share it with you. I encountered a little turmoil and had my name ran through the mud by some of my “close” friends! I was completely taken back by the accusations made against me. It was horrible, however, I remained silent through the whole ordeal. Long story short, after the ordeal was settled, I couldn’t just let it go! Every time I saw this person, anger would rise up inside me. This continued on, even after knowing that my responsibility was to forgive and let it go, I just couldn’t seem to move past it! I know it probably sounds crazy to you, however, when you’re like me and put yourself out there for people all day everyday, when someone turns and attempts to “stab” you in the back, it takes more to be able to get the courage to tell them that they are forgiven. I knew what I needed to do, but just simply couldn’t bring resolve within myself to do it.
Well, this is a new year and a new day! A new season and I won’t allow myself to be hindered by what took place last year! It’s over and it’s just time to move on! Things are transitioning at such a fast pace, it was either forgive them and let it go or be stuck in the same place and watch others walk into their destiny. NOT ME! I prayed with them and let them know, ALL IS KNOWN AND ALL IS FORGIVEN! It was such a release to be able to say that and since then I’ve had such a peace in my spirit. Don’t be like me, release it and let it go because there isn’t anything to be gained by holding on!
Something powerful took place in my life this weekend and I would like to share it with you. I encountered a little turmoil and had my name ran through the mud by some of my “close” friends! I was completely taken back by the accusations made against me. It was horrible, however, I remained silent through the whole ordeal. Long story short, after the ordeal was settled, I couldn’t just let it go! Every time I saw this person, anger would rise up inside me. This continued on, even after knowing that my responsibility was to forgive and let it go, I just couldn’t seem to move past it! I know it probably sounds crazy to you, however, when you’re like me and put yourself out there for people all day everyday, when someone turns and attempts to “stab” you in the back, it takes more to be able to get the courage to tell them that they are forgiven. I knew what I needed to do, but just simply couldn’t bring resolve within myself to do it.
Well, this is a new year and a new day! A new season and I won’t allow myself to be hindered by what took place last year! It’s over and it’s just time to move on! Things are transitioning at such a fast pace, it was either forgive them and let it go or be stuck in the same place and watch others walk into their destiny. NOT ME! I prayed with them and let them know, ALL IS KNOWN AND ALL IS FORGIVEN! It was such a release to be able to say that and since then I’ve had such a peace in my spirit. Don’t be like me, release it and let it go because there isn’t anything to be gained by holding on!
Thursday, January 19, 2006
The End Result
Have you ever sat back and thought to yourself that things could be much worse than they are? It's not something I focus on a lot, but I couldn't help but reflect on the way things are at this present stage and all I could say is "thank you Lord!" Sometimes we have to stop in the hustle and bustle of life and just simply be appreciative to the Lord for the simple things. No, I'm not where I want to be, but thank God that I'm not where I used to be and that's saying a lot!
I challenge you to not be so hard on yourself and just take a moment and be appreciative for the great strides you've made. I remember back in the day when things would have been so much different with the way I reacted to certain situations but now that I'm a bit more seasoned I'm beginning to let the little things roll off me with more ease. There have been times when I would cuss someone out at the drop of a hat and when I say cuss, I mean really "get" with them. But in retrospect, what did all that drama accomplish? Did it make me feel better? Yes, but only momentarily! At this stage of the journey, I can't afford a temporary fix, I've got to look down the portal for the end-result! The temporary stuff was good for that day but now I'm moving on and expecting a lot more in return because I know that I'm entitled to the best as a son of the King!
I've finally realized that I've been living beneath my God-given privilege and my level of expectation has been raised to the level that it should be at now. I'm no longer satisfied with average because it's in me to produce the extraordinary! The mom-pop mentality that so many people walk around with doesn't cut it for me any longer! It's now time to be in hot pursuit of the best and the brightest that God has to offer! The end result is that I've been sent here to rule and reign! I've been sent to this earth to have dominion! Very few of us know what that really means! Think about it for a moment, do you realize what having DOMINION really means? Ponder on that for a few days...
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
Moving On
Letting go of yesterday requires you to come to an agreement that yesterday was necessary for today! If it hadn't been for your yesterday, you would never be where you are today! Some don't believe me but you needed the drama in your life to get you to the point where are! Yes, it was difficult and yes, it caused a lot of heartbreak, but in the final analysis, you have to admit that you're a much stronger person now. Aren't you? Aren't you better off now than you were four years ago? I am!
Job said it best in the scripture when he said that it was good that he had been afflicted! This is where I am today. I'm thanking God for my yesterday. My yesterday isn't necessarily according to the hours on the clock. I'm more so referring to the yesterday of the past! Because if I don't settle yesterday, my today will never be a definite foundation to launch out into my tomorrow. I've been through enough mess to understand that nothing ever just happens. I'm not a mistake and neither are the trials and tribulations that I've had to come through. It was all ordained by God to bring me to an expected end!
Well, I'm on my way now. No more frustration about the things of yesterday because in the final analysis I can't change a thing. The past is just that, the past! So why scream over spilled milk? It's over, so it just makes sense to move on and use yesterday as a tool to reach others. You may be like me when it comes to the past because I used to shun my past and hide it under fig leaves. I used to act like I had no problems and my past was squeaky clean! What a joke! Why fake the funk when I know it wasn't all like that? I mean, I had to ask myself, "who are you trying to fool Rich?" When I thought about it, I had to confess that I was living beneath my privilege because I had too much of a testimony to sit and keep silent!
This is what I meant when I said letting go of yesterday! For many of you out there you may think your past is something to be ashamed about, but not so! I'm a firm believer that everything that happened to you was divinely orchestrated by God...Not to harm you or kill you, but to make you stronger than ever! So be rested and assured that your yesterday is a thing of the past that was necessary for you to get to today! Now that you're here understand that there are lives counting on you to make it to your final destination. So, now that you've settled the past, what are you going to do? Keep silent or shout from the rooftops? The choice is yours but realize that you can't help anybody sitting in silence. You can't help anybody while you're trying to cover yourself from bodily harm. You have to let it go so you can show others how to move on!
Monday, January 16, 2006
Stronger Than Ever
I'm glad that I am where I am today! It's great to be alive and healthy! Today I'm thanking the Lord for the things in life that most people take for granted. I thank Him for life! I thank Him for the ability to get out of my bed without assistance. I'm thanking Him for allowing me to be in my right mind! I'm thanking Him for keeping me when I didn't want to be kept! I'm thanking Him for giving me shelter and food. I'm thanking Him for the foundation that I was given in the home. I'm thanking Him for my parents. You see, it's easy to overlook these things but I couldn't help but mention them as I took time to reflect over how far I've come on this journey. This journey hasn't been a bed of roses. There have been days when I've wanted to throw in the towel and go back where I came from.
Over the past few weeks I've been dealing with tremendous frustration. Why? Because I've been looking at my current situations and have been entertaining seeds of doubt and discouragement! If you're in the same boat, do what I had to do, see yourself coming out of the situation! It's hard, but it's something that you have to do. Remember, death and life is in the power of the tongue, so when you begin to speak doubt and allow frustration to overtake you you end up delaying the promise that God has for you. In all actuality, God allows you to struggle through some of these issues, not to kill you, but to make you stronger! Because in the final analysis, He wants to you come through the drama stronger than ever!
Isn't that amazing? 2005 was a horrible year in my eyes, but in God's eyes, He sees 2005 as one of my brightest because it was the hell, trials, and tribulations that I went through that got me to where I am today! So, really, when I think about it, 2005 was ordained by God to bring me closer to destiny! You see, my perception of 2005 just changed because I kept it real with you and didn't try to sugar coat anything about what I've been dealing with. For some of you reading this, it's been hard these past few days, weeks, and months because it doesn't look like anything is changing! I challenge you to get a different perspective today! Not tomorrow or next week, TODAY! Tell your situation to go to hell! You don't have to stay where you are! Remember, you endured the tests and trials because God ordained for you to come through STRONGER THAN EVER!
Thursday, January 12, 2006
Stop Working So Hard
It's not about you! This is harsh reality that I had to come to grips with. I spent so much time worrying about everybody else, I had to stop and realize that there were ulterior motives that I refused to believe behind my insistent concern! I was so worried about everybody else's business because it allowed me to ignore some of the serious issues that were going on inside of me. It wasn't until I kept hitting a brick wall each and every time that I finally discovered that something had to change.
I couldn't keep doing the same things and expect different results! Feel me? There is a bigger picture to this entire thing that I kept leaving out! For one, I had to realize that I wasn't the master of the universe. I don't have any power, in and of myself, to do anything! Prior to this discovery, I thought it was me! I thought that it was all about me. I thought that if I worked hard, I could get different results. I thought that if I kept giving and kept giving, people would change! I thought that I had to pray more and deny all of my inner most needs so that people could do...Whatever!
What a false sense of reality! Last year I thought that I was going to lose my mind because every time I turned around it seemed as if somebody was doing something crazy! Well, now I've finally done what I didn't have enough strength to do and that is deliver myself from people! I was fixated on trying to help everybody and with all the work I did, the people that I was trying to help, still fell short! They still messed up!
This year, I made a resolution to take care of me. I didn't say give up on anyone, but it's time now to go forward and stop getting caught up with people who don't want to go anywhere! I realized that it wasn't about me and the things that I was doing to help! Some people don't want your help, they may not realize it, but they don't. Otherwise they'd take your advice and make the necessary changes that they need to make. Enough is enough, I am planning a trip of some sort each month this year because I have to take time out to enjoy LYFE! If I don't, 2006 will be just like 2005, a faint memory that I can hardly remember!
As my kids would say, "I ain't on it like that!" I'm letting God do what He does best! He said that He never sleeps or slumbers! I've resigned from being the master of the universe and God accepted my resignation! 2006 is the year of NO Boundaries! And believe me, I'm going to enjoy it!
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
What Are You Thinking?
Sometimes we forget in life that we have the power to speak things into existence! The bible records that death and life is in the power of the tongue! We often forget that and allow the cares of this world to overwhelm us to the point where we feel that we are being overtaken with strife, envy, anger, frustration, etc. etc. I was just speaking to someone who was dealing with a perplexing issue and they informed me that this was more than they could handle. Personally, after being updated with what was going on, I told them that it was a non-event in my eyes! I simply didn't give them the benefit of the doubt in speaking the issue into a bigger arena than it needed to be in!
This is our problem! Most of the time we allow the little issues to be real big because we forget that we have the authority to speak things null and void! Don't allow yourself to be a victim from your own mouth! I've seen people die from cancer because they said they were going to die! I've seen people live for 25 years more than the doctors gave them because they were settled in their mind that they were going to live! You've got to believe me when I say that you have the power to speak whatever into existence! And it is what it is! If you say your sickness is unto death, than it is! If you say this sickness is not unto death but it's to get you to discover God as a healer, than that's what it is!
Stop allowing the enemy to brow beat you over the little stuff! Don't sweat it! It's not that serious, or is it? The scripture says as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he! My question for you today is, what are you thinking about? Are you blowing up a minute issue into something bigger? Or are you looking at your circumstances as a means to see God! Because at the end of the day, your perception is your reality! Enough with the drama! Stop going overboard in your perception! It's not that deep and it doesn't take a rocket scientist to handle the matter that you need resolved! So, I ask you again, what are you thinking about?
This is our problem! Most of the time we allow the little issues to be real big because we forget that we have the authority to speak things null and void! Don't allow yourself to be a victim from your own mouth! I've seen people die from cancer because they said they were going to die! I've seen people live for 25 years more than the doctors gave them because they were settled in their mind that they were going to live! You've got to believe me when I say that you have the power to speak whatever into existence! And it is what it is! If you say your sickness is unto death, than it is! If you say this sickness is not unto death but it's to get you to discover God as a healer, than that's what it is!
Stop allowing the enemy to brow beat you over the little stuff! Don't sweat it! It's not that serious, or is it? The scripture says as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he! My question for you today is, what are you thinking about? Are you blowing up a minute issue into something bigger? Or are you looking at your circumstances as a means to see God! Because at the end of the day, your perception is your reality! Enough with the drama! Stop going overboard in your perception! It's not that deep and it doesn't take a rocket scientist to handle the matter that you need resolved! So, I ask you again, what are you thinking about?
Monday, January 09, 2006
You Do U
2006 is here in living color! If you didn't know, you better ask somebody! Things don't make sense like they used to. I remember last year when nothing out of the ordinary would take place but since January has come into play, I've had to sit back and buckle my seat belt because things are moving at such a fast pace. I'm doing all I can to keep up!
Now, in order to run this race right, it's important to have the right crowd around me. I can't operate in 2006 the way I did in 2005. A lot of people need to drop off so that I don't get weighted down with the superficial. I discovered last year that a lot of people were hanging around me for the "fishes and the loaves." A lot of people who were all about self had bombarded me and like a fool, I allowed them to stay around too long! They ended up draining me of a lot of my resources, all in the name of God! :) In 2006, I need people who are assets around me and not liabilities. The wrong people at this stage of the game will hinder my growth and keep me from walking into the promise that God has in store for me.
I'm glad that I've got a better understanding this year of what it's going to take to be effective because last year I was still thinking that I couldn't let certain people go. I was so caught up with helping everybody and rescuing everybody from destruction that I got caught in a lot of cross-fire.
In 2006, WAKE UP AND TAKE CARE OF YOUR OWN BUSINESS! Change your crowd...BIG TIME! Stop handling the business of others because they'll never ever learn unless they see you handle yours! It's tight but I know I'm right! Now is the season to make sure your business is in order. The welfare mentality that you've allowed yourself to be enundated with has got to go! So, GET RID OF IT! You do you, stop getting caught up in others!
Thursday, January 05, 2006
Stay Alert!
Things may not look like they've changed but don't believe what you see! Remember that you endured a lot in 2005 and the bottom line is you SURVIVED! There are people who gave up and died who went through less than what you've gone through, so Rejoice! Be excited because this is the season of manifestation. You're about to be hooked up to the right connections, but you've got to believe it in your spirit. If not, you'll allow yourself to be robbed of that which God has ordained for your life. Don't do this to yourself!
Be patient! Don't expect this to be an overnight work! Please don't! I'm not just speaking to you, but I'm speaking to myself. Just in the past day and a half, I allowed myself to get overworked because things were panning out the way I expected them to. I was looking at the present circumstances of life and started entertaining doubt and there you have it! Hear me, DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES ENTERTAIN spirits of defeat and discouragement! This is not the time to start second guessing yourself or anything of the sort! Check your crowd and make sure that you center yourself around people who are challenging you to go to a higher plateau and not pulling you down to a low terrain. The people you choose to be around you will either make you or break you! The choice is yours!
If you don't know, you better ask somebody!
Tuesday, January 03, 2006
Going for the Gold
I know I was looking forward to a year of NO LIMITS but today I'm feeling very vulnerable! This, I'm finding out, is a part of the process. Yesterday is gone! It'll never come back! Things will never be the way they were yesterday, so now it's vital for me to reach forward to what lies ahead! There are a lot of prayers that have been answered in 2006 already, but at first to a lot of us, we think that we've done something so wrong because things are looking like they are against us. Push through the feelings and see what you cannot see with the natural eye. Understand that seasons of transition bring about dexterity! Seasons of transition bring forth refreshing and newness that we would never have experienced if nothing changed. Change, as I said a few days ago, is good! It can hurt sometimes even if you're prepared for the change.
We get so accustomed to business as usual sometimes, we tend to think when things change course that something is wrong! God doesn't remain the same even though He said in His word that He's the same God yesterday, today and forevermore. God is moving constantly and it takes change for us to see Him! We tend to think that same ole way is the best way! That's not necessarily true! God is a movement, not a museum and sometimes it takes Him violently offending us in order for us to clearly see what He's manifesting in our presence.
Yes, I prayed for 2006 to come into play! I prayed and looked earnestly for this day and time to arrive but yet I feel so naked! This is because I'm not in control. When we're in control, we tend to think that we're running the show, but when God manifests Himself, He completely blows our ideas out of the water. He sets forth His own agenda and it's for me to submit my way to the will of God! There is no time greater and riper than now! This is the season of no limits and no boundaries! I'm not fearing anything or anyone! This is the greatest time to advance, the season of no limits and no boundaries! During this season I'm setting my sights on what's ahead of me! It's all or nothing! I'm going for the gold!
Monday, January 02, 2006
It's 2006;The Year of No Boundaries...No Limits
This is the year of sweatless victories! I'm not going to spend time laboring the way I've done in the past. Time out for that mess. There's too much going on for me to get caught up in what I see. I allowed myself to get distracted last year with that mess but not this year. I've got a lot of work to do and with God I know that all things are possible! God told me a few weeks ago as I was praying about the new year that this was going to be a year of proclamation and declaration. I've discovered that we frame our world by the words that come from our mouth. That being said, I am no longer going to be complaining about the things as they are, however, I will be speaking to the things which are not yet as though they are NOW! Did you get that? I hope so, if not reread the sentence because I don't want to retype it! :)
But 2006 is here and I'm going to get everything that God has ordained for me in this year. I'm not going to waste time this year like I did last year. If I'm the head, then I'm going to act like I'm the head. If I'm supposed to rule and reign as the scripture tells me then, why would I act like a beggar? Why would I sit and wait on a hand out?
In 2005, I allowed myself to get overwhelmed with the degradation that I saw in the youth throughout the world. I allowed myself to weep and get depressed because I didn't think that I was being effective as it pertained to my young people across the nation. However, this year, I'm proclaiming that this is the year that our youth are coming into the knowledge of who they really are. Enough is enough! I'm not going to wait on the "church" because I'd be waiting all year, so I'm proclaiming that this is the year for them to begin walking in their destiny! The youth are going to discover their purpose for which being placed on this earth!
I love my young people and would give my life for them if necessary, but I don't have to do that because Christ did already! :)
So, I'm signing off for today but again let me say this is the year of sweatless victories! This is the year to proclaim and declare your situation null and void! This is the year of NO LIMITS and NO BOUNDARIES to the IMPOSSIBLE!