Thursday, April 27, 2006
Regardless of your circumstances, bloom where you are planted! It doesn’t matter what you are facing and who is coming against you, the word of God says RULE! Now to the eye it seems strange and weird, perplexing, and inordinate that God would speak to Rule in the midst of the apartheid that is going on around you. Well, it’s just like the almighty to say just that…RULE and watch how He operates in and through you!
It’s more to the story when He speaks when it’s least convenient! For me personally, I’ve been going through my own storm and obstacle after obstacle continues to perplex me and lead me to believe that I may have done something wrong. I know that I haven’t and God has assured me that it’s not that I’ve done something wrong, the bigger picture is that He’s working some things out of me in order for me to be who He has ordained me to be! Think about it for a minute…why did God allow the people in South Africa to go through so much discourse for so many years? Why did God not move when He could have moved so quickly and it all would have come to an end…NO! God decided to work from another angle and that’s what He’s doing in and through you!
Right where you are, RULE. Even though it’s not convenient Rule anyway! Don’t let the rulers of this age get to your mind because that’s what their objective is…to get into your mind and allow you to believe that your imprisonment is not going to change! Get this…your perception is your reality! If you see yourself as ruling then you are ruling…if you see yourself as delivered, you’re delivered. If you see yourself as transformed, then you’re transformed! If you see yourself as healed, you’re healed! God said RULE because as His sons and daughters that’s what He’s given us access to. God doesn’t want us to go from level to level…He’s ordained for us to Rule and have oversight over the situations that seem to overwhelm us! So, RULE!
Don’t let your boss, spouse, family member, friends, even church folks stand in your way…the word is RULE! So get on it!
Now that’s straight up talk!
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
It's Time to Move Forward...MARCH
I don’t know about you but I’m done with the ways of old! God has enlarged my territory and I’m going somewhere with my life. I can’t allow myself to be confined to the ways of an old system…or an old way of doing something. I learned something about people who don’t understand you…some never will and others who do begin to understand will be intimidated because they think you’re going to take their “whatever” away from them.
I challenge you today to break the boundaries of the impossible and make sure that you go forth into what your purpose is here on the earth. You’ll find that many from the old guard will try to stop you! Many from the old guard will try to hinder you and stifle what God has placed inside of you. Many from the old guard will be threatened by what your purpose and destiny is in life because you will render many of them ineffective from this day forth. However, God will send you fathers and mothers to nurture you and to cover you until your season for unveiling!
I don’t know about you but I won’t spend my time in the shadows waiting for someone who isn’t coming…sometimes you have to show others that you know what God has done in your life. Sometimes it takes busting through the paradigms that others have set for you and other times there is a call for you to radically take dominion over your present circumstance!
The church has been a hospital for far too long! Not saying that there is something wrong with that because it isn’t, but we’ve majored in the minors instead of majoring in raising up the army so that the Kingdom can be advanced! Boot camp is over and it’s time to move! The next generation isn’t coming to church, ON THEIR OWN, like in the days of old, because most of what the church does is archaic! I didn’t say all, I said most! So it’s going to be important as we go further into 2006 to radically shift our mindset from being on defense to offense.
Appreciate the old guard, don’t be disrespectful, and learn as much as you can because they have a lot of wisdom. They’ve been through a lot so there is a wealth of knowledge to be gained from them…but be careful because there is also great manipulation and control that comes from MANY of them as well…
Now that’s straight up talk!
Monday, April 24, 2006
In Case You Haven't Heard...Prayer still works!
This is something that so many people think are useful but it still works! Prayer sometimes gets people so confused because many don't understand that it's simply talking to the Almighty Father! I know, for me, it's sometimes hard to visualize talking to the Lord but it's really that simple. We struggle with so many non-essential things that, if we would learn to take them to the Lord, our lives would be so much smoother.
I had to be reminded of this just the other day. Someone who is insignificant in the big picture of B.Real's life was able to get under my "skin" and before I knew it I was perplexed and ready to take matters into my own hands! I don't know why, but the slightest critique from this certain person sends me into a serious "tithy!" But, I stopped and I prayed and asked the Almighty Father to intervene. I reminded myself of who I am and what my purpose in life is and it has nothing to do with people who pontificate control on every hand! I mean, every time I turn around, there is a control issue going on and I'm not one who plays those games...But I do understand that there are a great many people in the world who are insecure and feel that if they can make you think that they have control over your life that it makes them feel better!
Oh well, I feel sorry for them but I can't allow myself to keep getting caught up in their low minded mentality! So, I'm in the process, through prayer, of changing my surroundings because what God has in me and you is too important to be "casting pearls before swine!" NOT ME!
I don't play those games and it's important that we learn to pray and seek God, the Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace, in every endeavor we pursue for He will lead us and guide us in all truth! So I declare today that the old ways have no grip on me and I'm pursuing new heights and new endeavors because I know that I've been called to greater than where I am now! I learned, through my trials and persecutions, that God is no respecter of persons...What He's done for one, He'll do the same for another! So, take this challenge the next time someone pisses you off to where you're about to explode...STOP and ask yourself, "are they worth the effort?" 9 times out of 10 you'll see that they aren't and it's no use in working yourself up for nothing so when this takes place, and believe me it will...Pray and ask God for insight! Ask the Almighty to direct your path! Ask the Lord to deliver you from the hands of your enemies...I GUARANTEE YOU He'll do it! How do I know? Because He just did it for me the other day!
Thursday, April 20, 2006
It's Settled
No matter what you go through in life, remember that any obstacles that come are not to kill you! BUT to make you stronger! You can make it if you believe you can! You can reach your goal, if and ONLY if you believe you can! You don't have to listen to the naysayers who will come and tell you that you aren't going to prosper and whatever you touch will "flop!" But if you're anything like me, you'll tell them to "go to hell!" I don't have time for anyone who has that mindset so I don't entertain that PERIOD! Bottomline is that I am who God says I am! God said it, I believe it and that settles it! I'm not going to the "next level" like so many people pontificate. My aim is to rule and reign! What other level is it after that?
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
To Text Message or NOT To Text Message...THAT'S THE QUESTION
I’ve been discussing for the past month or so different ways to communicate with the next generation of young people that are coming up and one of the easiest ways that I’ve learned to talk with them is through the cell-phone. I received some flack from the “old guard” this past weekend because I chose to send a text message to a few of my young folks who were cuttin’ up rather than get up in the midst of service and distract people. I mean, WOW! It’s amazing when you look at how things have changed and how archaic we still try to make things…when, in actuality, if we ever took the time to think smarter instead of work harder, we’d probably get a better response from our children.
One thing I’ve learned from this up and coming generation is this…YOU’VE GOT JUST A FEW MINUTES TO GET THEIR ATTENTION! If you’re successful, you’ve got them…if not just the opposite will occur! This isn’t a slight on anyone from the old guard who would rather use the old way of walking across the church to pull “little Timmy” or “little Jenny” out of service, but when you understand young people and how they operate, I choose to use the energy that I would expend walking across the church in a much more valuable way that’s all!
Some folks would say that it simply doesn't look good to be text messaging in service, CELL PHONES SHOULD BE TURNED OFF! This sounds good but it isn't realistic in the society we are living in today! You try to tell young people to turn off their cell phones and they'll look at you like you're crazy! My response is and has been, I do what it takes to reach the young folks with the least amount of attention because embarrassing them is something I don't want to do. I know the old school doesn't mind "snatching" them out, but we are in a day when young people don't have much respect for elders...whether in church or not! We have to remember that certain things are not taught in the home any more the way they were a few years back!!!!!
Anyway, it’s interesting as we look at the way the “old” school did things vs. the way that the “new” school is doing stuff, we see a dichotomy of sorts that tends to break the scale in ways beyond measure! This is the day of thinking smarter and not working harder! This is the day where you can microwave your food and have it ready in about 5 minutes rather than spend an hour preparing it in the stove/oven. This is the age where fast food is the name of the game…so why should anything else be different!
The old school needs to take some time to learn about how the new school is operating…it’s NOT THE OBLIGATION OF THE NEW SCHOOL TO SHARE WITHOUT the old school asking! Some old timers think just the opposite and feel as if the new school is supposed to run behind them and give them a book to read so they understand! NOT SO! Old timers will only understand the new school by learning to spend time with them, not by reading an article in the paper or the latest book by Tavis Smiley. It’s going to take the old school realizing that they have to take the first step…then and only then will the new school learn to appreciate and see that there are some things from the old school worth holding on to!
Now that’s straight up talk!!!!
Monday, April 17, 2006
What Now?
The church was bursting at the “seams” as people walked passed the casket that held someone rather special inside. It was as if everything was a figment of my imagination. The church, in some views, was way too small for this fallen soldier; however, it was too late for any last minute changes. The deal was done…the way was made and now it was time to pay final respects to a true soldier!
What is the best way to remember someone? Depends on who you ask…some would say “get a tattoo of their name on your shoulder or chest!” Another would say, “create a shrine somewhere-anywhere with their picture and…” while yet another would say, “the best way to remember is to serve,” or in other words, "DO WHAT THEY DID!"
This is how I choose to best remember my brother, the late Byron D. Freeman, through my service to mankind. Byron, while he walked this earth, was forever pouring into others. He never sought out any personal gratification, but his heart was with youth. Some would say, “why are you still writing about him, why don’t you just move on…the funeral is over…” I would expect that from some people because this is how we are in America. We grieve until the casket is lowered into the ground and then we go on with “business as usual” as if the person never lived. Well, that’s not me! I will never forget what my brother represented in the midst of everything he was going through because he always found time to mentor and look after young people.
We could all stand to take some lessons as we go on with our lives…but I challenge each and every one of you out there to make life count! No matter what it is you do for a living, remember you don’t make a life on what you make, you make your life on what you give. Think about that today and remember to give in the community. Remember that it’s not all about the money you bring in but it’s about the wealth of knowledge that you’re able to pour into the others who are coming behind you in the race of life.
Yes, I’ll miss my brother physically, but he’s with me in spirit and, at the end of the day, that’s what’s most important! We’ve all lost special people on this road called life and it’s important that we not let their deaths become minute but remember the “essence” of what they represented during their time here on earth!
For me, I don’t care about the trials and tribulations that are set up for me down the road because come what may, it’s important that I live life to the fullest which, to me, means helping those less fortunate. That’s what I mean when I say, “what now?” because life is scheduled and does not stop! The bottom line is that it mattered that Byron lived, but the question is, will someone be able to say the same for you?
Now that’s straight up talk…
Thursday, April 13, 2006
It's Hard to Say Good-Bye
How do I say good bye? Time is quickly approaching and I must find the words and the determination to move on. Losing someone who I loved like a brother is quite rough, but nothing that I can't handle, it's just that I don't know what to say. I guess, it'd be easier if my brother were to have lived a productive, healthy life and was well into his seventies and had children and grandchildren to carry on his legacy. It'd be different that's all I'm saying. But, rather, I'm looking into the eyes of the brothers who remain and I see despair, I see anger and hurt because so many people had hoped and prayed for a different outcome. Yet, we rejoice because our brother no longer has to live in excruciating pain.
So, I ask the question again, how do I say good bye? The words seem so final...When in reality it is final. Being as blatantly honest as I can, I don't want to say good bye but I have to say good bye...For now! I can't allow myself to act as if nothing is wrong and deal with death in an unhealthy way. I can't do what so many people do over and over and over again, which is give up and act as if all hope is gone! HELL NO! Now is not the time for giving up, it's a time to rejoice! That's why it's not hard to say good bye because, in actuality, it's not good bye...It's really, "see ya...For now!"
In remembering my brother, B-Free, I must say that his legacy is one of determination. His legacy is one of self-will because my brother should have been dead years ago. He lived because he still had work to do. He taught us how to keep on keepin' on even in the midst of despair. He was able to make money even though he couldn't work...He didn't let anyone stop him! If it could be done, he found a way to get it done! So, in closing, remember that your situation could always be worse, and if you ever feel like giving up, HOLD ON and remember that it could be worse.
Don't let anyone stop you! Keep on fighting til the fight is done! I'm going to miss my brother and I don't want to say good bye but I have no choice when you think about it. The bottomline is B-Free is finally free!
So, I ask the question again, how do I say good bye? The words seem so final...When in reality it is final. Being as blatantly honest as I can, I don't want to say good bye but I have to say good bye...For now! I can't allow myself to act as if nothing is wrong and deal with death in an unhealthy way. I can't do what so many people do over and over and over again, which is give up and act as if all hope is gone! HELL NO! Now is not the time for giving up, it's a time to rejoice! That's why it's not hard to say good bye because, in actuality, it's not good bye...It's really, "see ya...For now!"
In remembering my brother, B-Free, I must say that his legacy is one of determination. His legacy is one of self-will because my brother should have been dead years ago. He lived because he still had work to do. He taught us how to keep on keepin' on even in the midst of despair. He was able to make money even though he couldn't work...He didn't let anyone stop him! If it could be done, he found a way to get it done! So, in closing, remember that your situation could always be worse, and if you ever feel like giving up, HOLD ON and remember that it could be worse.
Don't let anyone stop you! Keep on fighting til the fight is done! I'm going to miss my brother and I don't want to say good bye but I have no choice when you think about it. The bottomline is B-Free is finally free!
Until we meet again...
Now that's straight up talk!
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Dealing with Death
How do you deal with loss? Some people don't really think about it but it's something that I have to process, otherwise I run the risk of holding on to something for years and years to come that could possibly hinder my advancement down the road. Dealing with death is very uncomfortable and if I had my choice, it's something that I'd rather not have to do, but, in this world we don't really have a choice. Death is inevitable and it's important for me to deal with things head-on rather than play the "wait and see" game. As many of you know, my fraternity brother passed away after a long fought battle with cancer. Am I upset? A little...Am I frustrated? Hell yes! Am I ready to quit and call it a day? I answer a resounding NO!
Yes, I'm hurt that my brother, that I had been praying and praying and praying for died, but what can I do about it? Most people like to bury their sorrows with sex, drugs, and alcohol but I've tried some of that and all it does is suppress the anger, frustration, abandonment, etc. So what else is there to do? Well, I learned a while back when I lost my mentor in 1998 that talking about it is a good start. Being able to frame it and give the issue some substance is the best way to get started. During death all types of feelings tend to come up that you never knew you still carried with you. I'm not talking about the feelings of loss, I'm talking about a lot of stuff that has nothing to do with the person who has passed but emotions from your childhood that, if not addressed, could hinder you from having a quality life, marriage, family, being a productive parent, etc.
I never, in a million years, would have figured that a death could cause and stir so much emotion, but it does because of the finality that death brings to a situation. I am not one to hold back my feelings, I used to do that and it would only cause a lot of frustration down the road so that's why I share the way I do because I really want to help others as I help myself and make sure that I'm looking at things from a good perspective.
So whatever you have to do to deal, please do so because you are human and the loss of someone hurts! Hurts like hell but God will see you through! I'm a believer in that because He did it for me and I'm relying on Him to do it through this situation...I've come to find that you never get over death but you learn how to adjust. Those who don't learn how to adjust are the ones who suffer the greatest because their life is now out of balance. Make sure this doesn't happen to you, don't try to be too strong, remember, you are human and it takes time. I lost my father in 1998 and I still have my moments so know this day that WITH GOD, you will be just fine. He understands our tears...Even the silent ones.
Now that's straight up talk!
So whatever you have to do to deal, please do so because you are human and the loss of someone hurts! Hurts like hell but God will see you through! I'm a believer in that because He did it for me and I'm relying on Him to do it through this situation...I've come to find that you never get over death but you learn how to adjust. Those who don't learn how to adjust are the ones who suffer the greatest because their life is now out of balance. Make sure this doesn't happen to you, don't try to be too strong, remember, you are human and it takes time. I lost my father in 1998 and I still have my moments so know this day that WITH GOD, you will be just fine. He understands our tears...Even the silent ones.
Now that's straight up talk!
Monday, April 10, 2006
Remembering My Brother, B-Free
I'm struggling this morning because I lost my fraternity brother to a long hard fight against cancer. I can't say I was surprised but it's something about the finality of death that hits you like a ton of bricks. Byron had struggled for so long and always beat the odds so it seemed as if the last week were but a dream because he was so strong and was always pulling through the worst with flying colors! So, while sitting in church, hearing my phone vibrate, I wasn't prepared to see that he had finally taken his last breath. With all the preparation that I had put myself through, all the feelings of anger, disappointment, frustration, the questions of why him and not me (the same exact feelings that I went through when my frat brother, Kevin passed last year), all these questions rushed to the forefront of my mind and I really had no answers...
I didn't know what to do but I knew I needed to leave service to gather my thoughts and "get myself together." While doing so, I went and got my sands out of service to make sure he was aware of the situation and we instantly began to reflect on Byron and his strength. You see, there is a serious lesson to be learned in all of this that I can't help but share. (I'll try to do this without shedding tears, so let's see how it goes)
In life, no one is guaranteed tomorrow so it's important to make each day count! No matter the circumstances, Byron was never known to complain, he kept pressing through and still maintained a "good" face for us. I believe with my whole heart that he did that for his family and fraternal family and for others who were watching him from a distance. Having experienced his father pass away due to cancer, I'm sure that it was in the back of his mind that he was not going to allow cancer to alter his life in a way that he wouldn't be able to live!
It's amazing that very few of us will ever understand the pain that he was in but will live a life that is less flourishing than his was because we don't appreciate the life we have before us. As I stated earlier, life is not guaranteed. As I'm writing this now, in another hour I could be gone as well, so we can't spend time complaining and talking about what ifs and stuff like that...It does no good! We have to make it count and it has to matter that we were born! Life is something to be lived and not wasted away with complaining and petty bull...
Yes, the finality of death hits hard because one thing that I couldn't handle is seeing my brother in all the pain that he was in. But, being honest, as much as I wanted the pain to be done and over with, I held out hope because he ALWAYS pulled through, so the finality of hearing that he was finally gone hit me REAL HARD!
So, what else is there to say but so long B-Free, you were a true soldier...You fought a good fight, kept the faith and have now finished your course. You are now resting with your father and the many others who have gone on before you. We'll miss you but you will NEVER be forgotten...Until we meet again!
Thursday, April 06, 2006
Be Real or Don't Be
The day we are living in is quite serious. Time waits for no one and right now is not the time to play games and keep doing the same thing, expecting different results! Remember, that's the definition of a FOOL and I ain't nobody's fool, so what else is there? What time is it? Thanks for asking...It's time to BE REAL or Don't BE! Plain and simple, too much is at stake and there are real life issues that we are all faced with to where we don't have time for the bullsh** that many of us put up with on a daily basis!
In the words of one of my fraternity brothers, Tito, it's time to "step up or step down!" :) You are either going to put an end to the drama that people continue to bring you or you're going to run the risk of getting "caught up" in the hype and lost in the hustle! I, for one, have ceased from the endless meetings and escapades that my church, job, family, and children have put me through. I'm done with doing the things that don't work, as if they were going to miraculously change course! (hocus pocus) I've got real life circumstances that I'm faced with and after visiting B-free a few days ago I have become energized yet again to stay in the press, BUT cut off unnecessary weight!
Stepping up or stepping down requires you to come to grips with yourself, first, and determine who you are and what your capabilities are. If you're far spent, look at the excess and decide what's got to go! You and I are not the masters of the universe and looking at B-free, I'm reminded that none of us are promised a tomorrow, so know that life is what you make of it! I don't know about you but I refuse to spend everyday worried about church, job, family, fraternal, or any other issues that I can't change. I've got one shot and I've got to be like Eminem and lose myself in the moment because it may NEVER ever come back again! When I leave this earth and come face to face with the ALMIGHTY I want it to be said that it mattered that I was born. I want to live the abundant life pontificated about in the scriptures and I don't see that happening as long as I'm tied down to the bureaucracy of crap in the low plains.
"Be real or don't be" is a great model to live by and from this day forward that's it! I'm here to move forward with the purpose that I was created and it's important to make each day count! If B-free can do it in his present situation, what am I complaining about?
Now that's straight up talk!
In the words of one of my fraternity brothers, Tito, it's time to "step up or step down!" :) You are either going to put an end to the drama that people continue to bring you or you're going to run the risk of getting "caught up" in the hype and lost in the hustle! I, for one, have ceased from the endless meetings and escapades that my church, job, family, and children have put me through. I'm done with doing the things that don't work, as if they were going to miraculously change course! (hocus pocus) I've got real life circumstances that I'm faced with and after visiting B-free a few days ago I have become energized yet again to stay in the press, BUT cut off unnecessary weight!
Stepping up or stepping down requires you to come to grips with yourself, first, and determine who you are and what your capabilities are. If you're far spent, look at the excess and decide what's got to go! You and I are not the masters of the universe and looking at B-free, I'm reminded that none of us are promised a tomorrow, so know that life is what you make of it! I don't know about you but I refuse to spend everyday worried about church, job, family, fraternal, or any other issues that I can't change. I've got one shot and I've got to be like Eminem and lose myself in the moment because it may NEVER ever come back again! When I leave this earth and come face to face with the ALMIGHTY I want it to be said that it mattered that I was born. I want to live the abundant life pontificated about in the scriptures and I don't see that happening as long as I'm tied down to the bureaucracy of crap in the low plains.
"Be real or don't be" is a great model to live by and from this day forward that's it! I'm here to move forward with the purpose that I was created and it's important to make each day count! If B-free can do it in his present situation, what am I complaining about?
Now that's straight up talk!
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
Be Strong B-Free
IT'S NOT OVER TIL GOD SAYS IT'S OVER! If you've still got fight in you...Fight on! Whatever the case may be that you're going through remember who you are! Remember that you've been in the grind and fighting for survival for a long long time. Don't let anyone or anything stop you. Don't let the doctor's report keep you from walking. Stand strong and understand that this hustle isn't just your fight, it's all of our fight. If one goes down we all go down, so don't let anyone box you in and force you to live by a set of rules that keep you from being who God ordained you to be.
You may ask, "what's got into B.Real?" Thanks for asking....One of my fraternity's bruh's was given up on by the doctor's just last week. I visited him last night and what I saw brought tears to my eyes. I saw a young brother who was living because he still had a will! That's the power of expectation ya'll. You don't have to go out when people say so...You go when you are ready! That's all I've got to say for today because this thing is hard for me. Keepin' it real with you, this is hitting me just like IT hit me last year when my fraternity brother, Kevin aka Tippy, passed away.
Sometimes I think when things like this occur that it's so unfair! I'm like why? Why do bad things happen to good people? These are questions that I ask because it's in me to help people. I had to force myself to stay seated last night as my brother was walking back and forth trying to do things for me and the bruhs that were with me. Get that? You'd think that the brother would be laid back in his bed singing a "swan" song or something but NO, he was trying to serve us! I got a headache because if there was something...ANYTHING that I could do, I would to change the situation. But, at this point, all I can do is do what I've been doing. PRAY!
Because bottomline, if anyone can make the transition, it's God! I don't know about you but in God I find peace at this particular moment because when one goes down, it's as if I'm going down, so God brings the equilibrium through the complications of life!
Enough said...Just wanted to be straight up with you today! Remember death and life is in the power of the tongue...B-free is still here because his will is to be here. When he's ready to go...Then he'll sleep with his fathers that have gone before. Until then...Be strong B-free!!!!
Monday, April 03, 2006
The Game has Changed the Name
Times and seasons are precious and for the past year I've been blogging to this particular site and I must say that I've truly enjoyed myself. It's been interesting taking the struggles that I go through on a daily basis and putting them into concrete words that I have to force myself to look at! It's been quite a journey over this past year. One thing that I can say, for sure, that has come from all of this is an ability to speak and stand behind what I say! It's important, being someone who has been called before the foundation of the world was laid to preach the good news, to be REAL!
With that said, this is a season in which God has called me to do more than just pontificate but be more proactive in my approach to reach this generation. In so doing, it's important that I be strategic in my assault against the "evil" one. He's up to NO good and it's time for his tactics to be exploited! One way to do this is through infiltration! This is something that the "glorious" church forgets about because we're focused on the wrong things in this day and age. We refuse, for some reason, to update our tactics to be able to counteract the attack of the enemy. It's sad but true! For the past few weeks, I've been trying to use this arena to help many of you out there who feel inclined to be a part of the liberation of our youth from the oppression that the church has helped to propagate! Now, again, before you go and think I'm attacking the church, being a product of the "church" if anyone can critique, I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that I'm well qualified and, as my boy TI would say, I'm "west-side certified" to do so! But, I'll save that for later!
However, this is a season to go forward not backward so this is exactly what I'm doing! From this day forward I'm taking the name "Pastor Rich" and I'm laying it aside. I didn't say that I'm not Pastor Rich because there is no way I can stop being who God has called me to be! I'm a pastor whether I want to be one or not, so this isn't the case. But the name has been changed to go after those who have a negative connotation of the word, PASTOR! I don't know what will come from this because this is something that I've been praying about for quite sometime now. I've discussed the concept of changing my screen name with a few people but the final decision was mine to make. It goes back to times and seasons.
The season has changed and it's time to take the "game" to the next level. From this day forth my name shall no longer be Pastor Rich. It was good for the season that I used it, but it's now time to delve a little deeper into what is taking place in the "not so distant" future. I shall now go by the name of "B.Real!!!!"
Technically, this is what I'm doing day-in and day-out anyway, so WHY NOT? Again, there are those who will continue to refer to me as Pastor Rich and that's quite okay but as I go forward with the spoken word in the community and throughout the nation, it's important that I stay tuned into what the "fish" are biting at! God, the Almighty, has called me to be a "fisher of men" and that requires me to use some bait that is attractive to fish. Well, in this season it's all in the name. I've been keepin' it real for so long, hey, I figure the name B.Real fits just great! I'm still a priest because God called all of US to labor in the priesthood as His representatives to the nations, so now that that's that...this is how the game will be played from hereonin!
Now that's straight up talk from the heart of a PRIEST!